
Love unto Death

Mugetsu085 · Urbain
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

I found Helen Star. By 'found', I mean I saw her three hundred meters away from me. Also, to clarify, I didn't find her because I'm such a good detective. Given I had actually failed dismally to find any concrete leads that could point the way to her whereabouts, it was entirely by chance that I came across her.

I was now in the second week of my work leave and all of my efforts to find the elusive Helen had been all but fruitful. I had been this close to giving up, having spent a sizeable fortune in trying to find her next show. I had almost considered hiring a PA to find where she resides but discarded this idea. Didn't want to appear like a stalker the second time around. No. I was actually on my way to catch a flight to Texas to go spend Thanksgiving with my mother. She had been fussing for sometime now, complaining how long it had been long since I had come down to the family home in Houston.

My mum stayed alone, which she preferred after Dad passed away a couple of years ago. I constantly tried to convince her to move in with me in New York so that I could keep a better eye on her. She always declined with a solid argument that I barely spent time at my own home which would be no different from her being alone in Houston. This wasn't true but my mum was being nice. I enjoyed my own company a great deal and really didn't relish the idea of having someone over for an extended period. Anyway, here I was, about to board a flight to Houston to go soothe my mother's incessant request for a visit, especially given the holiday.

Now, thoughts of seeing my mother evaporated at the sight of Helen Star. The rush of emotions that hit me in that moment were nuclear in effect. I started sweating under my armpits and my heart started racing. the steady boom boom of my heart was quite loud in my ears, I was sure the lady next to me could hear it, as I beheld that beautiful face that was etched permanently in my mind. All bravado took flight as I slowly and nervously inched my way to her. She was surrounded with a barrage of bodyguards in black suits. In my opinion, she was protected better than the president himself. Which made it difficult for me to approach her more than 200 feet away. But as I drew closer, she appeared to have sensed me, for she snapped her head in my direction, our eyes colliding amidst the crowded airport.

In that moment, everything seized to move as I tried to decipher her reaction to seeing me. Her face appeared to be surprised, then relieved, then happy. I smiled at her and she did the same. My legs became like jelly and I was sure I was going to collapse. Such were the powerful emotions I felt looking at her face. As she made her way to me, the bodyguards started looking around trying to find the source of her attention and, finding me to be the center of her attentions, they huddled around me as she drew closer to me. She looked quizzically at me when she got within touching distance of me.

"Hello Joe," she said, breathily. I was unprepared for the effect that her voice had on me. The blood rushed to my head and I was sure I would faint.

I managed a croak in response to her greeting, furiously blushing. I was particularly turned on by my name on her lips, in that silky voice that caused electricity to course through my being. She was looking at me curiously and I realized she had asked me a question. " Sorry, Helen, the sight of your beauty, here and now, had me speechless," I said.

To my satisfaction, she also blushed, which encouraged me greatly. " I have been looking for you from the day I laid eyes on you. I uh, actually took a month off from work so that I could look for you," I continued, casting a furtive look at the bodyguards. She seemed to understand my discomfort, for she said "I wasn't expecting to see you again, Joe. But I am headed to Dallas for a show there. Give your phone number to my assistant-" she said and a competent brunette woman appeared beside her."- Jessica. I will call you soon Joe, I promise."

I felt the smile on my face disappear. True, I didn't have the right to feel any kind of resentment since we had literally bumped into each other. She would naturally be busy with whatever she was already doing and there was no way I should have expected her stop and attend to a smitten fan. Regardless, I felt like crap. as if on queue, the bodyguards closed in the space between us and hassled her to her flight. I made my way to my own flight, praying that competent assistant will remain competent and keep my number. I sat down in my seat and looked forward to Helen's call, if she doesn't forget. She had no reason to remember me in the first place. In fact, that she remembers my name is a miracle in itself, let alone actually kissing a guy like me.

My mind dwelt on Helen even as I got to Houston, where I was welcomed by my loving mum. I momentarily forgot about her, temporarily smothered by my mother's hugs and kisses. It was good to see her.

"Look at you Joey! I can tell you are not eating enough, you have lost weight again, "she chided.

"No mum I do eat. And besides, fat isn't good for anybody ,you know" I retorted as we got into her car. I didn't particularly relish being driven by my mother so I offered to drive us home, which she complained about. She asked about work and about my friends there. "Work is great mum....so great i am missing it already! Dan and Bruce are good as well," I responded. My mother was well acquainted with my work buddies, seeing they seemed to be the only friends i actually had, and my mother was very fond of them. We touched on a couple of subjects as we neared home and i was ready for the obvious subject that all mothers ask their sons. " Joey, have you found a good girlfriend yet?"

"Er, no...not yet mum," I replied.

"Joey, you will die a virgin at this rate. Get a girlfriend for chrissake!", she said, exasperated. I blanched.

"I'm not a virgin mum!", I spat out. I almost drove into a tree. I was certainly not a virgin, in the practical sense of it. I do have my own conquests over the years, not particularly memorable, but yes, I wasn't a virgin.

Unfortunately, my mum didn't believe me. We got home debating the matter until I gave up. I reflected that Dan and Bruce would have a fit hearing we had such an argument with my mother. My mother believes what she wants to believe until proven otherwise. But in this case, I wasn't sure if I was going to have to make a sex tape and 'accidentally' leak it to her. I laughed at the idea, but quickly discarded it. Would want to give mum a heart attack.

I went up to my old room, where everything was exactly as I had left it before. My gaming console was there connected to my old TV set, which gave me nostalgia. I went around my room, briefly touching my book collection and drifted to my bed. I lay down on my bed reminiscing my child hood. This room was where everything began. I had always been interested in making money through the financial markets. So I took an early interest in this field knowing that it would create the kind of lifestyle i wanted. Actually, I was sure that-

The vibration of phone nudged me out of my revelry. It was a new number and it was coming from Dallas. My heart began thumping....She was calling.....