

Anna Wilson travels with her parents for vacation she was happy that she finally got a chance to spend quality time with her parents "thanks mom and dad for making this vacation special." Mr and Mrs Wilson warmly smile back at her. Anna falls asleep in car the next second she opens her eyes a big truck collides with their car pushing them of the road....Anna loses consciousness for almost an hour.. when she wakes up she throbbing pain strikes her head she looks around sees her mother and father lifelessly laying in the car.. "m...mom.. d...dad.. please wake up" Anna struggles to reach to her parents but her body betrays her she passed out again.... The next day she finds herself in the hospital she looks around sees her aunt Maggie with her husband.."Anna dear how are you feeling right now we've been so worried about you since last night." Anna tries lifting herself Aunt Maggie helps her sit.."Where's mom and dad Aunt..... Are they ok.." Anna asks her with tearful eyes, with hesitation "Baby mom and dad won't be able to wake up anymore". Anna couldn't believe what she was hearing she started crying and calling her parents name..

Anna was discharged the next day and went back to her home place but all the relatives have already arrived and they were discussing how to split the inheritance amongst themselves..... all Anna could do was cry in her room with no idea of what was going on outside...

After the burial ceremony of her parents Aunt Maggie was given the duty to take care of Anna... Unlike the sweet soul she was at the hospital... Apparently Aunt Maggie started being mean and hostile towards Anna she'd give her chores unlike her children who'd sit enjoy TV and play games...

Anna felt really lonely and unlucky since she was only herself in this world no one else to rely on...

After a month with her Aunt Anna escaped from her Auntie's house and went to an old orphanage in the next city so as to be far away from her relatives and family friends..

Aunt Maggie never bothered to look for Anna and let her be since it was a burden lifted to her...