
Loving my imperfect husband

"Tell me, who is her father?" he screamed at her. "How many times will I tell you that I am not her mother." She shouted back. "Every thing here proves that you are her mother,  the DNA, everything. I'm ready to accept her but who is her father? how much do you love  him? Tell me, why are you protecting him?" he hollered. She had taken in enough. "What do you mean by my child? How can I mother a child unknowingly. I told you where I was during that time but you failed to believe me. I went as far as conducting a DNA myself because I almost believed that I underwent a follicular aspiration without knowing. The results of the DNA were negative. You refused to believe me and chose to believe those enemies that are after our marriage. We have been married to each other for about four years. Where is the love you always professed and I believed in, all my life. A love without trust, Is that love? You kicked me out of your house and I had to leave, you cut the communication between I and my daughter and caused her to hate me, yet you still ain't satisfied. You continued to follow me around and taunt my life. What have I done to deserve this? what? tell me. Please, stop pestering me. I agree to the divorce, take me, let's sign it if that is how I would  get out from your cage." She said in one breath. He finally released her, staggered backwards and with a shaky voice, said. "You want to end things with me, it's alright, you can live the way you want, you can also go to him since that's what you want. I've released you." he said and they matched down to the bureau where they signed their divorce and went their separate ways.  As they drew apart from each other, it seemed to both of them as if one carried the other's heart with him as he left. "To hell with men, there's no good one amongst them."  She thought and from that day, became neutral towards males. "I regret loving you." he said looking at her picture. "I  can't bear to do anything to you. I blame myself for loving you that much." The tears dropped out from his eye, he sniffed and cleaned it. This occurred between two lovebirds who believed that nothing could separate them. Everyone around them also believed the same. Who is she trying to protect if the child is hers and if it isn't, who is the powerful person that doesn't want them to stay together? Most of all, which couples this?

Favour_clement · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

The money came miraculously

At home:

Nora looked at the money in her hand, took a deep breath and pinched herself to be sure that this was not a dream. After being so sure that she wasn't dreaming, she dashed out with only one place in mind- the hospital.

As soon as she got to the hospital, she saw her father lurking around the gate, looking all pale, smoking, she had grown used to seeing him like that.

Seeing her, he immediately put off the cigarette in his hand and looked up to her.

"Have you taken a decision yet?" He asked

She was a bit annoyed by the question but when she remembered that there was nothing he could do about it, she completely softened up.

"Let's go inside first" she said leading the way into the ward where her mother lay.

"You can think of it this way,  Marry him for two years after which you can get a divorce" He suggested along the way.

She kept quiet.

As they got inside, he said silently as if he was talking to himself.

"The hospital threatened to throw us out if those bills remain unpaid in two months.

You can forget about it if you really don't want to think about it, there would always be a way out" he added when she was silent.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about it, he stopped talking about it and turned his face to his wife who lay there in a coma.

"I'm not trying to be a bad person without conscience but I can't possibly be a third, fourth or probably fifth wife" she said looking at him.

"What are you insinuating?"

He asked.

"Here" she said handing him her phone with the video playing on it.

After watching the videos, he got enraged.

"How could he? who does he think he is, He should go to hell."

Am sorry daughter, please I didn't know about this before now, I really didn't mean to..."

"It's alright sir.  

Well,  I've found a means to go about the bills, she said and at the same time removed the money.

Seeing the huge money in front of him, he was surprised, he only saw such huge money when he went to the bank.

Initially when he saw the amount they were owing, he concluded that the money could only be paid If they would rob a bank and that was why when he saw someone that decided to foot the bill,

he agreed to the condition which was to persuade Nora to get engaged to the old man's son.

When he watched the video, he concluded there was no way he'd allow his daughter marry that kind of person and after seeing the money he knew he wouldn't have to force her to a man.

Nonetheless he still needed to know how she got the money

"How did you get this money, dont tell me you..." he couldn't say what he wanted to say and ended up asking" hope you didn't starve yourself to get the money?" even though he knew she wouldn't get this much money even if she starved for a whole year.

"I didn't do anything wrong okay.."

She explained how she got the money and he was again surprised.

He could only believe her.

"This is a miracle and very thoughtful of you but hope she wouldn't come for you in future." he said happy and cautious at the same time.

"Why would she come after me,I didn't ask her for any money and I didn't do anything wrong either, I just got a very good opportunity and refused to let it pass.

Let's focus on paying the bills for now, we can talk about the money and the generous stranger later.

And again, we'll be transferring her to another hospital where she can get proper treatment. I can't wait to see her alive again." She said without much expression on her face.

She counted the money,

"It would be enough for the bill so I would have to work harder to transfer her in time " she said slowly to herself picking the words one by one.

'Her mother had never been to a good hospital since she became ill and they were even owing this hospital.

Thinking about this her face turned gloomy.

"You don't have to tire yourself out or blame yourself so much. You were so young and inexperienced then and I failed in my responsibility as a father to guide you, that was why you became their prey. I'm actually the one yo be blamed." her father said trying to comfort her.

Nora did not respond, she was not ready to drag who was to be blamed with her father.

She talked to her mother for a while though there was really no response before she turned to her father

"I'm going to deal with the bills and I would be leaving from there" she said and left.

At home

Nora was going through her phone in search of a good hospital where her mom can get treated when she felt someone come in.

She looked up to reveal the beautiful lady in front of her who was on putting on a gorgeous party gown that stopped few inches above her knee, Nora immediately remembered that they had somewhere to go to.

"You don't have to get your head stuck up in that, get dressed let's go." Rose said.

They were going to her mother's birthday party.

"It's alright give me three hours to get dressed" she said and scurried off.

"You mean to keep me waiting for THREE STRAIGHT HOURS" she shouted but was responded by the loud sound of the door being shot.

'Nora really had a way of annoying someone' she thought then took her phone and started playing video games.

She wasn't done with the first round of the game when someone called her.

"We should get going" the familiar voice called, she looked up to reveal the beauty in front of her, she stared for a minute or two lost with her mouth agape as she watched how beautifull Nora got transformed in not more than three minutes.

Nora was putting up a lilac gown, she had personally designed to look more beautiful than the creator created it, her shoes which matched her dress had also been given more touches by her to make it more beautiful.

Looking at her, no one would believe she actually bought those in the thrift store.

"I know that I'm especially beautiful but that shouldn't be a reason to stare at me all day,we should get going" Nora said proudly.

"Proud black beautiful bitch" Rose retorted not failing to praise her at the same time.

"Was it necessary to include the word bitch?" Nora asked twitching her mouth in a way that made her look like one who had just been bullied.

"It wasn't necessary to praise yourself either".

Rose was not ready to compromise and feel sorry.

"It's alright let's just go"

Nora who didn't want to continue talking about that changed the topic.

"But then you look hot and I bet you'll find yourself a boyfriend before the end of the party" Rose teased and winked.

"To hell with boys" Nora cursed immediately as if some abominable stuff has been mentioned to her.

"How am I sure you are not gay?" Rose joked

"Maybe I am and who knows? I might even be in love with you." Nora joked while opening the the car, she got in and opened the other door for Rose to sit.

"I don't sit in the same car with gays" Rose said and turned to leave.

"Can you just stop, we are running out of time already"Nora scolded and Rose realised that she had played long enough and reluctantly entered the car.

"It's not like anything would happen in the car" Nora said seeing her cold face that looked out of the window


What followed was a long sigh.

Seeing that Rose remained silent and had no intention of talking to her, she kept quiet and stopped talking even though she wasn't sure if Rose was always joking or she really thought of her as gay even though they haven't yet done anything.

How bad it would be if Rose-her saviour though of her as gay.

Soon they arrived at the venue.