
Loving You is My Everything

"Darling, you're the one who said I could bring home anything if I liked it, whether it's handbags, clothes, cosmetics... Look, there's even a handsome guy!" Sheng Shi flipped the table. Who was the one who said it? That once he married her, she would be his exclusive toy, and no one else could touch her. The reality proved that Gu Lanshan wasn't the only one who didn't regard him highly. "Sir, this is a delivery of roses for Miss Gu. Please sign here to accept it." "Young Master, a man is standing downstairs singing love songs to your wife all night."

Ye Fei Ye · Général
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38 Chs

Don't you want to earn money anymore?

Translator: Henyee Translations Éditeur: Henyee Translations

After saying this, Gu Lanshan secretly despised herself. Despite clearly anticipating it, she pretended to be at ease.

Sheng Shi paused as he opened the bathroom door, and slowly turned around.

Gu Lanshan had a blanket wrapped around her negligee, but her chest was still visible. Her fair skin was exposed, and her slightly curly long hair lazily dispersed, exuding an indescribable charm. Perhaps it was because she had just woken up, or because the light in the room was a little dim, but her eyes were exceptionally bright and dark, just like a newborn's. They were clear, clean, flawless, and innocent.

Sheng Shi stared at Gu Lanshan in silence for a while. The corners of his mouth curled, and he opened his mouth to smile. However, the words he said were as nasty as they could be. "It's 5,000 yuan! Even though I'm rich, it's not easy to earn money. I don't need you to help me shower."

Gu Lanshan was stunned. The young master of the Sheng family actually held a grudge against her with 5,000 yuan. In an instant, Gu Lanshan realized that he was deliberately making her life difficult.

Gu Lanshan pursed her lips. If it had been anyone else, she would have retaliated. But, Sheng Shi, she did not dare… It was not that she did not dare, but she could not. If she angered him, she would not be able to earn any more money. Her brother was still in the hospital, waiting for money to save his life.

If he refused her help with the shower, he still had to eat!

Gu Lanshan calmly inhaled twice, then blinked as if nothing had happened. She looked at Sheng Shi with a gentle smile and murmured, "You've drunk a lot. Would you like me to get someone to prepare supper?"

"No need." Sheng Shi did not pause this time and rejected her directly.

Gu Lanshan maintained her smile and nodded dejectedly. On the other hand, Sheng Shi seemed to be in a better mood. He opened the bathroom door and slowly walked in.

How could he be unaware of what was going on in her heart? After "that time", he had set the rules to accompany him to sleep, shower, and eat.

Her wish was fulfilled. She had really put a lot of effort into him, but he did not feel particularly happy or good. Especially when he thought about how she was always thinking about money, he felt even more unhappy and depressed!

Gu Lanshan leaned against the headboard of the bed and listened to the sound of running water in the bathroom. She pondered how she was going to finish the last task of sleeping with him after the shower and meal had been rejected!

Sheng Shi finished his shower and went straight to bed.

The bed was huge.

He was lying at the other end with some distance between them.

Gu Lanshan lay there stiffly for a while, noticing that Sheng Shi did not move. She could not help but open her eyes and sneak a peek to evaluate the situation.

Sheng Shi lay beside her with his eyes closed.

The light in front of the house was a little dim as it shone on the side of his face, making his already three-dimensional profile appear even more perfect.

His black hair was a little messy, and his long, thick dense eyelashes were slightly curved. Under his sharp nose were his moist lips, and his jaw was slightly tense, as if he were a little impatient, displaying a hint of arrogance.

Even so, such a face was still too beautifully handsome.

It was a sort of neat and tidy kind of handsome, unlike the so-called handsome men of today. They were either more feminine or dressed too flamboyantly.