
Lucifer--God returns

menghao_sun · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

The Battle of Rivva

This is my first time entering Zixue's boudoir. Her room is arranged very elegantly, basically with a light purple tone. I found a chair to sit down, and Zixue sat beside me. For a long time, neither of us said a word.

Finally, I broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was too hot-tempered. I know you're looking out for me, but I don't think I did anything wrong. I'm just pursuing victory. Is that wrong?"

Zixue glanced at me and said softly, "Do as you wish."

I looked at her and said, "Are you still mad at me?"

Zixue shook her head.

I continued, "Do you know your sister also wants to challenge Rivva?"

Zixue lifted her head in astonishment and said, "What did you say? My sister wants to challenge Rivva too?"

I was also surprised and said, "You didn't know? I thought it was your idea for your sister to do this."

Zixue's cheeks flushed red, and she said, "Why do you doubt me? Don't I know that you want to challenge Rivva? You've done so much for this. With our relationship, you still doubt me?"

I was left speechless and stammered, "I..."

Zixue said, "Don't say anything. I'll take you to see my sister. You can ask her yourself." With that, she grabbed my hand and started to lead me out.

I hastily said, "Zixue, please don't be angry. Listen to my explanation, I don't doubt you, I..."

Ignoring my protests, Zixue continued to pull me towards a nearby room and said, "My sister is inside. Ask her yourself." She knocked on the door, and Ziyuan's voice came from inside.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, sister. I brought Leixiang here. He wants to ask you why you want to challenge Rivva."

"Oh, wait a moment."

After a short while, the door opened, and Ziyuan stepped out. She glanced at her pale-faced sister and then turned to me with a cold voice, "Did you bully my sister? Why does she look so unwell?"

Before I could reply, Zixue interjected, "Sis, he didn't bully me. Why do you want to challenge Rivva?"

Ziyuan said, "It's nothing. Rivva keeps bothering me, so I want to give him some trouble."

Zixue turned to me and said, "You heard that. It wasn't me who asked my sister to do this. Are you satisfied now?" Tears welled up in her big eyes.

I awkwardly said, "Zixue, please, don't cry."

Ziyuan looked at us in astonishment. Seeing Zixue cry, she suddenly became furious. "You said you didn't bully my sister, but I've heard about your misdeeds. I didn't expect you to not only be ruthless to your opponents but also to bully my sister. I won't let you off lightly," she said, raising her hand as if to strike.

I hurriedly explained, "It's not like that. Please don't misunderstand."

Zixue wiped away the tears on her face and said to Ziyuan, "Sister, don't be like this. I came here with him this time to ask you to cancel your challenge against Rivva."

Ziyuan frowned and asked, "Why?"

Zixue replied, "Because he wants to challenge Rivva too. There can't be two people challenging at the same time, right?"

Ziyuan raised an eyebrow and said, "Just because you want to challenge Rivva, you're overestimating yourself."

Her words instantly angered me, and I said, "Why can't I challenge him? At worst, I'll lose, but I just want to try. Since you know how formidable Rivva is, what's the point of challenging him? It's just giving him a chance to show off. But for me, it's different. I challenge him to prove that he's not the strongest."

Surprisingly, Ziyuan's eyes showed a hint of admiration. She nodded and said, "Good, you're very courageous. I'll give you this opportunity. I also want to see what makes you think you can challenge Rivva. If it's just based on the strength you showed when you fought my father that day, I'm afraid you won't even touch the edge of Rivva's power. Think it over."

I arrogantly replied, "I've already thought it through. Challenging a strong opponent is a joy in itself for me."

Ziyuan looked at Zixue and asked, "What do you say, little sister?"

With tear-filled eyes, Zixue said, "It's his choice. Whatever he wants to do, let him do it."

Ziyuan comforted her, "Men should have their own pursuits. You should support him for his courage. Stop crying and be strong."

I didn't expect Ziyuan to speak up for me. My opinion of her improved considerably.

Ziyuan turned to me and said, "You don't need to worry about my sister anymore. Just focus on preparing yourself. According to the academy's regulations, if I withdraw, two days later will be your time to challenge Rivva. I hope to witness a showdown between strong opponents, not a one-sided affair."

Thinking of Rivva's arrogant demeanor, a strong sense of determination surged within me. I turned to Zixue and said, "Can you walk me out?"

Zixue nodded.

We walked hand in hand all the way to the Duke's mansion gate. Gently, I said to her, "Don't be mad at me, okay? I never doubted your intentions. In my heart, you're the most important, and no one can replace that."

Zixue nestled into my embrace, pressing her body tightly against mine, and said, "Be careful. I was too willful."

With Zixue's forgiveness, my heart felt considerably relieved. I held her close, inhaling the scent of her hair, and said, "Good girl. By the way, why did your sister suddenly speak up for me? She didn't give me that impression before."

Zixue looked up, chuckled lightly, and said, "You don't understand her. My sister's favorite thing is strength. Do you know what she said when Rivva pursued her?"

I gave her a questioning look.

Zixue continued, "She said that she would only consider marrying him when Rivva reached the position of Dragon Knight. Her theory is that she can only feel safe with the strongest on the continent."

I thought to myself, "That's twisted enough. Fortunately, she's not the one I'm interested in."

I said, "By the time Rivva reaches the position of Dragon Knight, he might already be old and gray. Your sister will have to wait a long time."

Zixue lightly tapped me and said, "That's not necessarily true. My sister said whoever becomes the strongest on the continent, she'll marry them. Even if they're from another race, she'll consider it. If you manage to defeat Rivva, maybe my sister will take an interest in you."

I felt dizzy. Ziyuan was even more obsessed with power than me. She should have been born a man. "Don't talk nonsense. I have you, and that's enough."

Zixue's face lit up with a satisfied smile as she said, "Actually, it doesn't matter. If you could win my sister's heart, I'd be overjoyed. It would be great if we didn't have to be separated from each other."

I smiled wryly and replied, "Let's forget about that. You and your sister can change your minds in the blink of an eye. With just you alone, I already have my hands full."

Zixue pouted and said, "What's wrong? Do you think her temper is bad?"

I hurriedly said, "No, of course not. You're the gentlest among all."

At that moment, we heard a cough behind us. I quickly let go of Zixue and turned around to see the Duke returning. Zixue's face turned crimson, and she rushed back into the mansion.

The Duke approached me with a stern face and said, "Boy, is this what you call not excessively getting close to my daughter?" He emphasized the word "close" deliberately.

Caught red-handed, I awkwardly said, "I'm sorry, Your Grace."

The Duke snorted and asked, "What did you come here for, to see Zixue?"

I replied, "Well, the thing is, because I want to challenge Rivva, and Miss Ziyuan has the same intention, I came here to ask Miss Ziyuan to give up her right to challenge Rivva in favor of mine."

Upon hearing this, the Duke immediately became interested and said, "So, you've won the first-year championship, not bad at all. However, if you're going to challenge Rivva, I'm afraid..."

I gave a wry smile and replied, "There's a gap, isn't there? I know that too, but I still want to give it a try. At the very least, I want to know how much I lack compared to him, where the gap lies. Having a goal is the key to faster progress."

Just like father, like daughter, both the Duke and Ziyuan showed expressions of admiration. They said, "You speak well. We'll be looking forward to your performance. It seems allowing you to be with Zixue wasn't a wrong decision after all. Young man, go for it!" The Duke let out a hearty laugh and didn't mention the previous matter again before turning and entering the mansion.

This visit to the Duke's mansion was indeed fruitful. Not only did I win the Duke's and Ziyuan's admiration, but I also gained the right to challenge Rivva. I felt even more excited about the upcoming match.


"Due to the third-year champion Ziyuan giving up challenging the fifth-year champion Rivva, the first-year champion Leixiang will directly challenge the fifth-year champion Rivva. The match will begin shortly. All monitoring teachers, please take your positions."

Due to the rarity of a first-year champion daring to challenge a fifth-year champion, this match attracted the attention of the entire academy's leadership. The Dean, Vice Dean, and heads of various departments all came to watch. The arena used was the grand arena of Training Ground One, much larger than the one we previously used in Training Ground Four. Four teachers with strength surpassing that of mid-level mage were deployed by the academy to set up barriers. Almost all students of the academy came to watch this final and most exciting match.

What struck me as strange was that the Vice Dean personally served as the referee for the match. As soon as I stepped onto the stage, I heard the Vice Dean's telepathic message: "You're a brave lad. Give it your all. If necessary, use your dark magic. I'll take responsibility." The Vice Dean's words filled me with warmth. I glanced at him gratefully before taking my place in one corner of the stage.

Nearly all the students below were chanting Rivva's name, especially the first-year students, who were the most fervent. This was probably for two reasons: firstly, because Rivva was their idol, and secondly, because they wanted Rivva to teach me a lesson and give them some satisfaction.

Rivva stood opposite me in a very ordinary warrior's attire, his expression remarkably calm, unaffected by the commotion from the audience below.

The Vice Dean called both of us to the center of the arena and said, "In this match, you must adhere to the principle of sparring. Rivva, especially you, everyone knows that you have an absolute advantage in strength. So when you both make your moves, be mindful of the rules of the match: no causing permanent injury, and no killing each other. Understand?"

Rivva and I both nodded simultaneously. Rivva said to me, "You're quite something to persist in challenging me."

I snorted, "What's so great about you? You just practiced a few years longer than me."

Rivva laughed heartily and said, "I will be an insurmountable barrier for you forever. Unless I die, you will never defeat me. In this martial arts competition, you've defeated many younger students from our Department of Martial Arts. Today, I'm going to avenge them. However, there's something I must thank you for. I heard you stopped Ziyuan from challenging me." At this point, Rivva's face showed a helpless expression.

I nodded and said, "Because your opponent is me."

Rivva said, "If it were really her against me, I wouldn't be able to lay a finger on her. I'd have to admit defeat. I don't have the courage you do." He was clearly alluding to the battle between me and Bingbing.

The Vice Dean interjected, "Enough with the talk. I announce that the match begins now." With that, he vanished from the stage. The four monitoring teachers below immediately activated magical barriers, completely isolating Rivva and me from the outside world.

Rivva and I simultaneously stepped back, creating a distance of 20 meters between us.

Rivva smiled and said, "I heard you don't use weapons, so I won't use them today either, to avoid accusations of unfairness."

I retorted coldly, "Use whatever you want. My hands are my best weapon."

Rivva remarked, "Although your strength may not be much, your mouth is quite sharp. Let's see if your skills match up."

As I was about to attack, Rivva suddenly disappeared before my eyes. The spectators below witnessed Rivva darting to my right side like lightning, delivering a powerful punch to my shoulder.

A tremendous force struck me, lifting my towering figure off the ground. I collided with the barrier set up by the teachers and crashed heavily onto the ground.

Gasps arose from the audience below. However, while Zixue's cry was one of concern, Ziyuan's was filled with dissatisfaction. Ziyuan said to Zixue, "What's wrong with this Leixiang? He's so incompetent. He's really disappointed me."

The impact Rivva inflicted on me was indeed very strong, but I had exceptional defense. Enduring the soreness in my shoulder, I stood up once again.

Rivva chuckled, "While I may not have tested the toughness of your hands, I've certainly tested the toughness of your skin."

I infused my body with Qi, unleashing countless low-level spells that filled the sky and surged towards Rivva. Rivva stood firm, allowing my magic onslaught. Regardless of the type of magic, anything within three feet of him vanished, protected by his formidable protective Qi.

I slammed a heavy fist onto the ground and unleashed a furious storm. Rivva sneered and also struck the ground with a punch. The two energies collided underground, causing a powerful tremor. Qi erupted from beneath my feet, and once again, I was sent flying. In the clash of powers, I ended up losing, and I lost thoroughly.

Rivva didn't pursue me. He remained poised, addressing me, "That move was indeed impressive, but it seems like you haven't fully grasped it yet, and your strength is lacking."

I staggered to my feet, astonished. The power of an upper-level Earth Knight was terrifying beyond belief. It was simply inconceivable.

Rivva exclaimed in surprise, "You're quite sturdy. Enduring hits is quite a skill. It's been a while since I've punched a punching bag. Today seems like a good opportunity to practice." He flashed beside me and punched me, sending me flying once again.

This time, I learned my lesson. As he struck me, I swiftly concentrated the dark elements of Thunderous Armor Discharge and Demon Decree to the point of impact. Though I received a significant impact, I didn't sustain any major injuries.

And so, I became a genuine punching bag, getting knocked down each time but quickly getting back up, only to be sent flying again. Rivva grew increasingly surprised with each knockdown, and his strikes became heavier. Each time I hit the ground, the time it took for me to rise increased. I attempted to use the Demon Decree for an attack, but I never had the opportunity. Rivva never gave me a chance to use major magic, and minor magic couldn't harm him, not even dark magic.

The Dean said to the Vice Dean, "Shouldn't we stop the match? There's no competitiveness; it's just one-sided beating."

The Vice Dean replied, "Let's wait a bit longer. Maybe a miracle will happen."

Underneath the platform, Purple Snow had already burst into tears, loudly urging me to surrender. However, due to the sound being sealed off by the barrier, I couldn't hear anything. As for Purple Orchid, if she weren't reluctant to leave her sister, she probably would've left in disappointment long ago.

Rivva's lightning-fast speed and unmatched strength showed me the power of a prospective Dragon Knight. No, I absolutely cannot lose like this. I... My consciousness couldn't focus at all. Rivva's punches grew heavier and heavier, and blood trickled down from the corners of my mouth. I felt like my entire body was about to split apart. My qi and blood surged, and my meridians throbbed with abnormal pain.

Once again, Rivva punched me, sending me crashing into the barrier. I met Purple Snow's tearful gaze and Purple Orchid's disdain. My heart surged with emotions. This time, as I fell from the barrier, I didn't collapse. Instead, I stood on the platform with my head lowered.

Rivva suddenly sensed my aura skyrocketing and became cautious. I suddenly raised my head, roaring angrily to the sky. My blood boiled, and I felt a rush of heat in my brain. My light green hair gradually turned crimson, and my once sharply contrasting eyes became completely blood-red. The wounds on my body swiftly healed, and I exuded an astonishing aura of killing intent.

The Dean and the Vice Dean on the platform both exclaimed, "Berserker."

The Vice Dean said, "Should I stop the match immediately?"

The Dean exclaimed excitedly, "It should be fine. After all, Rivva's strength far surpasses that of his opponent. Look, it's been so many years since we've had a Berserker. This is fantastic! Our academy has finally produced one, and he's a freshman. Let's nurture him well. He'll definitely become a great talent. By then, we'll truly be the leading academy among the four."

For the second time in my life, I entered a berserk state. Thanks to my practice of the Demonic Arts nearing completion of the third level, I managed to maintain a trace of clarity in my mind.

Rivva was also taken aback, but with his deep family heritage, he recognized my berserk state.

He swiftly threw a punch, sending a powerful surge of qi straight towards my chest. I laughed maniacally and managed to grab hold of the qi he released, squeezing it hard to completely neutralize it.

Both Purple Orchid and Purple Snow were stunned. Just moments ago, I was taking a beating, but now I had the strength to fight back, and it seemed like I had the upper hand.

Purple Orchid said to Purple Snow, "Little sister, you've struck gold. This kid can even enter a berserk state."

Rivva beckoned with his right hand, summoning a longsword from the weapon rack, his gaze focused on me. He moved slowly, searching for an opportunity to attack.

After entering the berserk state, I felt a surging explosive power within me. When I unleashed the same Furious Stormstrike as before, it was vastly different from earlier. Rivva didn't even dare to confront it head-on. The ground within a 10-meter radius of him exploded completely, the qi raging violently. Countless spiraling columns of qi mixed with debris sealed off all angles around him. This was the true power of the Berserker's Art.

Rivva displayed astonishing composure, using his longsword to carry qi and keep himself suspended in the air. A myriad of sword shadows surrounded his body, shielding him from harm even when he was knocked into the barrier, causing no damage.

I approached step by step, and Rivva's eyes betrayed a sense of astonishment, evidently intimidated by the overwhelming power of my qi. He lightly tapped the barrier behind him and dashed to my side like lightning, slashing with his sword.

In my berserk state, I felt no pain, and my defense had multiplied. I ignored his attacks, letting him strike me. With a loud roar, I released my qi outward, knocking him aside. I shouted, "Berserker Dominance!" Distortions appeared around my body, my red hair standing on end, muscles swelling even further, tearing my clothes apart (fortunately, mostly on the upper body, or it would have been embarrassing).

Rivva wasn't foolish either. Seeing my momentum, he knew it wouldn't be easy to deal with me. He flew backward, enveloped in intense light flames. Within the flames, he said, "You're indeed formidable after berserking. You're worthy of being my opponent. Let's go all out. Ultimate Art — Dragon Cloud Shatters Heaven." His body rapidly spun, forming a column of light resembling a tornado ascending into the sky.

The dean said to the vice dean, "This is bad. Rivva and Leixiang are both intending to kill. Quick, we each handle one of them. Remember, prioritize diversion, don't hurt them."

My Berserker Dominance also activated at this moment. The surging crimson qi instantly filled the area three meters in front of me. I roared, "Fight!" The crimson qi, in a ripple-like form, shot towards Rivva in the sky.

Rivva transformed into a spinning light dragon, swooping downward.

At this critical moment, two figures, one grey and one white, inserted themselves in between. They emitted spheres of light, seemingly a mix of magic and qi, redirecting our forces upwards. The barrier in the sky couldn't withstand such an impact and turned into twinkling lights, dissipating into the air.

I felt all my strength drain away, and then I knew nothing.

As the light faded, Rivva landed pale-faced on the arena, supporting himself with his long sword.

The two deans stood in the middle of the arena, and the vice dean announced loudly, "The match is over. Rivva wins. Let's all disperse." Indeed, if Rivva and I had clashed head-on just now, I would have been the one defeated. After all, I relied on the potential unlocked by berserking, not my own strength. There was still a considerable gap between Rivva's hard-earned skills and mine.

The dean said to Rivva, "Rivva, your skills have improved again. Well done. I had a hard time just now taking your blow. Go rest up quickly."

Rivva chuckled bitterly, "Improvement? I almost got defeated by a freshman. It's embarrassing."

The dean smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged. It's been over a hundred years since we've seen someone with the ability to berserk like him. So why be upset? Besides, you emerged victorious in the end."

The vice dean scooped up my unconscious body, which had returned to its original state, and said to the dean, "This kid has expended too much. I'll take him back for treatment first."

The dean nodded.

Zixue in the audience was frantic, insisting on rushing up, but was finally restrained by Ziyuan. Ziyuan reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, with my teacher looking after him, he'll be fine." Hearing this, Ziyu finally calmed down.

I groggily woke up, feeling all soft and unable to exert any strength. I struggled to sit up, and then a gentle voice spoke up, slightly reproachful, "Lie still and don't move. You need rest."

I finally saw that both the vice dean and the dean were sitting by my bed.

I said, "Vice Dean, thank you for helping me recover."

The vice dean chuckled, "We didn't do much for you. It's not really an injury, just exhaustion. You need to gradually recover on your own."

The dean said, "Rexiang, did you know you could berserk before?"

Oh no, isn't berserking a characteristic of the Bimong? I was shocked and said, "What berserking? I had no idea."

The dean said, "During your match with Riva, you went berserk. Berserking refers to individuals with special constitution suddenly going into a frenzy, fully unleashing their physical potential, whether it's in attack, defense, or recovery, their speed is increased exponentially."

I scratched my head and said, "I had no idea. I've never heard of it before. During the match with Riva, I just felt my head heating up, my whole body boiling, and then I lost track of everything. So, I lost, didn't I?"

The dean nodded and said, "It's better to lose and improve. I rarely see that kid Riva being pushed to this extent by a student in the academy. If you develop your berserking trait well, you'll surely achieve extraordinary things. Berserkers are rare on the continent."

Hearing his words, I breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that only Bimong were not the only ones capable of berserking.

I smiled and said, "Then I'll have to rely on the teachers for more guidance in the future."

The dean said, "Would you be willing to transfer to the Martial Arts Department? It might be more suitable for your development there."

Before I could answer, the familiar voice of Teacher Zhuang came in, "No, absolutely not. It's taken so much effort for our Magic Combat Department to produce a talent. If you take him away, what will we do?"

The dean awkwardly smiled and said to Teacher Zhuang, who appeared at the door, "Xiao Zhuang, I'm doing this for his own good. You've seen it too. He can go berserk, and it might affect his development if he stays in your department."

Teacher Zhuang came over and sat by my bedside, discontentedly saying, "Who says so? Lei Xiang also has great talent in magic. I don't agree with him transferring to the Martial Arts Department." After speaking, she looked warily at the dean.

The vice dean quickly said, "Let's not argue about this. Let's listen to his own opinion. The academy still values students' own choices."

Looking at them, I remembered the maternal warmth Teacher Zhuang had brought me and firmly said, "I've decided to stay in my current class and continue studying. I also love magic."

The dean looked at me helplessly and said, "Well, if you ever need guidance in martial arts in the future, you can ask any teacher in the academy."

I nodded and said, "Thank you, Dean."

The dean said, "Then I won't disturb your rest anymore. I'll leave first. Make sure to take good care of yourself. Once you've recovered, you can take a break. Come back to school in April. The academy will cover the expenses here."

I watched as the dean left, and suddenly, Teacher Zhuang excitedly hugged me, planting a heavy kiss on my cheek and tearfully said, "Thank you, Lei Xiang. Thank you for being willing to stay in the class."

I awkwardly touched the lip print on my face and said, "Teacher, there's no need to thank me. You've been so kind to me. How could I abandon you?"

Suddenly, I noticed the vice dean gesturing to me repeatedly. Following his gaze, I saw Snowy standing pale-faced at the door. She was biting her lip tightly, obviously having heard our conversation just now. Tears had soaked her clothes. I called out, "Snowy, why are you here?"

Snowy cried, "Yes, I'm here. Did I interrupt your good moment?" With that, she turned and ran out.

Teacher Zhuang was also stunned. It wasn't until Snowy left that she realized what had happened, and her face instantly turned red. She said to me, "Lei Xiang, why aren't you going after her?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Chase after her? How can I chase when I can't even move? It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding. I'll explain it to her when I'm better."

The vice dean said, "This is the hospital established by the academy. Stay here and recuperate for a few days, and you'll be fine. Your performance today really surprised us. Keep practicing well, and your future is bright. That move you made today, 'Rampage of the War God,' really took a toll on me. It churned my blood for half a day. Fortunately, my light-based magic has good healing effects; otherwise, I would have ended up in the hospital like you."

Although I knew he was joking, hearing him praise my skills naturally made me happy.

I said, "If you hadn't put me in solitary confinement for three months, I wouldn't have achieved what I have now."

The vice dean said, "You rest well. When you're better, you should hurry up and find your little sweetheart. Girls need to be pampered. You can't go around with a stern face all the time. Xiao Zhuang, let's go."

Teacher Zhuang said, "When you come back to the academy to pack your things, come find me."

I nodded.