
Loving Blood

"Who's there?" he murmured, his voice barely more than a breath. A woman stepped into the moonlight, her features a delicate blend of beauty and danger. She wore dark attire that hugged her lithe frame, her silver hair cascading down her back like a river of moonlight. Her eyes, a striking shade of crimson, held an intensity that sent a shiver down Carl's spine. "I am Lyra," she replied, her voice a mixture of intrigue and command. "And I am here to ensure your survival, Carl."

Devilshow · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Carl's Secret.

From the shadows, Sean watched the evolving connection between Noelle and Carl with a mixture of frustration and determination.

He had thought he held the upper hand, his status as an influential heir giving him an advantage in winning the Werewolf princess's favor. But the genuine bond that was forming between Noelle and Carl threatened to shatter his plans.

"Noelle is mine," Sean thought with a simmering intensity. He couldn't allow his ambitions to be thwarted by someone who, in his eyes, was beneath him.

The vulnerability and authenticity he saw in Noelle's interactions with Carl were infuriating, a stark contrast to the image of dominance he had sought to project.

As he contemplated his next move, Sean's thoughts drifted to his cousin Vincent – the cunning and manipulative heir known as "Lord First."

Vincent had always been shrewd, and Sean knew that he could count on him to help achieve his goals.

A plan began to form in Sean's mind, one that involved exploiting a secret that could change the course of their family's dynamics.

One evening, Sean sought out Vincent, finding him in the study surrounded by ancient tomes and scrolls. Vincent looked up, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and calculation.

"Sean," he greeted, his tone dripping with condescension. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sean's gaze remained unwavering as he approached Vincent. "We need to talk about Carl."

Vincent's expression turned serious, his amusement fading. "Ah, our dear cousin. What about him?"

Sean leaned in, his voice a low, calculated whisper. "The secret of Carl's bloodline."

Vincent's interest was piqued, and he motioned for Sean to continue.

"Our father," Sean began, his voice laced with bitterness, "he and the former duke(Carl's Father) died protecting a secret – a secret about Carl's true lineage."

Vincent raised an eyebrow, his intrigue evident. "And what is this secret?"

Sean leaned in closer, ensuring that his words remained between them. "Carl is not a pure vampire. Our father discovered that he carries the blood of a powerful entity – one that could potentially threaten our supremacy."

"Some of the Supernaturals may also come after him if its revealed to the world" Sean said barely hiding his excitement.

Vincent's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities. "And what are you suggesting, Sean?"

A sinister smile played at the corners of Sean's lips. "We expose this secret, tarnish Carl's reputation, and create doubt in Noelle's mind about his worthiness. With her alliance weakened, she will have no choice but to turn to me."

Vincent considered the plan for a moment, his mind calculating the potential outcomes. "Exposing Carl's secret could be risky. If it fails, it could strengthen his resolve and Noelle's trust in him."

Sean's expression hardened. "Then we ensure it doesn't fail. We plant the seed of doubt carefully, sowing it among the right people. Once Noelle questions Carl's legitimacy, she'll turn to the safer option – me."

Vincent leaned back in his chair, a calculating glint in his eyes. "If this works, you'll gain more than just an alliance. You'll gain control over the future of the supernatural realm."

Sean's lips curled into a confident smile. "Exactly."

As the two cousins solidified their sinister plan, little did they know that their manipulation would set in motion a series of events that would test not only their bonds but also the authenticity of their desires.

Meanwhile, Carl continued to navigate the evolving connection with Noelle, unaware of the schemes being plotted behind the scenes.

The bond they were forming was genuine, their shared moments fostering a deep sense of companionship that transcended their roles as heirs.

As days turned into weeks, Vincent's words echoed in Sean's mind. Carl's secret was a weapon, a way to undermine the genuine connection that was blossoming.

Yet, Sean couldn't shake the lingering doubt – the uncertainty of whether Noelle's heart could truly be swayed by such tactics.

In the midst of his scheming, Sean found himself grappling with the complexities of his own desires.

The allure of power and dominance was strong, but as he watched Carl and Noelle's interactions from the shadows, he couldn't ignore the authenticity of their connection.

As Sean navigated the intricate web of manipulation and ambition, the supernatural realm teetered on the edge of change.

The secret of Carl's bloodline held the potential to shift allegiances, redefine alliances, and reshape destinies. In the midst of it all, Noelle's heart remained a prize sought by many, each driven by their own desires and aspirations.

Who will come out on top

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