
Loving Mr popular

Rosie_philips · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter four part one


"No mom, it's not her, I have to meet him in his house". I say falling on my bed

" A boy, I thought it's always Svetlana" she says sitting on the edge

"Yes same but it's someone annoying"

"Hmm nice" she says giving me a knowing smile

"oh mom, please"

She raises her hands in surrender "okay okay, freshen up so you'd meet up, are you having anything before going" she asked

"When I get back"


I knock on the gate of Ryan's house, the gate open automatically, I walked to the main door and met a tall hefty man with no smile on his face, he look at me from head to toe, okay this is weird at least a little smile will do to make it less awkward, that booty should come and tell this non smiling freak to let me in

"Who are you looking for?" he ask in a deep husky voice

Finally. "A guy that has a crack head and is also a booty" I say not realising what I said, the man raise his brow at me. "I meant Ryan Dice, is this his residence"

"Does he know you'd be here" he ask not bulging to open the door, the door open revealing a little girl with blonde hair, she's damn cute, more like a sugar princess

"Hey why are you keeping the lady outside" she snaps at the man

"I'm sorry, come in miss" the man opens the door wide.

"Pls do come in" the little girl says, I nod before entering

"So tell me, you are looking for my brother right?" she ask holding my hands

Wow! that arrogant freak has a beautiful cute little sister

"I'm not his biological sister if that's what you are thinking, I'm his cousin but I prefer to call him my brother" she explains

"Oh" I mouthed

"You know you're extremely pretty" she commends

"Ryan isn't around" She pouts when we got to the kitchen, what the heck! he said I should come four this is almost five, I forgot to mention this house is pretty massive and beautifully designed

"Do you know when he'd be back?"

"Nope but you can wait for him, he knows you're here so he'd definitely be back soon" she says. "I'm Tulip, you are?"

"Rosiehin, just call me Rosie" I smile. "How old" I ask cause she seems bold

"I'm seven years" she chuckles, too bold and smart for her age. "You'll be my rose right?" she asks

"Huh?" I ask not getting her point

"I don't like the word best friend, I used it for someone close to Ryan and she broke my trust, she had hazel eyes like you" she explains, who could she be? his girlfriend? perhaps she broke his heart could that be the reason he calls all hazel eyed people cheaters, why do I feel the urge to find our what happened

"So you'd be my rose" she smiles handing me a drink

I nod at her

"You know am still confused about something" she starts