
Loving You is My Everything

"Darling, you're the one who said I could bring home anything if I liked it, whether it's handbags, clothes, cosmetics... Look, there's even a handsome guy!" Sheng Shi flipped the table. Who was the one who said it? That once he married her, she would be his exclusive toy, and no one else could touch her. The reality proved that Gu Lanshan wasn't the only one who didn't regard him highly. "Sir, this is a delivery of roses for Miss Gu. Please sign here to accept it." "Young Master, a man is standing downstairs singing love songs to your wife all night."

Ye Fei Ye · Général
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38 Chs

The Girl We Chased Together (5)

Translator: Henyee Translations Éditeur: Henyee Translations

"I don't care that you're married. I won't ruin your marriage. I don't need you to accompany me every day. I'll be satisfied as long as you come to me when you think of me…"

Sheng Shi frowned and looked up at Su Jiaojiao carefully. After a long while, he said, "Why are you only a singer and not an actress in showbiz?"

For a moment, she was too stunned. He suddenly smiled and praised, "Not bad, your acting skills are quite good. If you enter the film industry, you might be able to become a Best Actress or something!"

She only realized he was beating around the bush to point out she was pretending. She was indeed pretending but there was sincerity too. "For someone like me to say things as such, I know that it sounded a little fake, but I do mean it!"

"You want to be a mistress!" he reached out and patted her face. As usual, his words were cheap and vicious. "A mistress is meant to be scolded. Do you like to be scolded?! Tell me, how can there be such a cheap person like you?"

Sheng Shi's attitude towards women had always been bad and perfunctory. His words were merciless and hurtful, but that was just who he was. Despite this, like moths to a flame, many women were still attracted to him. As it happens, he did not know what those women liked about him. He did not treat them well either…

Su Jiaojiao immediately felt wronged, and her eyes turned red.

He did not even glance at Su Jiaojiao. He walked to the sofa and sat down elegantly. He slowly pressed the service bell and soon, a waiter came. Sheng Shi rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and calmly said, "Send Miss Su away."


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Sheng Shi received Ji Liunian's call. The group of people who had lunch was now at the tennis court behind the club.

Wearing white sportswear and a sun hat, he walked leisurely to the tennis court.

When he arrived, Xia Fanhua and Liu Zhiqiang were playing tennis. Xia Fanhua's skills were not as good, Liu Zhiqiang had been giving in because of their cooperation, but still, Xia Fanhua lost the first round.

After the first round, both of them came to the rest area. The waiter handed them mineral water and towels. While they were wiping themselves, they saw Sheng Shi sitting at the side leisurely. They came over to greet him.

After lunch, everyone rested for a while. They were mostly sober.

The tennis happened to be an exercise before dinner later.

Xia Fanhua sat beside Sheng Shi and rubbed his shoulders. "I wasn't born to play tennis. I just moved for a while and my whole body hurts!"

Sheng Shi glanced at Liu Zhiqiang and was reminded that he had uttered Gu Lanshan the whole afternoon. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and said to Xia Fanhua on a whim, "Perfect, my turn next."

Liu Zhiqiang happened to be overheard. He turned and curiously asked, "Mr. Sheng, do you know how to play tennis?"

Sheng Shi looked up and with a calm expression said, "A little."

Then, he stood up and took the racket from the waiter beside him. He slowly shook it in his hand and walked elegantly to the tennis court. Liu Zhiqiang quickly followed.

Hence, the match began.

Sheng Shi started the game.

He did not have any skills. He just casually threw the ball into the air and aimed it to hit Liu Zhiqiang.

Liu Zhiqiang's tennis skills were not bad. Seeing Sheng Shi this way, he was assuming his tennis skills were not good.