
Loving The Arrogant Man

Erica has fallen in love with a man that she expected to give her the love she was dreaming of for a long time. It was Troy Sandoval, a mysterious man that suddenly came into her life and messed it up. At first, Troy showed her pure kindness, the man courted her and she immediately answered with a ‘yes’. It happened so fast that she did not realize that she was falling deeply into the man and they got married in a short span of time. But a few months later after they got married, the man changed into something she never imagined. It became rude and disrespectful towards her, because the true intention of Troy is to get revenge for his brother Rix that he truly loves who is still in coma. He was blaming Erica in the tragedy that happened to his brother. Rix is the long-time suitor of Erica and the woman always rejects the man. The man always shooed away the man, but it was very persistent on her. She didn’t want to give false hope to the man because she didn’t have any feelings towards it, it was just a friend for her. But one day, Rix called Erica saying that it would take its own life if she didn’t show up. Erica didn’t know that Rix and Troy are siblings. Erica agreed to what Rix wanted because she knew what the man could do. But unfortunately, Erica didn’t get to the place where they will meet because of unexpected happenings. That incident that changed their life. The incident that caused her to experience hell in Troy’s arms. Is it right that she kept that incident to Troy? What if she said it a little early? Will she still experience hell? Or Troy will truly love her if the man finds out the truth? While dealing with Troy's cruel change, Erica keeps a secret from him—a previous encounter with Rix, Troy's unconscious brother, who had been persistently pursuing her. Rix's threat to harm himself if she didn't come to his birthday party resulted in an unfortunate incident that altered her life. Haunted by guilt and fear of Troy's wrath, Erica keeps the truth hidden, deepening the web of deception around her. She manages this difficult situation, dealing with her inner struggles and her emotions for Troy. This book is a gripping story of love, betrayal, and the consequences of keeping dark secrets. Erica's journey to reconcile her past, present, and future forces her to confront the shadows that threaten to consume her and Troy's stormy relationship As the truth unravels, she must decide if unveiling the secrets will bring redemption or further darkness into their lives. Whether Rix wakes up from his coma is uncertain, his recovery is very important to all because he holds the key to revealing the truth about what happened to him, which could help Erica from being free in the current situation which is misery from Troy's cage and she will suffer all her life.

Jee_Tee · Urbain
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4 Chs


I followed him outside, but Cecelia, our house keeper, blocked my way. She looked worried again. She is one of the trusted people of Troy and has been working in their family for 25 years already.

"Ma'am, please don't go outside. It's drizzling, you might catch a cold," she said with concern.

I nodded at her and watched from a distance as my husband's car drove away. I wanted to follow him, but I hesitated, fearing that it might only anger him further.

I returned to our room, pondering what Dino had said. Who could be in the hospital, and why was Troy so worried?

He hadn't mentioned anything to me. "Erica, stop overthinking this. Maybe it's just one of the company employees who fell sick," I scolded myself.

The next day, I woke up late. I had been waiting for Troy to return so we could talk, but I fell asleep, and he still hadn't come home.

I sighed and got ready, heading downstairs to help Cecilia prepare our breakfast. I entered the kitchen, but I noticed Troy was already at the table, with food already served.What time did he come home? Where did he sleep? 

He glanced and saw me but gave me a disapproving look.

I approached the table, about to sit down when he suddenly spoke.

"Being late is a discipline problem. I think you need to go back to school, but this time in your husband's house. You need to correct and improve your behavior. Sit down!" he scolded. I sat down in front of him, choosing not to react to his harsh words so early in the morning.

"Forget it. I think it's time for you to learn about some details of the medical funds," he changed the topic as if his first words weren't painful. I just took a deep breath and sighed because it was too early for his temper to flare up.

"What?" I replied in surprise but still in a low tone. "You know what I want, right? I want to become an author for children." I continued.

"It's not as simple as you think." He responded.

"But I want to write. To write good books for children has been my dream since I was young and about the medical fund. I think it can be handled well with enough money, and I've found someone competent who can manage it," I explained.

He stood up  not paying attention to what I had said. It feels like his decision is final and I cannot change it anymore. He picked up a red rose from the flower vase then threw it at the top of the table and suddenly it hit my left arm. He knew I had an allergy to roses. I don't know the reason why I am allergic to this kind of beautiful flower.

From what I had overheard from people here, his brother had died because of these red roses. I didn't know the full story of how his brother had died, I hadn't even seen his brother even in a photo, and he avoided discussing him. 

I stood up abruptly when he was about to leave.

"Troy, I..." I paused in my words as he stopped his hands in the air, signaling me to shut up..

"I noticed you don't have any appetite. Okay, I'll have the food removed,"

"Cecilia!" He called the housekeeper.

"Yes, sir?" The elderly woman hurriedly came due to her master's loud shout.

"Simply remove the food; we could offer it to those hungry beggars instead of letting it be wasted," he said before leaving the kitchen without waiting for Cecilia's reply. 

Cecilia looked at me worriedly, seeing that I hadn't touched my food.

"Ma'am, you should eat," she said.

"Thank you, Cecilia but I'm already full," I replied even though I haven't taken a single bite yet. I glanced at Troy as he left. I sighed in frustration. Why was he acting this way? Why was he like this? He left without even giving me a chance to tell him that he has a visitor.

I didn't want Cecilia to see how affected I was so I just smiled at her when she glanced at me.

"Would you like to drink coffee or tea?" She offered.

"Thanks, maybe later, I will take some fresh air outside," I answered.

She nodded and I left her behind.

I went outside to take a stroll in the garden with Butter, our dog, to get some fresh air. "I hope there's nothing going on, because I don't know what to do," I whispered to myself.

Fatima, a family friend, arrived last night, and she had been staying at the mansion for. She was already outside, I think she's enjoying the fresh air or going for a jog before having breakfast.That's what I wanted to tell Troy earlier, but I didn't get the chance because he turned away from me. Fatima used to stay here before Troy and I got married. Their parents were close friends and business partners.

"Hey, Erica!" she shouted when she spotted me, then walked over to me. I smiled and waved at her in return.

"How come Troy doesn't know you're allergic to roses? Are you really married?" She asked and I was taken aback by her question. I feel comfortable around Fatima since we are similar at age and because she is kind to everyone in the mansion.

"If he really wants us to reconcile and apologize, why did he order Cecilia to remove the food? He saw that I hadn't eaten yet, and now I'm hungry," I complained to Fatima.

"Maybe you just misunderstood. I heard that the food had been prepared since last night, and it was just reheated. Maybe he was worried you'd get a stomach ache if you ate it. Your husband cares about your well-being," Fatima defended Troy.

"So, I was wrong?" I asked her.

"Don't dwell on it. Come, let's take a walk outside, and you can enjoy the fresh air. Look at yourself; you're so pale."She stated.

We walked along the pathway outside the mansion, with Butter following us.

We saw Troy's car exiting the gate, so we moved aside to let him pass. He was probably on his way to the office, but he suddenly stopped right in front of us.

"Hi, Troy!" Fatima waved and greeted him.

"Don't talk to him. He's so arrogant; he won't even acknowledge you even if he heard you," I scolded Fatima and pulled her hand down.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Are you going to avoid him again? Don't be like that; talk to him. Communicate with him and settle your misunderstanding," she urged me.

"I'm not avoiding him; I just wanted to take Butter for a walk here." I answered.

Troy rolled down the car window. "Get in," he said, but his gaze still fixed straight ahead.

"Me?" I asked him excitedly.

"I didn't talk to you. I'm talking to her," he added, referring to Fatima.

Fatima looked at me with curiosity, and seemed to be waiting for me to say something. I nodded at her as a sign that they might have matters to discuss and she went inside the car without a second glance.

"Have a good walk with Butter here, and take good care of her. I hope you enjoy it. After all, you're used to being alone," Troy stated without looking at me and then they left. It hurts me so much when Troy acted like this.

I was left standing there, watching as the car disappeared from my sight. I sighed and walked around for a few more minutes, feeling heavy-hearted, and eventually decided to return to the mansion. I need to find out why Troy has been cold to me lately.