

#Chapter59 Runaway

We drive for another two hours in silence I think we were all annoyed at each other, I was annoyed at Adam for not keeping his mouth shut and Bobby for being way too over protective. While Bobby was really annoyed at Christian for what happened and me a little for letting it happen, and well Christian I don't know if he's annoyed at anyone.

/"You know the no talking thing is really getting to me/" I say after two hours of the whole car being silent

/"Well it's getting to me that a certain person in this car thought that he could take advantage of my sister when my back was turned, my little sister/" Bobby says gripping the steering wheel for like the hundredth time

/"I know your talking about me, I didn't take advantage of your sister we're bro's I wouldn't do that/" Christian says from the back

/"What so your calling my little sister a lair/" Bobby says making me sigh in frustration