
Loving You is My Everything

"Darling, you're the one who said I could bring home anything if I liked it, whether it's handbags, clothes, cosmetics... Look, there's even a handsome guy!" Sheng Shi flipped the table. Who was the one who said it? That once he married her, she would be his exclusive toy, and no one else could touch her. The reality proved that Gu Lanshan wasn't the only one who didn't regard him highly. "Sir, this is a delivery of roses for Miss Gu. Please sign here to accept it." "Young Master, a man is standing downstairs singing love songs to your wife all night."

Ye Fei Ye · Général
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38 Chs

Do You Hate It! (6)

Translator: Henyee Translations Éditeur: Henyee Translations

She was not angry. She just calmly turned and looked at Sheng Shi's side profile.

This time, Sheng Shi reacted. He slowly turned his head and glanced at Gu Lanshan.

The beauty in Sheng Shi's arms heard Gu Lanshan's voice. She blinked and rubbed her head against Sheng Shi's chest. Her voice was tender. "Brother Sheng, who is she?"

The moment she entered the palace, she noticed Gu Lanshan.

Because she was too beautiful.

Just by looking at it, it was a beauty that the woman hated from the bottom of her heart.

This dislike was also known as envy, jealousy, and hate!

Now that she came to Sheng Shi, that hatred became even stronger!

Sheng Shi did not answer the beauty in his arms. He just shifted his big hand to her bare back.

There were so many women throwing themselves at Sheng Shi every day.

To be able to stand beside him naturally required to be an extraordinary beauty.

This beauty was a smart one. She had a pair of seductive eyes that twinkle lightly. She raised her fair fingers and slowly circled Sheng Shi's chest. She said in a delicate voice, "Brother Sheng, you're charming. There will be beauties throwing themselves into your arms wherever you go."

When Sheng Shi heard this, he laughed lazily. He grabbed the beauty's fingers and squeezed them repeatedly in his palm.

When that beauty saw Sheng Shi doing this, she was secretly delighted.

It was obvious he was ignoring her, and even after what she said, he was stoic.

Assuming, this woman was probably not even as important as herself in Sheng Shi's heart.

No matter how beautiful this woman was, it was all in vain if she was not loved and pampered by him.

That beauty's mood instantly improved. She nestled in Sheng Shi's arms as if there was no one else around and tried her best to seduce him.

Ji Liunian and Xia Fanhua looked at each other, wondering what Sheng Shi was up to.

In the past, Gu Lanshan would also come here to look for him, but every time Gu Lanshan came, he would be exceptionally happy. Before Gu Lanshan could say anything, he would be stuck close to her. Why was he so crazy today? Gu Lanshan clung to him, but he started to put on airs.

However, it was a matter between husband and wife after all, so they couldn't say anything.

Gu Lanshan sat silently at the side. She heard every single word the beauty had said.

She saw Ji Liunian and Xia Fanhua's expressions again. It was the sympathetic expression given to an abandoned woman. She felt a little awkward.

Gu Lanshan was not a calm person. She could never tolerate being wronged or embarrassed. When others bullied her, she would give them an eye for an eye!

If not for her brother's medical fees, she would not have tolerated Sheng Shi so much.

How many people in this lounge knew that she was Sheng Shi's wife?

He was being intimate with another woman in front of her, which made her feel embarrassed.

No matter what, she was still his legal wife. A person needs a face; a tree needs bark. He was insulting her by ignoring her and kissing another.

Gu Lanshan even regretted it a little. She regretted rejecting Sheng Shi's second lovemaking that night, even though she was in a lot of pain.