
Caught In Between

Word Count: 1508

Pairings:  Lucifer Morningstar x reader, John Constantine x reader

Warnings: love triangle, lol enough said

A/N: Request from an awesome person on Wattpad, , check her out! She really helped me brainstorm! Enjoy!

Summary: To say you were caught in between two worlds would not be exactly accurate. What would be more accurate was to say you were caught between two men in one world.


John walked down the stairs of Lux, his eyes scanning the crowd of people. He had heard rumors that the devil had set up shop at this nightclub, Lux. John mostly suspected that it was just a regular man, with a devilish name. To be on the safe side he chose to check it out regardless. He made his way to the bar and noticed you sitting a lone, watching the people.

"Hello love, drinking a lone tonight?" John asked, ever the flirt.

You turned your head to look at him and smiled. You took a sip of your drink before answering.

"Waiting for someone." You shrugged.

"Ah, boyfriend?"

You raised an eyebrow and turned fully to face him.

"I'm single. Trying to test if you had a chance?" You smirked.

John didn't get a chance to respond as black haired man walked up to you.

"Y/N, when did you get here my dear?"

The color drained from John's face as he stared at the man. It was someone he recognized all to well and his heart dropped realizing the rumors had been true. The devil really had come to LA.

"I just got here, you were playing the piano I didn't want to interrupt you." You said.

Lucifer's eyes landed on John and his smile grew.

"Oh well hello there."

You looked between the two of them, curiously.

"Do you two know each other?"

"Oh yes John and I are old friends." Lucifer said.

"We're friends." John hissed.

Lucifer's smile remained, and he turned his attention back to you.

"You best stay away from him love, he's bad news." John warned.

Lucifer's smile fell slightly and you looked at John, your expression neutral as you tried to read the atmosphere.

"Because he's the devil?" You asked casually.

John's stunned expression was enough to make you laugh slightly.

"Luci here was just about to take me to a late night diner, my favorite place are you going to join us?"

Lucifer looked ready to protest but you shot him a look warning him against it. Be it the fact that John seemed to want to get under Lucifer's skin or his was genuinely interested in going with you, he said yes.

To say the walk there was full of awkward tension and snide remarks would have been and understatement. You were convinced if you weren't standing between the two of them, they would have killed each other. You had for the most part tuned their back handed comments out. That was until John said something that broke the already fragile sense of peace between the three of you.

"Yeah? Well at least I don't get my rocks off running hell."

Lucifer's eyes flashed dangerously, and he turned on John.

"I am retired." Lucifer hissed venomously.

"Oh look we're here!" You practically shouted.

They both turned to look at you and seemed to realize other people had begun to stare. They followed you inside the diner and you picked a booth as far away from other people as possible. It seemed that vague resemblance of peace had been restored.

"Alright, play nice boys, at least until I finish my food." You teased.

"Of course my dear, that won't be a problem for me." Lucifer said giving John a sideways glance.

"Aye, I'm sure the will have no problem being nice." John mumbled under his breath.

"How's the demon blood Johnny? Hope those dark urges aren't too much." Lucifer asked with a sugarcoated voice.

"Sod off you sorry excuse for an angel."

You noticed the look the waitress who had arrived gave them and all you could off her was a sheepish smile. For the most part your meal was undisturbed by the two of them, in fact you had spent most of the time chatting with John. When it came time for you to leave you politely refused either of their offers to walk you home.

You would have liked to say that was the end of the strange ordeal but that would have been a lie. In truth, it had just been the beginning, over the next few weeks you had gotten close to John and Lucifer seemed to be even more intent on spending time with you. You on the other hand felt like getting wasted so you could have just a moment of reprieve from the insanity around you.

"I think you may have had enough darling."

You looked over as Lucifer walked up to you watching you down your fourth shot, or was it your fifth? You couldn't remember.

"I think I haven't had enough. I'm still conscious." You mumbled.

You went to take another shot but Lucifer pulled it away from you.

"You can't drink away your problems."

You laughed dryly at that and rested your head on your hand, giving him a drunken smile.

"It must be bad if the devil is being the voice of reason." You giggled.

Lucifer looked appalled and finished your shot off himself.

"You've made me the responsible one, this is shameful."

You rolled your eyes and slid off the bar stool. You stumbled slightly, waving Lucifer off when he tried to steady you.

"Where are you off to?" He chuckled when you stuck your tongue out at him.

"Home. I'm going to curl up with a fluffy blanket on my couch."

"Maybe I could join you, I hear I'm an excellent cuddler." He winked.

You smiled, shaking your head.

"Maybe next time Luci."

You turned to leave and he grabbed your arm.

"Call a cab Y/N, I'd feel awful if I let you walk out like this and something happened." Lucifer said seriously.

You nodded slowly surprised by his worried expression. His grip tightened slightly and for a moment he looked nervous. That was not an expression you had ever seen on him.

"Lucifer? Are you alright?"

He let go of your arm, his expression back to its usual cocky smile.

"Yes of course but Y/N, before you do..."

He kissed you catching you off guard. He had never done that before. Honestly you were surprised he had never tried to find anything with you.

"If you wouldn't mind I'd like to take you to dinner tomorrow." Lucifer said.

"Lucifer I-"

"Think about it."

He walked away before you could say anything more. After standing there in stunned silence you stumbled up the stairs pulling out your phone as you walked outside. You had just been about to press call when a shout caught your attention.


John smiled as he stopped beside you. You smiled back, slipping your phone back into your pocket.

"Havin' a fun night are we?" John asked watching you sway slightly.

"Yep, but I'm gonna head home now. I just gotta call a cab."

Your words slurred slightly and John chuckled.

"Save your money love, I'll walk you." He offered.

You were too tired to argue or refuse so you agreed to let him take you. The walk was peaceful, and he caught you every time you stumbled. Once you reached your apartment you thanked John and stood there as he licked his lips nervously.

"Listen Y/N, I'll be leaving town soon."

You frowned and your hand fell away from the door.

"Why? Did Lucifer say something?"

He chuckled shaking his head.

"No, I came here to check somethin' out, now it's time for me to go."

You frowned and leaned on the wall watching him light a cigarette.

"I'll miss you John."

He smiled at that and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"Ta love, I'll miss you too."

He looked away this time, seeming slightly more nervous than before.

"You could come with me, I could teach ya some magic." He offered.

Your eyes widened in surprise and John stomped his cigarette out.

"What happened to being too dangerous to be around?" You asked.

John shrugged, staring up at the sky.

"You're best friends with the bloody devil Y/N. I think you would do just fine." He winked.

You smiled slightly, and he looked back at you for a moment.

"You don't have to decided right now. Give us a call when you've thought about it."

You watched him walk away before hurrying inside your apartment.

'Relax Y/N... You can figure this out...' You thought to yourself.

You sat on your couch, chewing your nail as you stared at your phone. These last few weeks had went from stressful, to strange, and now confusing. Now both men had basically asked you to choose them and you had no idea what to do or how you were going to handle this. The longer you stared at your phone the more you found yourself slowly giving into the urge to call him. To hear his voice.

You reached for your phone, holding your breath as you waited for him to answer.


You felt a fresh wave of relief wash over you and you smiled.

"Hey Lucifer it's me, I'd love to have dinner tomorrow, if the offer is still open."............................................................