
loyalty system

Darius_Harlow · Urbain
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Darius can be said to be the quiet type. You know th ones that sit in the back of the room and are mostly ignored. Despite that he is handsome but just has his hair covering his face and were's sweat shirts all the time. No one really knows what he I thinking about.

Darius [man I need to find a girl freind I'm 18 and graduating this year . It's going to be a trouble to talk to a rand om girl or use a dating app(bing bing bingo) shit welp I'll think about it at home.]

Darius[hmm theirs Eve as the top candidate she's cute little weird but has never been in a fight/argument for the 8 years I have known her hmmm the others just have a big butt hmm... Eve it is.]

The next day. Darius [Eve I have something to ask you.] Eve [What?] Darius [WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFREIND?] Eve [did someone dare you to ask me that.] Darius [No I'm telling you my true feelings.] Eve [sure.]

Darius[ so at what time are tough free to go ona date.] Eve[hmm at 6 pm I'm free] Darius [Then see you at 6.] later that day after som conversations and some good food. Eve[That was a good date I enjoyed it.] Darius[Thanks for excepting my proposal and this wonderful date.] He then dropped her at her place with a goodnight and drove home to go to bed.

Exited for tomorrow he went to bed in his sleep he heard system condition met loyalty system unlocked beginner package opening body correction comensing small strengthening (sh... ding).

Darius[huh why does my head feel strange]

A screen is displayed in front of him that says loyalty system.Darius[ huh loyalty system says you must stay loyal never betray her].

Status: strength 8, speed 8, mind 8, luck 15.

Average male stats all 5

Special Status: other women will feel slightly attracted to you on first interaction.

Gain stats from affection from soul mate and turning down other women.

Darius[what in the fu#$%#$ sh$# kind of system is this haah... whatever so I have to be loyal to her even though I was going to do that anyway.] As he is putting his shirt over his head it ripped in half. Darius [huh...what in the hell just happened] as he looks at his shirt split in half.

30 minutes later he comes out of his room Darius [time to see Eve and go to school, wait I should make her something fancy how about some Buckwheat pasta with caramelised onion and peas sure she would be fine with that.... hopefully. ]

Authors notes(I have no clue what I am doing I just wrote this on my phone and I have never been in a relationship so this is like throwing rocks at a brick wall. Thousand ideas at once and a couple are big enough to leave an impression.)