
The Lost Ring

It had been two days since Ah Hai had left Shi Ai's hospital room to go somewhere.Initially when Shi Ai had woken up and realized that her Knight was not around she had been a bit panicked.Only after Zhang Min had assured her that he had promised him to come back,had she been able to sit back.However,today the doctor had already told them that Shi Ai could be discharged tomorrow and there was no hair or hide of Long Ah Hai.Shi Ai was no allowed to speak a little and her voice had come out a little screech.However her question had been,"Has he called yet?Zhang Min could see the despair in Shi Ai's eyes and cursed the man for being heartless.

Shi Ai had been in pain ever since she woke up two days ago.And she wasn't considering the physical pain but the one where her heart was hurting.He wouldn't leave without a goodbye,would he?