
Loving Blood

"Who's there?" he murmured, his voice barely more than a breath. A woman stepped into the moonlight, her features a delicate blend of beauty and danger. She wore dark attire that hugged her lithe frame, her silver hair cascading down her back like a river of moonlight. Her eyes, a striking shade of crimson, held an intensity that sent a shiver down Carl's spine. "I am Lyra," she replied, her voice a mixture of intrigue and command. "And I am here to ensure your survival, Carl."

Devilshow · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Carl's Worry

As the days unfolded, Carl's heart remained a battleground of emotions.

He couldn't shake off the gnawing worry that Sean and Vincent's scheming were far from over.

Their manipulative schemes were like a shadow lurking just beyond his sight, ready to pounce at the most opportune moment.

While Noelle's regal strength offered him solace, he knew that protecting her required more than just physical prowess – it demanded vigilance and a keen eye for deception.

His nights were often spent in contemplation, his thoughts a whirlwind of strategies and precautions. T

The bond he shared with Noelle was precious, built upon shared moments and a connection that was slowly becoming the cornerstone of his world.

He couldn't let that bond be shattered by the malicious intentions of others.

Amidst the turmoil, the estate's serene mornings became a refuge for Carl.

The soft rays of the sun filtering through his window offered a sense of calm. He found solace in his sword training, the rhythmic sound of steel against steel a form of meditation.

One morning, Carl's blade danced through the air as he practiced his forms.

The swiftness and precision of his movements were a testament to years of dedication and discipline.

As he focused on each stroke, he felt a growing sense of resolve – a determination to protect Noelle from whatever challenges lay ahead.

Amid his training, a voice broke through his concentration. "Impressive, little brother."

Carl turned to find his older sister, Eva, leaning against the training grounds' entrance, her expression a mix of amusement and admiration.

"Eva," he greeted with a grin, setting aside his blade. "What brings you here?"

She sauntered closer, her gaze fixed on him. "Just wanted to see if my little brother's still got it."

Carl chuckled, his bond with Eva strong despite their differences. "I haven't become rusty if that's what you're asking."

Eva's eyes held a glimmer of mischief. "And how's Noelle?"

Carl's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, his heart racing at the mention of Noelle's name. "She's doing well. We're spending time together."

Eva raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Seems like more than just 'time,' Carl."

He rolled his eyes, attempting to play off the teasing. "Don't read too much into it, Eva."

She approached, her gaze turning severe. "Carl, Noelle may have the strength of a full werewolf, but she has lots of problems. Are you ready to protect her, even if it means facing threats beyond your control?"

Carl's expression grew determined, his gaze unwavering as he met Eva's eyes. "Eva, even if I'm not the strongest, I'll protect her with everything I have."

Eva's gaze softened, a mix of affection and pride evident in her eyes. "Just remember, Carl, you don't always have to be the strongest to be the protector."

As the morning sunlight bathed the training grounds, Carl's conversation with Eva resonated in his thoughts.

He was no stranger to the limitations imposed by his vampiric form, but his will to safeguard Noelle went beyond physical strength.

It was a promise he intended to keep – a vow to be by her side, to stand between her and whatever dangers may arise.

Days turned into weeks, and the tension surrounding Noelle's impending decision grew.

As the grand ball's week approached, Carl immersed himself in preparations.

The estate was a flurry of activity, with decorations being placed, guests being invited, and anticipation hanging thick in the air.

One morning, as the sun cast a golden hue over the landscape, Carl was once again in the training grounds, his blade an extension of his determination.

The steady rhythm of his movements was a testament to his unwavering commitment, his focus unbroken despite the weight of the upcoming events.

As he completed his training routine, Carl wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving with exertion. Just then, he sensed a familiar presence approaching.

His mother was carrying a tray full of juice and snacks.

Carl wondered why his mother would come to him this early in the day.

Lady Dagon exclaimed "Oh, Carl it's been a while since you came to your mother. "

"Mother," he greeted, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

Lady Dagon's warm smile greeted him. "I thought you could use a little refreshment after your training, Carl."

As he accepted a glass of juice, Carl couldn't help but wonder about her visit. His mother's timing seemed unusual, prompting him to question her motives.

Lady Dagon's eyes held a hint of concern. "It's been a while since we had a chance to talk, Carl."

She goes to stand beside him and whispers in his ears "Carl what do you think about the Ball"

Carl replied "Yes Mother I think this Ball is going to be a big shit show "

"Oh don't worry you can count on my support during the Ball, and I think I should call my family to attend this event for further support."

Carl sighed while replying "I don't want to depend on others for support Mother but this damn body of mine will not provide me with the strength to stand on my own "

His mother's heart constricted with sympathy and pain "Don't worry Carl everybody has their good times, yours will be coming in the near future, I can feel it."

Their conversation shifted to the upcoming grand ball. Lady Dagon's eyes held a hint of practicality. "Carl, during the ball, be prepared for any eventuality."

He nodded, his determination resurfacing. "I've been studying our so-called "relatives", understanding their strengths and weaknesses."

Lady Dagon's approval was evident in her smile. "That's the spirit. Anticipate their moves, and plan your responses."

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