
Day With The Devil Part 3

Word Count: 1418

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x reader

Warnings: none, brief angst

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: After a lot of discussion, (Lucifer annoying you until you caved in), you had agreed to move into his penthouse with him. He was adamant about spending as much time with you and Lucy as possible. Of course when you tell him you need to leave him alone with her for a few hours, he looks like a deer caught in headlights. You’re sure he’ll do great… you’re vaguely sure he will.


“Have you seen my phone?” You asked.

You had been searching the penthouse for nearly half an hour now but kept coming up empty. You were certain you had with you whenever you got here. Lucifer was no help, to busy messing with his own phone to pay attention.

“Mommy, Lucifer has your phone.” Lucy said from her spot on the couch.

She hadn’t yet called Lucifer dad or anything like it, much to his dismay. You assured him she would eventually, she was still getting use to actually having a father. It was new to her. Despite your reassurances he was still distraught.


He looked up and you placed your hands on your hips raising an eyebrow.

“Why in dad’s name do you have me in your phone as a devil emoji?” He asked.

You shrugged, plucking the phone from his hands. He had been going through your contacts, adding a few and changing names. You assumed ‘feathered ass’ was Amenadiel. He was just about to change his contact when you snatched the phone back.

“Seems fitting.” You teased.

He looked at you offended you would even joke about that.

“It most certainly is not, I don’t even have horns!” He huffed.

You smiled when he glared at your phone, your smile faded however, when you saw the many missed messages from your work.


You quickly grabbed your jacket, rushing towards the elevator, cursing under your breath.

“Lucifer, I have to go into work, it’ll only be for a couple of hours, I’m really sorry.”

He looked at you confused, he didn’t understand why you were apologizing. It took him a moment but when he finally realized why he quickly hurried after you. He grabbed your arm to slow you down for a moment.

“Wait, you aren’t taking Lucy with you?”

You shook your head at him as you zipped up your jacket.

“To work? No.”

He glanced at the little girl, who was too distracted by the TV to notice what was going on.

“You can’t leave her here with me, , darling, I haven’t the faintest idea how to look after a human child.”

You only pulled his hand from your arm. You held his hand reassuringly and gave him a quick kiss.

“Then I guess it’s a good thing she isn’t human.” You winked.

You had yet to actually tell your daughter she was a Nephilim. You figured it would be a conversation for when she was older, like a weirder more complex version the sex talk. Lucifer looked terrified at the thought of being left alone with her and you had to stifle a laugh at the fact the devil was afraid of a five-year old.

“You’ll be fine, I trust you, but I really have to go.”

You gave Lucy a quick kiss on the top of her head before hurrying out. He stared at the doors of the elevator for a moment and slowly turned to look at Lucy. She sat on the couch, kicking her feet, watching him.

“I don’t suppose you drink?” Lucifer muttered.

She shook her head, making a face. Lucifer made his way to his bar, and poured himself a drink.

’’ Lucifer thought bitterly.

“Right, well I certainly need one.” He muttered.

Lucy slid off the couch and made her way over to him. She tried to peak over the counter best she could, standing on her tiptoes. Lucifer watched her a small smile playing on his lips.

“I’m bored.” Lucy announced.

He laughed and leaned forward.

“And what is it you want to do?”

She had decided on hide and seek which he didn’t fully get the concept of, but attempted to try it anyways. Of course that had resulted in him 'losing’ her. In a panic he had called Linda, claiming it was an emergency. She rushed over, looking worried as she watched Lucifer pace nervously.


He looked slightly more at ease after seeing her.

“Lucifer what happened? Is everything ok?”

“I can’t find Lucy!”

Linda blinked and frowned, confused.


Lucifer started pacing again.

“Lucille, my daughter!”

Linda’s expression went from confusion, to shock, and then back to confusion.

“You have a daughter?”

Lucifer waved a hand dismissively.

“Yes, I’ve only just found out about her, but that’s not the point Doctor! She’s missing, Y/N trusted me to watch her and I’ve lost our daughter!”

Linda took a deep breath and nodded. This was a lot for her to process.

“And Y/N is?”

Lucifer sighed, he figured she’d have questions, but he really just wanted to find Lucy.

“Lucille’s mother, my girlfriend I suppose, we haven’t really discussed that, Doctor please, can we stay on track.” Lucifer said looking increasingly more stressed.

“Ok, calm down, she probably couldn’t have gotten far, what was she doing last?”

“Hiding, she said she was bored, so I agreed to play a game with her.”

Linda raised her eyebrows, and let out a sigh of relief. She tried not to smile at the misunderstanding, especially since Lucifer seemed genuinely distraught over the thought of losing his daughter and you being disappointed in him.

“Lucifer, she’s not missing, it’s hide-and-seek, you’re supposed to find her.” Linda explained.

Lucifer stared at her blankly and Linda shook her head.

“Just look for her, everything is fine.”

Linda went to leave and Lucifer started to panic.

“Wait! You aren’t staying?”

“I have patients to see today.”


“Goodbye Lucifer.”

She walked into the elevator giving him a small reassuring smile.

“Bloody hell.”

He cursed whenever the doors closed, and he was once again left alone to wonder where his daughter was. He made his way into his bedroom, looking around for any sign that she was in there. Hearing a giggle he made his way into the closet and noticed some of his suits move. Lucifer smirked, slowly making his way over to that side of his closet. He pulled back his suits, and Lucy squealed with laughter as he grabbed her.

“You, my little spawn, are an expert at this game.”

Lucifer said as he carried her back out to the living room. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling happily.

“Can we play again daddy?”

Lucifer stopped mid step in shock. That was the first time she had called him that, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. There was no way he could possibly say no after that.

“Of course we can.”

You tiredly made your way into the Penthouse. You wound up having to stay longer than you had planned. You hoped Lucifer didn’t have too much trouble with Lucy. You felt bad for leaving him alone with her for so long, especially since he had seemed so against it. Your worries immediately faded away after seeing the sight before you. Lucifer was sitting on the couch, intently focused on the colorful cartoon on the TV. Lucy sat on his lap, sleeping against his chest, even drooling slightly. That didn’t seem to bother him though.


You smiled and as quietly as you could, managed to snap a picture of them before Lucifer noticed you standing there. You walked over to them, combing your fingers through Lucy’s hair.

“Well, well, it seems like you survived.” You teased.

He glanced up at you.

“It would appear so.”

He gently shook Lucy, who sat up rubbing her eyes.

“Off to bed, little one.”

She yawned, sliding off his lap and making her way towards her bedroom.

“Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy.”

You raised both your eyebrows, sitting down next to him. Lucifer wrapped an arm around your waist and you laid your head on his shoulder.

“Daddy huh? I guess today went pretty well then?”

He smiled, shrugging slightly.

“For the most part, although I do wish you had warned me about our daughters endless amounts of energy.” Lucifer sighed.

“Hey she gets that from you, I’ve never seen someone bounce from one thing to the next as much as you.” You laughed.

“Touché however I am positive her attitude is entirely yours, love.”

You rolled your eyes but smiled nevertheless.

“You love it.”

“I love you.”

You sat up to look at him, slightly caught off guard by that. His eyes searched yours as if trying to find assurance that he didn’t just scare you off. His worrying ceased though whenever you capture his lips with your own.

“I love you too Lucifer.”