
Mistakes and Heartache

Word Count: 1245

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x  Reader

Warnings: angst, language

A/N: Request from   , Feel free to drop me a request and enjoy the story!

Summary: Would it have been better if you hadn't said anything? Would he still talk to you? Would you have felt less a lone?


You tapped away at your phone screen as you walked down the stairs of Lux. Said night club was currently closed as it was the middle of the day, but you weren't there for the alcohol or the music, you were there to meet the owner.

"Do you ever look up from that screen? You pay more attention to that little device than you do to me darling."

You rolled your eyes, slipping your phone into your pocket. You looked over at Lucifer and opened your mouth to reply, however your smart ass remark died on your tongue when you saw the woman standing next to him.

"Oh, I didn't realize anyone else was here." You smiled politely.

You shot Lucifer a questioning look.The woman regarded you with cold, and rather unfriendly look.

"This is Alice." He said when he realized she had no intention of telling you her name.

You smiled once more, turning to the woman.

"It's nice to meet you Alice, I'm Y/N, Lucifer's friend, how do you know Lucifer?"

You held out your hand for her to shake. For a moment it seemed as though she wouldn't take your hand and when she finally did, she held your hand as if you had so sort of disease.

"I'm his girlfriend."

You pulled your hand back with a frown. He hadn't told you he started dating, and he told you everything. There was something off about her though but when you saw Lucifer's smile, you decided not to say anything. Despite your choice not to say anything your heart still ached at the fact he had found someone else.

"Right... anyway, are we still going out to lunch?"

"Yes of-"

Alice grabbed his arm, as she practically sneered at you.

"Lucifer, you still need to take me to get a dress for dinner tomorrow night." Alice interrupted.

Lucifer looked between you and Alice for a moment.

"I'm sure we can get one tomorrow my dear, I did promise Y/N we'd go to her favorite cafe today."

You suddenly felt the urge to wrap your hands around her neck when she gave you a snobbish look, as if she thought you were beneath her.

"I'd rather go today, you can get food with, whatever her name was, later."

"Bitch." You mumble under your breath.

They didn't seem to hear you.

"Y/N." Lucifer corrected her, frowning.

"Right, Y/N." Alice said giving you an unreadable expression from the corner of her eye.

You suddenly felt very unwelcome and decided it was best to take your leave.

"We can just reschedule Luc, no problem." You smiled.

"Are you sure darling?"

You waved a hand dismissively and gave Lucifer a quick hug.

"Yeah, it's just food." You forced a smile.

Then you left, and had you known how sour things would so quickly become, maybe you would have been honest. That was your first mistake.


Lucifer hadn't been answering your calls or your texts. At first, you had thought nothing of it, maybe he was busy, and so you let it slide.


You shook your head, as if that would silence the voice of reason that slowly grew louder. As you walked you noticed something out of the corner of your eye.

You turned your head to watch her for a moment. The man she was with was definitely not Lucifer. You watched for a few seconds longer, your curiosity turning into rage when you saw her kiss the man before getting up to leave. However, when she saw you watching from across the street she gave you a smug smile that made your blood boil. Foregoing your original plans of seeing Ella, you tried to call Lucifer, which of course he ignored.

"Pick up the damn phone Lucifer." You muttered.

When you had tried calling several times and received no answer, you headed straight to Lux. It seemed as though the elevator was moving unusually slow. When the doors finally slid open, you hurried out. Lucifer was standing by his piano, buttoning his shirt. He was dressed in a pressed black tux, and he smelled like aftershave.

"Lucifer I-"

"Y/N! Would you be a dear and hand me, my tie?"

He motioned towards the couch and you grabbed his black tie, handing it to him.

"Thank you, darling."

You watched him put his tie on for a moment.

"Lucifer I need to talk to you."

You watched him walk around the penthouse, not fully listening to you.

"Can it wait? I'm about to go to dinner with Alice."

You frowned and stepped in front of him blocking his path. He finally gave you his full attention, not that you were giving him much of a choice.

"It's about , can you just stop and listen to me for one minute!" You snapped.

He had been ignoring you all week, and any patience you had was slowly wearing away at the seams.

"She's a bitch Lucifer she's a cruel woman, who doesn't care about you! She doesn't deserve you! She's cheating on you!"

His expression went from surprised to cold, and a frown tugged at his lips. He stepped away from you.

"It seems she was right about you, yet I never thought you'd stoop so low as to tell lies like that Y/N."

That hit you like someone had just thrown a bucket of ice water on you. You stared at him in disbelief.


He glared at you with such disappointment that you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.

"I think it might be best if you leave."

You didn't argue, in fact you didn't say anything. You just turned around, and walked out, just like he wanted. You had passed Alice on your way out, and almost punched her when she looked at you with a knowing smile. Like she had planned your falling out with Lucifer. You had almost walked away, but grabbed her arm at the last minute.

"You don't deserve someone like Lucifer. He's smart, and he'll figure out what time of person you really are. And when he does I sincerely hope you get that's coming to you."


Lucifer hesitated a moment as he stood outside your door. He just stared at your door. He wasn't expecting it to open though. You stood on the other side, eyes red and tired, and he realized you had crying. Regret ate at his heart, and for a few short seconds he remained silent.

"You've been standing outside my door for five minutes Lucifer, what do you want?" Your voice sounded raw.

"You were right."

You didn't respond, but you did open the door moving to the side to let him in. Lucifer hurried inside and you closed the door with a heavy sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Lucifer looked at you, like he was trying to solve an impossible riddle. He couldn't understand why you weren't angry, or turning him away. You noticed the conflicted look in his eyes and smiled a little.

"I'm not mad Lucifer, I love you, you idiot."

The smile he gave you only made your own grow wider. You grabbed the bottle of whiskey that you had planned on drinking alone.

"Do you want to get drunk?"

"You're a mind reader love."

You opened the bottle, grabbing two cups, you handed him one of the cups, and sat down beside him on the couch.

"You know, that reservation I had is still available if you'd like to go, my dear."

You took a sip of your whiskey, raising an eyebrow.

"You're asking me on a date?"

Lucifer shrugged looking a little sheepish. You let him sit there, nervous, for a moment before you kissed him. He blinked slowly, not yet processing the fact that you had just done that.

"I'd love to Luci."