
Loving An Immortal

She knelt on the floor of a huge palace in front of a man that sat on a golden throne. His robes were black with gold dragons embroidered on it. A sneer on his once handsome face. "How dare you!" He yelled nearly coming to his feet with anger. "You think you can deceive this Emperor!?" He screamed his voice growing louder and louder as he stared at the beautiful young General that knelt before him. 'A woman General?!' He thought so angry blood started to be seen at the corners of his mouth. 'I will never allow this!!' He screamed silently. He pointed at the kneeling girl, "Put her to death right here and now!" A guard rushed forward. The said girl sat back on her heels and looked the emperor a small smile on her lips as if she know something he did not. All the while her thoughts were. 'So this is how I die for the second time.' Then she smirked as she felt the sharp sword against her throat. "They dont call me the Blood Goddess for no reason your Highness." Was the last thing she said.

Annalee_Moore · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter three - A Fake!?

That night a man appeared in the guest house were the doctor had been imprisoned, guards posted every couple of feet. His tall lean body towering over the kneeling doctor. "How dare you." He growled both hands fisted tightly by his side. The doctor fell backwards and landed on his back before curling up in a ball sobbing and begging for mercy.

"Do you know how hard it was to keep her alive from such a distance?" He snapped kicking the doctor away from him. "How hard it has been for me to sit on my hands and not do anything? How hard it has been knowing that she could be the True Phoenix we have been waiting for?" Each question was followed by a sharp kick. He finally stopped and grabbed the doctor from the floor. "Are you mocking me by staying in this form?" He demanded giving the doctor a hard shake.

The doctor cryingly said no and slowly started transforming in to a middle aged man with white hair and cat eyes that glowed green in the dim light. "Let me tell you what's going to happen." The man said raising his other hand to show a small yellow pill that sat in his palm. "You will take this." He commanded then shoved it in to the doctors mouth and down his throat.

He then dropped the doctor straight to the floor stepped over him and sat at the small table with his head propped on his hand as he continued. "Good. In about three minutes it will start to disintegrate you from the in side out. Don't worry it will first make it impossible for you to speak, see or hear all you need to worry about is the pain your going to suffer because you are a FAKE!" The last word was shouted so loud it was suprising no one just outside the room hear it.

The doctor looked at him as he trembled and tried to speak but it was to late. The poison was already taking effect and the doctor just crumpled to the floor as he started to slowly collapse in on himself. Disgusted the man stood up and began collecting all of the doctors things from the room. He then took out a wooden wheelchair and left it in the middle of the room. Before he turned and vanished in to thin air. Soon after he vanished a strong wind blew through cousing the window in the guest house to blow open and the pile of dust, that was once the fake doctor, to blow away.

* * * *

The next couple of weeks for Aloradyth were hard as she tried to settle down into the army camp, her new family, and into this new world. Her uncles had demolished the back of the main wall that looked out on to a huge clearing. They did this so they could continue to train the soldiers that they had brought with them. Aloradyth sat in her new wooden wheelchair at the back of the house in the garden and watched a small group of the 70,000 soldiers train as her thoughts when to her last couple of days in her other world.

* * * *

Two months before her death.

Aloradyth sat staring at the small monitor that showed her just how unfaithful her husband was to her. Her husband Isaac was entangled with her younger sister in their marital bed. Isaac was telling her how much funner it was to sleep with her than it was to sleep with Aloradyth. Aloradyth pushed back from the dark mahogany desk and stood up. All the year of training to become an assassin string in her heart as she struggled not to hunt both of them down a kill them. She had noticed that Isaac had started to act strange ever since she had gotten pregnant and her sister had been staying over a lot more so she of course had suspicions and looked into it. She just wasn't expecting this.

She reached out and rubbed her baby bump as she thought of what to do. She decided she was going to cut her company ties with Isaac's and take herself and her baby out of the picture. That night when she got home she packed a bag and started for the door not saying anything to him on her way out. A month later both the divorce papers and the news of the company break reached him. Isaac blow up her phone with calls and texts but all she did was shut off her phone. Her sisters and brothers, all younger than her, tried to get her to stop her plans but she turned her back on them. Both of her parents tried to convince her that she was over reacting even after she explained and showed them what he and her sister had been doing.

A week before she died every single one of her living relatives, about a hundred, showed up at her office and begged her to just let him apologize to her and try to solve the problem. What she didn't know was that all of them knew what was about to happen and forced her to go through with meeting him at the same spot he had met her and were they had there first date. It was also were he had proposed. It was a hiking trail that ended with a look out onto the sea from a cliff that was almost a mile tall. By this time she was 8 months pregnant and had taken over three hours just to get to this meeting spot.

She was waiting for an hour after that in the cold before he showed up with HER. They stood against her demanding she hand over her company and disappeared. She told them to go to heck. She turned to leave only to hear Isaac say he was sorry. She turned to look at him in shock only to see the gun pointed at her. She only had time to blink before she saw him pull the trigger and felt herself falling.

* * * *

Back in the garden she heard her mother and one of her uncles talking. "I'm telling you she really could become a really good General one day if she just practices." She heard her mother sigh as saw them round the corner. "I have to remind you how well it went over when I tried to become a General. Father was so mad he sent me away to marry that man. Mou I don't think it would be such a good idea."

Young Mou shook his head and took her mothers shoulders. "Mia Mia Father regrets that the most. He told us to tell you that if you were to become a General at that time you probably would have been killed and he only wanted to protect you. But I'm telling you Aloradyth is young enough now to learn and become even more strong then any of us could imagine. She must become a General for our kingdom so we don't fall to the emperor of Ming." Her mother nodded her head and smiled.

Aloradyth squeaked out a "Me?" drawing there attention to were she sat. Her uncle smile and came over to her taking her hand. "We want to make you in to a General." He told her taking her hand. She blinked. "How!? Why!?" She said doubt heavy in her voice as she used her other hand to guster at her useless legs. "I'll train you!" Young Mou said using his thumb to point to himself with great confidence. Aloradyth looked around her uncle to look at her mother. Mia Mia smiled and nodded her head indication she should do it. Aloradyth sighed and again pointed at her legs as she said. "Again uncle I say 'How'?"

Both her uncle and her mother looked at each other not really knowing what to say especial after the doctor had suddenly just disappeared like he did only leaving the wheelchair she now sat in. "I'll do it." Came a calm and almost cold voice from behind them. "I can also do it better." They all flipped around to see a young man around 17 or 18 standing there the window swaying his light blue and white robes. His hair was long and black and his eyes her a murky green color that made you think of fresh made medicine. He had a regal look and a proud face that was softened by his thin lips that always looked like he was smiling and the soft look in his eyes. He took us by such surprise that not even her uncle could react for almost a full minute.

Suddenly her uncle moved and in the next second had his sword drawn and was rushing the stranger that had just appeared. In a lightning fast move the stranger reached out and disarmed her uncle flipped him over and pinned him on the ground using his foot to keep her uncle down. Young Mou was shocked silent as he stared up at the young man. "who are you?" Her mother said standing protectively in front of her daughter. The stranger scratched his cheek boyishly and blushed. "I'm the Immortal Doctor Chen Yi Ming." He responded taking his foot off of Young Mou. He stepped back and looked at Aloradyth. "Your condition isn't from the fall you had." He told her stepping over Young Mou, who had yet to get up, and walked over to her. Mia Mia blocked his path and glared at him in warning.

He leand towards Mia Mia and said something in her ear. Her eyes went wide as she slowly dropped her arms and stepped to the side head lowered to let him past. The Immortal Doctor knelt beside Aloradyth and asked to take her hand. Aloradyth rolled her eyes internally as she handed her hand to him. It took him all of two minutes before he burst out laughing and let go. The Immortal doctor reached in to a small bag on his waist and pulled out a large medicinal bag and handed it to her. "There is poison in your body that is the type that taken short term will prevent you from cultivation, long term it will paralyze you and make it impossible to cultivate. Taken long enough and you will die." He then went on. "It will take about three days before you can walk and another three days before you can start cultivation. Put this in your bath water and sit in it for half an hour to an hour or until the water turns black. Oh and a word of warning it will hurt. Also the bag is magical it will refill after use so dont through it away." With that he disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.