
Miserable misery

I thought I was the only one suffering until my life become visible as deathly hallows. Whether I could run away from things no I could get close to them. The miserable part started when my fathers company collapsed. We became poverty stricken. I worked in a small flower shop in order to stabilize the condition of my household. One day i got to know that the flower shops owner fell ill. So instead of her, her son would handle the job. I couldn't understand at fast because his son was already a rich man and did a job abroad then why they carries a small flower shop job like this. Few days after i met him and the feeling can't be expressed after i met him. He was handsome in a creepy way ,kind in a selfish way. He looked just like a Pandora's box all mysterious.

Thats how the story started...will i ever unbox his mysterious heart. Who know? i was just a poverty-stricken girl with doll like face but to him i was still nothing. His silence was golden to me. I seemed to enjoy his silence more. He grazed at me and i couldn't help to gaze back. I silently fell for him...a sea of love and silence. Will pur love story ever start? Are we going to have a good ending?who know ..who knows