
Loving You is My Everything

"Darling, you're the one who said I could bring home anything if I liked it, whether it's handbags, clothes, cosmetics... Look, there's even a handsome guy!" Sheng Shi flipped the table. Who was the one who said it? That once he married her, she would be his exclusive toy, and no one else could touch her. The reality proved that Gu Lanshan wasn't the only one who didn't regard him highly. "Sir, this is a delivery of roses for Miss Gu. Please sign here to accept it." "Young Master, a man is standing downstairs singing love songs to your wife all night."

Ye Fei Ye · Général
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38 Chs

Don't you want to earn money anymore?

Translator: Henyee Translations Éditeur: Henyee Translations

Gu Lanshan's large eyes stared straight at the check in her hand. Her vision became a little blurry. She seemed to see the past through the string of numbers…

Her surname was not Gu.

Her original surname was Ye, and her name was Chuchu.

Chuchu, meaning the alluring.

Gu Lanshan was just like her name. She had been very attractive since she was young, especially her big, watery eyes, which were exceptionally alluring.

Gu Lanshan did not live in Beijing before she was nine years old. Instead, she lived in a small town in Jiangnan. The scenery was beautiful with the humid air.

Gu Lanshan's background was not good. She was raised by a single parent. She was raised by her mother and had no idea who her father was.

Her mother reportedly attended a Beijing university in the past. She abruptly dropped out of school in her fourth year and returned to town. She gave birth to her eight months later.

When Gu Lanshan was four years old, her mother married—a teacher in the town's middle school— and Gu Lanshan had a father.

When Gu Lanshan was five years old, her mother was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Gu Lanshan had a younger brother, and their family was living in harmony.

When she was six years old, her father suddenly fell ill. He took medicine and injections throughout the years, and his financial ability was severely overloaded.

When she was seven years old, she could take care of her brother, cook, and help her mother sell small things at the night market.

When she was eight years old, because several naughty boys of the same age bullied her younger brother, she beat them up. From then on, she became more and more tough. At a young age, she learned not to let herself be wronged. A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

When she was nine years old, her father's illness suddenly worsened and required a large sum of money. Her mother cried everyday. In the end, her mother clenched her teeth and went to Beijing. When she returned, she brought two people dressed luxuriously— a man and a woman. The man's suit was fine while the woman's white dress was elegant. Both of them analyzed her from top to bottom as if she was a commodity in a shop. When the woman nodded in satisfaction, the man handed her mother a check. Her mother apologized to her and turned to leave. Then, the couple brought her to an expensive car.

The expensive car drove on and on, far away from the small town of Jiangnan where she grew up and far away from her mother's home. She sat in the car and cried. She had been stubborn since she was young. When she fell, she endured her tears and got up. She rarely cried, but this time, she cried until her tears dried. The car showed no signs of stopping and drove all the way to Beijing.

There were tall buildings in Beijing that little Gu Lanshan had never seen before, cars that little Gu Lanshan had never seen before, and beautiful villas that little Gu Lanshan had never seen before.

This beautiful villa was her new home.

It was a beautiful three-story villa. The glass windows were bright and transparent.

Gu Lanshan was brought into the house. The living room was huge, and a middle-aged man and a woman of the same age were sitting on the sofa. The person who brought her in addressed them as "Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu."

Mrs. Gu was dressed in gold and silver. There were sparkles of diamonds everywhere, making Gu Lanshan unable to open her eyes. After a while, Mrs. Gu said indifferently, "From now on, you're the daughter of the Gu family. Your name is Gu Lanshan."

Before Gu Lanshan could say anything, she heard pleasant laughter.