
Loving my imperfect husband

"Tell me, who is her father?" he screamed at her. "How many times will I tell you that I am not her mother." She shouted back. "Every thing here proves that you are her mother,  the DNA, everything. I'm ready to accept her but who is her father? how much do you love  him? Tell me, why are you protecting him?" he hollered. She had taken in enough. "What do you mean by my child? How can I mother a child unknowingly. I told you where I was during that time but you failed to believe me. I went as far as conducting a DNA myself because I almost believed that I underwent a follicular aspiration without knowing. The results of the DNA were negative. You refused to believe me and chose to believe those enemies that are after our marriage. We have been married to each other for about four years. Where is the love you always professed and I believed in, all my life. A love without trust, Is that love? You kicked me out of your house and I had to leave, you cut the communication between I and my daughter and caused her to hate me, yet you still ain't satisfied. You continued to follow me around and taunt my life. What have I done to deserve this? what? tell me. Please, stop pestering me. I agree to the divorce, take me, let's sign it if that is how I would  get out from your cage." She said in one breath. He finally released her, staggered backwards and with a shaky voice, said. "You want to end things with me, it's alright, you can live the way you want, you can also go to him since that's what you want. I've released you." he said and they matched down to the bureau where they signed their divorce and went their separate ways.  As they drew apart from each other, it seemed to both of them as if one carried the other's heart with him as he left. "To hell with men, there's no good one amongst them."  She thought and from that day, became neutral towards males. "I regret loving you." he said looking at her picture. "I  can't bear to do anything to you. I blame myself for loving you that much." The tears dropped out from his eye, he sniffed and cleaned it. This occurred between two lovebirds who believed that nothing could separate them. Everyone around them also believed the same. Who is she trying to protect if the child is hers and if it isn't, who is the powerful person that doesn't want them to stay together? Most of all, which couples this?

Favour_clement · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Begging for forgiveness

The people from the base were looking at the results that they have gotten so far.

The cameras on the way to the beach confirmed that Annabel really went towards the beach but the camera at the place that they packed their car before her escapade was broken before now and was still undergoing repairs so it did not capture how Annabel escaped. The one at the beach also did not tell whether or not, she entered the beach so they also checked the places around the beach and thoroughly investigated those places the same way they did here and got completely negative results.

The result from matching the fingerprints in Nora's house was not positive. The fingerprints gotten from Nora's room only matched hers except the ones from the story books on her table which had different fingerprints that were unfamiliar. The were able to find out that these were the fingerprints of the students Nora taught.

The fingerprints from Rose's room only matched Rose's own and that, from other parts of the house varied. No fingerprint here matched Annabel's own. They did not understand how she would possibly live here without leaving her fingerprint anywhere but still continued watching and waiting for the results of the forensic DNA test.

As they watched, they realised that this people did not make any suspicious moves. They just lived the normal live of young ladies which was enough reason to stop suspecting them but the report from their hacker said something else. He could not even scratch the surface of, to talk of sneak into Ivy's phone which meant that the hacker that encrypted her phone was a lot more skilled than he was.

There are only two hackers that are superior to this person when it comes to hacking.  One of them was working with the ravens and the other's identity was mysterious. Could it be that Nora and Ivy was sponsored by the ravens?

If they were working for the ravens, they should have been killed by the ravens before now to avoid spilling their secrets or the ravens would use them in such a way that no one would even suspect them.

Who then, sponsored them? The only report that they got about Ivy was that she had two children without a husband and was the head of a department in one of the branches of the shine group.

They did not bother checking who was the father to her children since they were not investigating her private life and that did not in any way relate to what they were searching for. Other parts of her identity like her family and birth was hidden.

Someone that occupied the position, Ivy occupies in the shine group had the ability to pay for all that pertains to Nora's mother's operation and still have enough to eat so it was not suspicious that she helped a friend who was in pressing need of her money. 

They now lost hope on the results of the DNA that was yet to be out.

They decided that if this results did not prove that Annabel was with Nora, then it would be confirmed that the ravens were really the ones that snatched them Annabel from them. They would then call the ravens and admit defeat because they were the only people that would take the child away without any trace.

Even though, the achlys also had the ability to snatch the child from them, they did not think it was them because the achlys had internal strife and were still unable to revolve it and would not have the time to safe the girl. And even if they already united and snatched the girl, they could not do it without leaving at least a little trace and the only people that had the hacker that was more skilled than their hacker was the raven group so the people with the highest probability of snatching the girl from them was the ravens. 

Ivy tried again even more deeper this time and found out that it was the person that ranked third in the hacking industry that hacked Nora's phone.  Ivy knew that this person was not simple because the people he worked for did underground  business and she did not know much about the underground world. She was still determined to help her friend.

Nora who could not stand the silence inside the ward said.

"I would be going home to get something. I don't know if there is anything I can get along the way for you."

She was talking to her aunt.

What followed was complete silence.

Her aunt ignored her and continued eating.

When Nora could no longer stand she silence, she stood up and went out.

Ivy followed not long after.

"What is the issue between you and your aunt?" Ivy asked as soon as she came out.

Nora was quiet and Ivy continued.

No matter what it is, she is not supposed to snub you the way she did in there." Ivy said.

"She did nothing wrong. I am completely in the wrong so whatever she does is right. If I were in her shoes, who knows? I  would have done much worse than just snub." Nora said taking the blame.

Ivy kept quiet for a while before saying.

"If you are in the wrong, why then will you not ask for forgiveness." Ivy said.

"I believe that I do not deserve her forgiveness."

Nora said emotionally.

"Even though I do not know what occurred between you too, I think you should still ask for her forgiveness. No wrong doing is above being forgiven. Even if you killed a person, you still should not live with the guilt forever. Ask for her forgiveness." Ivy tried to persuade her.

Nora was quiet. She was pondering over it

"What really happened."

Ivy was still curious.

"I am not in the mood to talk about it now. Talking about it is like adding pepper to an open injury." Nora said sadly.

"Then don't say it but think about what I said." Ivy said, patted her back and went inside.

Nora finally concluded that she was going to beg for forgiveness.

She went in.

Cynthia was done eating and was outside the ward when Nora came in.  Nora did not see her aunt and went out to find her.

"Aunty Cynthia" Nora called when she saw her.

She did not reply just as Nora expected.

Nora swallowed and said.

"I want to talk to you."

"There is nothing for us to talk about" Cynthia said aggressively.


Cynthia stopped, found a place and stood waiting for her to say what she wanted to say." 

Seeing that Cynthia appeared now ready to listen to her, she started.

"I am sorry ma for everything that happened back then. I am sorry for being stupid and foolish. I am sorry both for not listening to you and for disobeying you." Her expression was that of someone that was truly sorry for her actions.

Cynthia looked at her and asked.

"Have you finished saying all that you wanted to say?"

Nora continued.

"I want to beg for your forgiveness. Please forgive me. I have learnt my lessons and would never repeat such mistakes again. I am now a changed person. You were good to me but I repaid your good with evil. Please have mercy." Nora begged even further.

"So you know." 

Cynthia said looking at her in the eye.

"Yes, I realised that, and I am truly sorry, please have mercy." Nora begged.

"Are you done talking." Cynthia asked even again.

Nora thought there was nothing else she had to say so she answered.

"Yes ma."

"And you think I would forgive you?" Cynthia asked.  

"I do not think that I deserve your forgiveness but please tender justice with mercy.

I am not asking you to take me back in again. I just want to live a peaceful life knowing that you have forgiven me." Nora begged even further.

"Really?! So you want to live a life with clear conscience after all you did huh?"

"Nora was quiet for a second. She knew exactly where her aunt was heading to with her words.

"That is not what I meant actually. Okay, how about I pay you the whole money back with interest." Nora said.