

What will you do when you wake up one day to find out you're not a normal human being but a strange creature that humans fear? ... Read to find out!

Dessy_Success · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


In the year 2021...

Humans roamed about freely on the earth thinking about nothing but pleasure. Humans believe that such things as magic, dragons, vampires, fairies and magic did not exist such things were regarded as fairy tales for humans.

In the deep part of a forest where no human had ever been a thin form of a white line divided the forest into two parts, the other part was home for animals and the other part was a place where vampires lived.

In a castle a celebration was going on, the Royal vampire family just had their second child, a beautiful princess.

She was named Princess Su Jiu of the Mui Kingdom. The princess was only a week old and she was very beautiful that some felt that she was too pretty. She had beautiful smooth white skin and cheery pink lips, her short black silky hair was also shining in a way, and her eyes were beautiful and glowing.

Queen Yei Fan held her baby in her hands as she sat on the throne, the handsome King Su Chan who sat by her smiled at her and the baby. The young prince Su Lie who was also very handsome sat on a small throne by his parents, he was 6 years at this time.

As the celebration was going on a guard was thrown in from outside and a big card hung on his neck with the words "I'm coming for you" written in bold with blood. The palace guards immediately surrounded the Royal family to protect them and the king also drew out his sword.

Yei Fan panicked for a moment but she also drew out her sword, before she became queen she had trained and was talented in sword fighting.

Footsteps were heard then the door of the celebration hall was kicked open with a bang.

Several men dressed in black marched in and formed a great line, a man followed behind with a large grin on his face, he looked up to the Royal Family and sneered.

"Yei Fu!" The king shouted with anger.

"Su Chan, we meet again huh?" Yei Fu smirked at Su Chan victoriously.

"Ha-ha Yei Fu, the battle hasn't started yet you think so highly of yourself?" Su Chan mocked

"You...!" Yei Fu was at a loss, he gritted his teeth then he calmed down" Su Chan or should I say, brother-in-law?" Yei Fu smirked

"What do you want? To kill me? and take over the kingdom? You of all people should know that no one would ever accept you" Su Chan snorted then smiled deviously at Yei Fu.

"Ha-ha I know that and since I can't have the kingdom I'll burn it down, If I can't have it then no one else can" Yei Fu lowered his head then his nails started to grow longer and so did his fang.

"Yei Fu! You are destroying the kingdom your parents left behind?" Su Chan asked with disbelief

"Parents? Ha! what a joke those two were never my parents, they don't deserve to be called my parents, they always favoured this b*tch over me" Yei Fu fumed with anger as he looked over at Yei Fan.

"Mom and Dad did that because if the kingdom was handed over to you, you destroy it why can't you understand that?" Yei Fan looked into his eyes as she spoke without any fear.

"Say...what right do you have to speak? Everything happening now is because of you! If you had died earlier the kingdom would have been mine and the subject would love me so much! Yei Fan you stole everything from me!" Yei Fu smirked and drew out his sword" Don't worry I killed all your other guards before coming" he added and raised his sword.

Su Lie looked at his uncle and then at his younger sister, he had to protect her by all means. He knew he couldn't fight so he started thinking of a way to escape with his younger sister.

Su Chan held his sword forward as well ready to attack at any time, Yei Fu signalled his men and the war between the two started.

Outside the castle...

The vampire villagers were running around in fear as they were attacked, they reached the white light and without thinking twice they crossed it entering the human world. Although many managed to escape a few were killed.

Back in the palace...

The few guards who were protecting the Royal Family had been killed with only four remaining.

The King realising what could happen yelled at all the four guards" Take the Queen and the kids away. Protect them with your whole life"

The Queen who was also fighting stopped and looked over at Su Chan" Ah Chan you..." before she could finish a sword slashed her right arm causing blood to flow profusely.

"Go now! Protect yourself and the children okay?" Su Chan yelled back but didn't stop fighting, he only smiled at her with an assuring smile that he would be okay.

"Your highness..." a guard looked at her waiting for a response.

"Let's go" she carried her baby and held the hands of the prince as they fled through a secret gate.

"Go after them now!" Yei Fu ordered his men then looked over at Su Chan" Those three will never escape okay? I'll bring them back and make sure they suffer but look at you now, you're left alone so why don't you surrender? I might forgive you " he smirked and walked over to Su Chan. Su Chan knew he was the only one fighting against them but that didn't mean he would surrender easily! He was a king and that was the biggest disgrace to a king.

Yei Fu smirked at the confident Su Chan and flung his sword at him but Su Chan defended himself by blocking the sword with his sword.

Yei Fu gritted his teeth and raised the sword to stab his stomach but Su Chan slashed his arm with the sword causing a great amount of blood to flow.

"Tell me why did suddenly attack our family?" Su Chan asked as they fought.

"Ha! I never expected you to ask this question but since you are going to die soon I'll answer you! ha-ha-ha..." Yei Fu laughed at Su Chan with greed in his eyes which no one could see.

"You must have heard about the prophecy about the most powerful vampire to be born one day right? I enquired about it from the prophetess the day your son was born but it turned out he wasn't the one, I was happy because I couldn't imagine a younger generation being born and being so powerful to control every being on this earth including humans, the moment your daughter was born I didn't feel like asking, after all, she was a female but since there's no harm in trying I asked but guess what that powerful vampire turns out to be your daughter!ha-ha-ha" although Yei Fu was laughing it wasn't a happy laugh but a sad one.

Su Chan was shocked that he stopped fighting dropping his sword on the floor, this allowed Yei Fu to stab his sword into his stomach.

Su Chan groaned in pain as the blood flowed but he was still in a moment of shock, so his daughter was that powerful vampire? Unlucky for him he would not see the powerful things she would do in the future but that did not matter.

Yei Fu was surprised to see Su Chan smile even at death, he was very angry now.