
Loving You Eternally

If loving someone selflessly was wrong, then what is the right thing to do? Luna Wang married to a man whom she love, giving birth to a daughter, she thought that was her happily ever after, until her dreams shattered, thus leaving her broken-hearted but she strived to remain strong. She determined to never be emotionally dependent on anyone anymore. But God has another plan for her. Why did he appeared again? He is dashing, coming from a wealthy family, but had shamelessly stick himself to her since their first encounter. He is the very first man whom had made his marks in her heart since the first time she saw him..her first love, Danial. "I love you but you abandoned me, thus leaving me with my unrequited love and broken heart." Now, they met again after long seven years. Trying to amend his past mistakes and give themselves a second chance for their first love, he persistently and shamelessly getting closer to her and courting her. Just when he thought the happiness he pursue only a step closer, he was suddenly forced to abandon her. Her happiness or her life? What would be his choice? Clouded past history between them. Numerous death threats from hidden enemy. And another love rival?! Really? His life couldn't be more tougher than now. In the end, could she forgive him? Excerpt: "What're you doing here?" Luna glowered at the men with folding arms. "Camping." They stated the obvious and childishly scuffles among themselves just to pass a grilled skewer to her. "I can see that, but in front of my house?" she eyed the three different skewers but did not pick any up. **This is not a werewolf novel and no rape scene ever. ....................................... ***Entry Novel for Webnovel Spirity Awards (WSA) 2021*** *** Theme: First Love *** All the characters name, time, places and sub-plots are fictional. Any coincidences were unintentional. ** This is my first novel and English is not my main language. Please bear with my grammatical errors. Thank you. ** The cover page was from Pinterest, credit to the owner and edited by me.

aurora_moon90 · Urbain
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235 Chs

This is not a chapter.

Hello readers. I'm sorry for the lack of chapters this past few days. My daughter was admitted into the hospital which doctor suspecting as a kind of brain trauma after she fell down before on her back. Do pray for her wellbeing. TQ.

In the meantime, I'm preparing to go premium starting Jun, so I'll be locking my chapters sooner. If you decided to drop my novel right here, I thank you for your previous supports. If you think my novel decided it is worth every penny and unlocked them happily, I thank you very much for your loyal supports.

For your info, it'll probably only has over 200 chapters in total.

Stay safe, stay healthy.