
Lucifer's Decent (Dropped)

Advance....or a fate worse than death awaits. The hell games shall begin NOW! Choose your weapon. Clear the Devil tower and at the end, will await the final reward... The God's Crown. A Crown holding unimaginable power. {Welcome! The host has successfully installed the system!} {Level: 1} {Stats: STR: 16 AGI: 11 MANA: 12 INT: 15 DEX:14} {Skills: Devour, Emotionless} {Species: Human} {Core Status: Weak} "The Hell??"

ExeDOTcOM · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The System (1)

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"So..... okay... isn't this a bit overpowered?

"Nothing but the best for the Devil Kings Avatar. You know, The Devil King has bet a lot of resources on you winning the Hell Games." Said light.

"Uhh. People are betting on this? Tell me more!" Said Lucifer in a curious tone.

"Right. So, there are 7 levels of hell. The first being the least painful and the 7th being the absolute worst hell. I mean, even you, who was the most wanted criminal of your time, would not deserve to stay there for ALL of eternity. I mean maybe for 11 years. "

"Little weird that you decided to tell me that."

"Right. Anyways, the rulers of the 7 hells are betting some of their resources on their avatars. The top 3 strongest rulers are allowed to choose an extra avatar."

"So. That's all I'm allowed to tell you, Lucifer. It's about time you enter the waiting room."

"Alright. I guess I am ready.

*Author note 1: When I add a star in the story, most of the time it's means that it's an author note.

Author note 2: If you haven't already realized, Lucifer has slightly hinted positive emotions. This is because his emotions are all mental. It's all just in his mind. Eventually, he might finally get used to the negative emotion thing.*

At this point, Lucifer was not really surprised that a red magic circle appeared underneath him. One second later, he was in open land. There were also...



Lucifer thought.

His eye suddenly caught someone who looked interesting.

In Lucifer's eyesight, there was a tall man holding a shield and spear.

Wait.... Two weapons?