
Rewarding Agreement

“I’m very sorry about this. If you’re ok with letting me slowly adjust then I guess eventually it would be possible for me,” I suggested with a small hopeful smile.

“I get it, you don’t have to worry about it too much. Just take it at your own pace,” Ace readily agreed without pushing me any further.

To my surprise, Ace was less adamant about his demand than I thought that he would be. By that time, a part of me had gotten used to being pushed to my limits by Ace on both my professional and personal fronts that it came as a slight surprise that he was letting me take things at my own pace when it came to this. Needless to say, my pace was always slower and a few steps behind his.

“Thank you, Ace. I’ll try to stay over more often,” I promised.

“What about tonight?” he asked invitingly.

“Sure…I can start with that…” I found myself agreeing without thinking much about it.