
Loveless Years; Until We Meet Again

Selina Fox thought she had finally had everything she ever wanted in life the day she married Zane Morris, the CEO of RIS EMPIRE Ltd, and was expecting a child with him. However, Selina's world came crashing down when she discovered Zane had no interest in having a child with her and had chosen his mistress over her. Selina couldn't endure his aloofness towards her and his hedonistic lifestyle any longer, especially living as an infertile woman. "I want nothing else from you except a divorce! Let's get divorced!" Selina demanded. Although Zane admitted he failed to love and respect her as his wife, he was determined not to break the vow's irrevocable part: “Selina, till death do us part. So, don't tempt me to violate that beautiful vow. No matter what you do, I will never break it,” Zane stated, reiterating that he would never meet Selina's demand.

LilyKim · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Pregnancy Report

"Mrs Morris?" a doctor called as he exited the medical laboratory and approached the young lady, who was sitting on the seat in the corridor with an anxious expression.

"Yes, Doctor," Selina answered while she stood up from her seat. "Is the report ready?"

The doctor nodded once. "There is no contradicting issue in your health, except for some good news. Congratulations, Mrs Morris. You are a month pregnant." He informed her and held out the report paper to her.

Selina collected the report paper from him and read it herself to be certain she hadn't misheard him. She read the written words on the piece of paper and confirmed that her pregnancy result was positive. She had been dizzy and nauseous for the past month and thought it was just a minor fever.

However, as it persisted, Selina thought to come to check up on herself in the hospital.

"I'm really pregnant," Selina exclaimed as an adorable smile rested on her red thin lips.

"I suggest you arrange a obstetrician who would educate and help you through your pregnancy." The doctor suggested.

"Yes, I will. Thanks for your concern, Doctor." Selina said as her voice leaked happiness and her cheeks flushed red.

"Mrs Morris, please come with me for some supplements that would ease your pregnancy." The doctor added, and Selina nodded while the doctor left her alone.

She wrapped her arms around her flat tummy, eager to share her pregnancy report with Zane once she returned to the Morris mansion.

Selina's heart seemed to handle the overwhelming happiness blossoming inside her. Her pregnancy had been what she had hoped for in four years of her marriage. She was always sad, feeling the distance in her marriage with Zane, who never reciprocated her love and affection for him as she was frightened her marriage would collapse.

Now, she believed her pregnancy would give a chance for her relationship with Zane to blossom and he would start loving her return.

Although, at the second thought that Zane didn't want a child yet, she didn't know how long she had to wait to become a mother. It made her feel uneasy about how she would reveal this pregnancy report to him. She could not tell what his expression would become once he received this news from her.

She guessed it was best to tell and convince him than do nothing about it.

After Selina thought briefly, she moved from her spot and went to get the prescription the doctor told her to fetch.

As Selina got her prescription, she drove away from the hospital and stopped by Morris's mansion first. She cooked Zane's favorite dish and put it into a lunch box before she drove to RIS Empire Ltd.

Zane Morris is the CEO of RIS Empire Ltd. He had been running the company for six years now and it had grown to be the most flourishing company in the country among other construction companies managed by a young star, Zane.

Thinking about Zane's achievements, a proud grin settled on Selina's lips while she was staring at the nameplate that had the name CEO ZANE MORRIS On it.

She was in his office to meet him, but his assistant told her he was still busy with a few clients before she came and that she could wait if she wanted to.

Selina darted her eyes to his magnificent spacious office, though the beauty of his office couldn't ease the burning anxiety in her.

She had been waiting for the past half-hour and wondered when he would step in to meet her in his office.

Suddenly, she saw the doorknob move open, and a familiar person walked in.

That person was tall, handsome, and gallant in his black suit while striding towards his table.

Seeing him, Selina stood up from the couch there with a smile. "Zane?" She called his name softly, but she noticed his gaze didn't meet her.

Zane approached his executive seat. He sat on it before asking in a frosty tone. "What are you doing here, Selina?"

Selina moved from her spot and went to him. "I came to see you because I missed you, Zane," Selina answered, smiling at him.

When Zane heard her, his eyebrows creased and his cold amber eyes that concealed no emotions were on her. "Selina, you can't just walk into my office whenever you miss me. I might return to the mansion once I'm done in the office. This is an office, not a romantic place for couples to meet." He sounded stern and a little upset.

He looked away from her smile, and his gaze met a file on the desk he had gone through earlier before his client came. He picked up that file from the table while he flipped from page to page, reading what was written in the file, carefully.

Sure, he was right, but how could she stop her heart when it yearns for him? She barely saw him at home, nor did they spend time together since he do returns home late at the time when she had dozed off and woke up still couldn't sense his presence around in their home.

Selina sometimes doubted if Zane did return to their home after work. Though once the bodyguards in their mansion told her they saw their master return, Selina felt relieved that he remembered home after a long day despite there being no love in their marriage.

Selina bitterly beams when she hears him sounding a little upset with her presence here. "I'm sorry, Zane. I should have waited a little longer." She apologized, and Zane uttered no word as there came a momentary silence. When her pregnancy report came across her mind, Selina said again. "Zane, could you reschedule your closing hour today?"

She was eager to share her pregnancy news with him at the right place and time, even though it was not in his office but at home.

"Is there a problem?" Zane asked with an eyebrow raised.

"We only went on dates thrice after our wedding, and we don't spend time together. I missed those moments a lot. Zane, I was thinking we should go to a five-star restaurant nearby and have dinner together for a while. I mean, fifteen minutes will be okay." Selina pleaded, her eyes glittering with the hope he wouldn't reject her again.