
Loving Blood

"Who's there?" he murmured, his voice barely more than a breath. A woman stepped into the moonlight, her features a delicate blend of beauty and danger. She wore dark attire that hugged her lithe frame, her silver hair cascading down her back like a river of moonlight. Her eyes, a striking shade of crimson, held an intensity that sent a shiver down Carl's spine. "I am Lyra," she replied, her voice a mixture of intrigue and command. "And I am here to ensure your survival, Carl."

Devilshow · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

The "Defective Pair".

As the days unfolded, Carl found himself in a unique position – not just as a potential ally to Noelle, but also as someone she confided in. Noelle has to return to her estate every 2- 3 days for clan work and the frequency was increasing nowadays.

One afternoon, as they walked through the estate's gardens, Noelle's expression carried a weight that caught Carl's attention. Her crimson eyes, usually commanding, held a hint of sadness.

"Is something bothering you, Noelle?" Carl asked gently, his concern evident.

Noelle hesitated for a moment before sighing softly. "It's a matter of clan politics. A dispute that has been brewing for years. I fear it may escalate."

Carl nodded, his gaze steady. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Noelle's gaze met his, gratitude mingling with surprise. "You offer your assistance even without knowing the details?"

Carl smiled softly. "Sometimes, just having someone to share the burden with can make a difference."

As Noelle spoke about the intricacies of the dispute, Carl listened attentively. He offered insights, suggested potential solutions, and even shared stories of how he had navigated similar challenges within his own family.

Noelle found herself opening up in a way she hadn't expected, their connection deepening beyond their roles as heirs.

Later that evening, as the sun began to set, Carl found himself in the courtyard, reflecting on his day. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of familiar laughter – the teasing, playful voice of his older sister, Eva.

"Carl, my dear brother, you've been spending quite a bit of time with the Werewolf princess, haven't you?" Eva's tone was lighthearted but knowing.

Carl turned to find Eva leaning against a pillar, a mischievous grin on her face. "And what if I have, Eva?"

Eva chuckled. "Oh, nothing at all. Just wondering if the mighty Lord Fourth has been tamed by a certain crimson-eyed beauty."

Carl rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. "You're impossible, Eva."

Eva's expression softened. "Just be careful, Carl. Noelle might be fierce, but she's also carrying the weight of her responsibilities. Don't let your heart get caught in a whirlwind that might lead to more than you bargained for."

Carl appreciated his sister's concern, but he knew that his connection with Noelle was deeper than he could have anticipated. He had seen glimpses of the real Noelle, beyond her regal demeanor, and he was willing to navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.

Their conversation was interrupted as Vincent and Sean approached, their presence casting a shadow over the courtyard. Vincent's smirk and Sean's knowing expression told Carl that they had overheard Eva's teasing.

"Well, well, well," Vincent began, his tone dripping with amusement. "It seems the mighty Lord Fourth has been caught in the Werewolf princess's web."

Sean chimed in, his smile sly. "Our defective vampires, bonding over their shortcomings."

Eva retorted sharply"Atleast he is getting some girls which is better than you two"

Eva's retort made Sean Frown and he was about to burst in anger when Vincent held him back.

Vincent slyly replied before walking out"Well we will see who gets the girl during the Ball next week"

Sean smiled at the comment while Eva and Carl frowned at that.

Sean whispered tapping Carl's shoulder before leaving"You know I heard that werewolf girls are wild and they enjoy being with strong partners, I don't think you can handle her so just give her to me"

Carl retorted calmly" See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a di**k, and only enough blood to run one at a time and I think from the past few days your blood is all down there"

Carl and Eva make way to their quarters while laughing to make preparations for the Ball.

Do you think you can make a better retort than Carl, then comment below!!

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