
Love over Lust

They say that when the devil leads you to hell it feels like you are entering the gate of heaven in a way but only to discover...... it wasn't even fucking real . Tiana May is a succesful lawyer who caught the attension of Jonathan Black a succesful ceo who finds Tiana intriguing and even though she rejected him time and time again he somehow finds a way to get what he wants , a sex tape in between and sexual desires that go beyond one's imagination . Can love and lust determine one's future .

Icediamond · Urbain
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5 Chs


"Meet me tonight for dinner and I will tell you what I have in mind for you" He let go of her waist but he did not step back as they were making direct eye contact, one with an evil look in his eyes and the other with a serious look in her eyes they both stood in that position for what seems like forever . Jonathan's eyes changed as they resembled the same look he had when he first met her they were bright and warm as he saw only her as his eyes shifted to her peachy lips and he found himself softly caressing her cheeks with his thumb slowly reaching her lips as he leaned in closer inhaling her minty breath and he slowly closed his eyes about to kiss her ... " what ar..e yo..u do.i..ng stop! " she stepped back swiftly as she lowered her head in embarrassment and guilt when she realized she was stammering . She cleared her throat and looked at his calm eyes which slightly turned cold as he said in a low tone

" What's wrong with you ?"

"You are my boss... I can't do this with you its wrong" she said in a shaky voice

"but I don't have a problem with this " he said still touching her face

" please stop don't do this "

"don't resist "

"I'm not ..... "

"I'm not forcing myself on you so why is your voice shaking? "

"Its nothing just..." "You know I don't know who told you that you are that beautiful for you to reject me don't think I fancy you just because I was about to kiss you "

He interrupted her speech before she could finish what she was saying , he pulled her arm and twisted it making her cry out in pain and whispered in her ear

" to me you are just a one night stand type of slut I've been nice to you and patient but not anymore tonight you are gonna meet me and you are gonna do exactly as I say understood " She quickly nodded her head in agreement and he let her go noticing her tears and her face had turned pale . He walked out of her office leaving a note with an address for the place they are suppose to meet at, Tia was shocked how dare he treat her like that does he think she is going to sleep with him just because he is rich well he must be mistaken

" if you want to play things the hard way then I will guaranteed show you hell trust me " she said to herself wiping off her tears .

At the restaurant

Jonathan was already waiting for Tia after work hours he looked annoyed and his his calm aura was cold even his bright green eyes were not glowing they looked like they had lost colour as he kept looking at his watch checking the time cause she was supposed to have already arrived . His took out his cellphone about to call her when the restaurant's VIP room door opened and he saw her walk in like a lifeless soul . Tia sat down facing him and she rolled her eyes at him

"I'm here what do you want?"

" I just want to have a nice peaceful dinner with you" he said in a calm tone

" Look Mr Jonathan Black you are wasting both mine and your time so please don't annoy the fuck out of me " replied Tia angrily

" I think you should order something before we get to business" Jonathan spoke in a certain tone and smirk on his face

Tia : " what do you want?"

Jonathan: " Okay baby girl ..... I want to make a deal with you "

Tia: "What type of deal ? "

Jonathan: " I want you to be my contractual girlfriend..... that's it "

Tia looked at him for a while before she laughed mockingly

" Me date you ha ! .... in your wildest dreams"

Jonathan got up from his seat and walked towards her and leaned over at her leaving enough space between them

"What..... are you gonna strangle me this time ?"

Tia said looking at him twisting her eyebrows in question

"I don't believe in violence against woman" Jonathan said with a slight smile on his face

" I tried being nice but you just like it when I do things the hard way don't you?"

" I have a sex tape of you and if you don't do what I say I might be forced to leak it and that can ruin your reputation you worked so hard to build Tiana " Tia's face turned white

"What sex tape!?"

Jonathan chuckled and continued

"Its fake don't worry ..... although I did try hard to find an original I failed to find it and that made me curious why because everyone has a sex tape but somehow it seems you don't have one so I came to really interesting conclusion which I'll tell you about later .... anyway I had to resort to such measures because you don't want to listen even when I'm talking to you nicely "

He showed her his fake tape to prove he is telling the truth and Tia was left speechless

"So do you agree to date me until I decide to break up with you ?"

Tia looked at him disgusted

"You are sick ... Why could you not ask me out like a normal person instead of doing all this ?"

He smiled and headed to the door and twisted it open but before he could go out and leave he looked over at his shoulder and said

"I will give you a day to think about your decision but please don't make me do something I don't want to do "

With that he left living her in there in shock and in tears.