
Loving my imperfect husband

"Tell me, who is her father?" he screamed at her. "How many times will I tell you that I am not her mother." She shouted back. "Every thing here proves that you are her mother,  the DNA, everything. I'm ready to accept her but who is her father? how much do you love  him? Tell me, why are you protecting him?" he hollered. She had taken in enough. "What do you mean by my child? How can I mother a child unknowingly. I told you where I was during that time but you failed to believe me. I went as far as conducting a DNA myself because I almost believed that I underwent a follicular aspiration without knowing. The results of the DNA were negative. You refused to believe me and chose to believe those enemies that are after our marriage. We have been married to each other for about four years. Where is the love you always professed and I believed in, all my life. A love without trust, Is that love? You kicked me out of your house and I had to leave, you cut the communication between I and my daughter and caused her to hate me, yet you still ain't satisfied. You continued to follow me around and taunt my life. What have I done to deserve this? what? tell me. Please, stop pestering me. I agree to the divorce, take me, let's sign it if that is how I would  get out from your cage." She said in one breath. He finally released her, staggered backwards and with a shaky voice, said. "You want to end things with me, it's alright, you can live the way you want, you can also go to him since that's what you want. I've released you." he said and they matched down to the bureau where they signed their divorce and went their separate ways.  As they drew apart from each other, it seemed to both of them as if one carried the other's heart with him as he left. "To hell with men, there's no good one amongst them."  She thought and from that day, became neutral towards males. "I regret loving you." he said looking at her picture. "I  can't bear to do anything to you. I blame myself for loving you that much." The tears dropped out from his eye, he sniffed and cleaned it. This occurred between two lovebirds who believed that nothing could separate them. Everyone around them also believed the same. Who is she trying to protect if the child is hers and if it isn't, who is the powerful person that doesn't want them to stay together? Most of all, which couples this?

Favour_clement · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Watching boring family scenes

Everyone turned their attention towards her as she took the phone from Ivy.

The  people from the base who were watching were replaced and their number was added. Monitoring gadgets filled the room as Nora was being watched.

She dialled a number and found out that the phone was switched off.

They started monitoring the person she called and the position that it was.

Since the number she dialled was not available, Nora decided to call the house.

The people from the base saw Nora call a landline.

As soon as she pressed the dial icon, she turned to Ivy.

"Can you help me speak with this person, she is my aunt, tell her that her sister have been transferred from the previous hospital and just underwent a successful surgery."

Ivy did not reply so Nora added.

"Please I just don't want her to hear my voice..


Ivy still wanted to reject but just then the call got connected so she took the phone.

The telephone in Cynthia's house rang. Nancy felt that someone was downstairs so she continued playing video games with her phone.

When the call persisted, she ran downstairs and that was when she realised that her sister had gone out leaving her alone in the house. It was not the first time that was happening so she just sighed and connected the call.

"Hello, Good day" she greeted the person at the other end.

" What about your mother? Isn't she around? I want to speak with her." Ivy noticed that it was a child's voice so she guessed it was the daughter to Nora's aunt and asked.

"She is not around at the moment, you are welcome to tell me what you want to tell her and I can assure to tell her about it as soon as she comes back."

Ivy turned to Nora and gave her a look which asked if she should go ahead and tell the child about it. Nora understood the look and shook her head in disapproval.

"Ask for her mom's phone number instead." Nora mouthed.

"Is not something I can tell you. Can you give me your mum's personal number so that I would talk to her directly?" she said.

The girl got alert, she had heard a lot about scammers and did not want her mom to be a victim of their fraudulent activities.

"I am sorry. I can't, you are a stranger and you did not even introduced yourself. Again, I can't give my mom's number out to strangers." she rejected trying her best to sound polite.

She turned to Nora again with a look which read 'it's no secret we should tell her.' Nora nodded

I am not a scammer. When she comes back, tell her that she got a call from Reformers hospital t....

She was about to tell the child when she heard a voice from the background.

"Can you believe that my dear sister has been transferred, and I don't know where they must have taken her to. To worsen the situation, I don't have that her stupid husband's contact."

The voice sounded worried.

The girl saw that her mother was back and that the person on the other line probably heard her mom's voice and stopped talking so she said to the phone.

"Please hold on, my mum is back" and shouted

"Mummy you have a call here from Reformers hospital, they insisted in talking to you directly."

When she heard that it was a call from a hospital, she ran and collected the phone from her daughter.

"Good day ma" Ivy greeted

"Good day to you and who are you?" she greeted and asked nervously.

When Nora heard her aunt's voice after a long time, her heart tightened.

"We are from Reformers hospital and we called to inform you that your sister just went through a successful operation and is recuperating in the intensive care unit of the hospital, we are sorry we did not inform you before transferring her." Ivy said.

Immediately she heard this, she was about to drop the phone and rush to the hospital when she found out that she had been too desperate just now. She calmed down and asked how she was sure that her sister was there.

Nora's dad who had been quiet the whole time spoke up.

"We are here, she was just operated on but she is yet to wake up, Nora is here too, she is actually the one who came with someone that decided to finance both the transfer and the operation, this is not scam."

"Shut up!" Cynthia shouted, "Nobody allowed you to speak here."

She never lost any opportunity she got to scold him and even if she was nervous just now, she still scolded him. She immediately set off after telling her children where she was going to. Nora and the others were finally let to see her mother.

When they got inside, Nora was so quiet and withdrawn to herself not talking to anyone, her eyes fixed on her mother.

Ivy initially wanted to ask her what issues she had with her aunt but seeing her this way refrained from asking any questions. They just stayed there quiet as seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours.

Cynthia looked at the address she had gotten from Google. The journey from her place to his hospital was normally a five-hour journey but due to the delay from having to use public transport, the journey took more than six hours.

When she arrived finally, she met the scene of everyone looking quietly and joined them.

A nurse came in and asked them all to go out that she was instructed to take the patient's record.

When they went out, Cynthia started ranting.

"How can you transfer her without letting me know? What made you think you have the right to look at her quietly as if you ever really loved her."

Nora felt really guilty and it was obvious that Cynthia still had what happened back then in mind against her.

'Who would forget what she had done in a jiffy?' she thought to herself and laughed sadly inside her heart.

'And she still did not beg Ivy for help until Ivy found about it herself. She was really guilty as charged' she felt and did not say anything.

Cynthia continued ranting and when she saw that Nora was quiet, she proceeded to blaming and shouting at her father.

She finally concluded that she was the only one that really loved her sister. 

The people from the base who were observing squarely lost interest. These new set of persons who did not witness what happened from Nora's apartment were even more restless and murmured about having to stay here to watch boring family scenes.

There was nothing suspicious about the person in front of them.

This person had not mentioned Annabel since she woke up. Everything they did was completely boring and watching them any longer was fruitless. They made videos and sent to their boss and were asked to wait a little longer. They waited as Cynthia quieted down. There was no positive result so they finally gave up watching her and waited for the results  of the DNA.