
123 Jealous_1

An Ning's mind involuntarily conjured up images of Yu Jingchen with a tanned face, climbing mountains and crossing meadows.

Yeah, he must be the most outstanding one.

"Here, drink this." Zhou Chen took out a bottle of saline solution, unscrewed the plastic cap, and directly urged her to drink.

An Ning frowned. "This is physiological saline, how can it be drunk?"

"If it can go into your veins, do you still need to worry about its cleanliness?" Zhou Chen asked with a smile.

"That's true." An Ning agreed with this point. "But I'm already fine... I don't need..."

"If you were fine, your face wouldn't be pale and sweaty right now," Zhou Chen pointed out with experience. "Drink up, I won't deceive you. You will feel stronger after you finish it."

An Ning did feel completely drained, wrinkled her nose, and picked up the saline solution. "It's very unpleasant to drink."

"It's not poison, and it doesn't have any particular taste. It's not hard to drink," Zhou Chen said.