
Love over Lust

They say that when the devil leads you to hell it feels like you are entering the gate of heaven in a way but only to discover...... it wasn't even fucking real . Tiana May is a succesful lawyer who caught the attension of Jonathan Black a succesful ceo who finds Tiana intriguing and even though she rejected him time and time again he somehow finds a way to get what he wants , a sex tape in between and sexual desires that go beyond one's imagination . Can love and lust determine one's future .

Icediamond · Urbain
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5 Chs


In the second top building of a tall office was seen a woman working and lost in what she was doing.

It was the usual long day and she was working when she heard a knock on her office cabin and it was her colleague and best friend Rose who looked really excited

"Babe guess what??"

Tia looked at her in questioning eyes and gestured her hands and shoulders *what* Rose took the signal and continued to speak

"My brother is finally engaged and he is going to marry Emma and They are having their engagement party tonight and of course you have to be there" . Rose spoke all excited and had a wide smile on her cute face waiting for an answer, Tia just smiled and just answered

"Congratulations I'm very happy for James and Emma they deserve each other after all they've been through a lot together and are finally gonna tie the knot how romantic mmm"she said in a soft tone remembering things that happened between the two and she had a sad smile on her face that Rose noticed and she tried to change the mood by saying

"I know they've been through too much together but their love is strong and they are finally gonna be happy so enough of the sad atmosphere we should focus on what we're going to wear tonight ..... I was thinking long dresses with slits and diamonds what do you think huh ?" Tia looked at the tall slender dark skinned afro haired girl infront of her and smiled sweetly before saying

" just focus on yourself not me you always look beautiful in whatever you wear ...but if you really want my advice I think you should go with a velvet red color it will look amazing on you . Now leave I have so much work to do and plus you have to go and prepare for the party ". Rose walked out of her office with a sweet smile on her face and left Tia to work as she was obsessed with her job .

It was soon night time and Tia packed her stuff and walked out of the office with Rose by her side ,when they reached the parking lot they exchanged a few words " I will meet you at the hotel once I'm done getting ready and that should take me about an hour or so I'm guessing you'll already be done by then " Tia said to Rose who replied with "OK I'm getting ready at the hotel anyway so I'll be done by the time you arrive see you then bestie " Tia nodded with a smile and they hugged each other goodbye before they went their separate ways. When Tia reached her house she took a long hot shower to get rid of her stress and uneasiness before she got ready . She stood infront of the mirror naked looking at her reflection and her eyes showing no specific emotions , she stared at herself for a while looking and her self carefully how her stomach was flat and she had no stretch marks and also no cellulite her curves were nicely shaped and her big butt was nice and round . She smirked while saying these words

"You did it you have completed step 2 of your revenge well done" She was speaking to no one in particular but herself.

At the hotel

Tia got out of her black BMW wind in her hair and her long tight royal blue sleeveless dress flowing with the wind showing her long diamond heels . She walked elegantly down the driveway catching the attension of the arriving guests who looked at her in envy and some in admiration she reached toward the entrance and she bumped into Rose and they both laughed and complemented each other "wow you look really beautiful I told you red would look good on you" Tia said her voice full of admiration as she looked at the woman in front of her dressed in a one sleeve velvet red dress with a slit showing her long beautiful chocolate legs matching with velvet red shoes and her hair in braids she looked really beautiful . They entered the hotel and were led to the grand hall where everyone was the hall haboured an elegant classy feel had luxurious furniture and super high ceilings with a big diamond chandelier hanging there, While Tia was busy admiring the place she noticed the room quieten down and some people whispering in low voices and all looking in one direction even Rose who nudged Tia's arm to look in her direction and she whispered to her " do you see that guy entering there ?" Tia looked over by the entrance and saw two men walk in discussing something and she asked herself what's wrong with them to have everyone act like this

"Rose what's wrong why is everyone acting like this and who are those two people ?"Tia asked in a confused tone and Rose answered almost immediately " OMG Tia you can't possibly not know who they are . Its the two owners of this hotel we are in right now I mean they basically own one hotel together but.... do you see the guy with the curly hair and who is in a navy blue suit?"

Tia nodded and Rose continued

"Well he owns almost every hotel in Cape Town and the entire country he is super rich , handsome and single he is so amazing I've had a crush on him for such a long time now ahh , he is friends with my brother "

Tia looked over at the tall masculine man in a navy blue business suit who had his curly hair neatly done and had a few strands of hair falling to his brows he had an arched nose and perfectly shaped jaw line his thin pink lips looked moist and juicy .Tia looked at him with no emotions in her eyes she did not understand the fuss over him 'he looks normal he does not resemble a greek god or something that he's got everyone drooling over him ' She said those words in her mind and rolled her eyes at him .

Jonathan found an extra seat and sat down with his best friend Lukas they both had woman stare at them which annoyed Jonathan but pleased Lukas as he chuckled and said in a deep tone "wow every hot girl in this room is looking at us except that one there infact she seems annoyed and pissed sheesh I wonder what happened to her" Lukas said pointing over to Tia who was busy sipping alcohol and lost in thought . Jonathan looked over at the girl Lukas was pointing to and his green emotionless eyes had a slight glow as he could not take his eyes off her and a slight smirk appeared on his lips , he sized her from top to bottom how fair her skin was with a slight tan her long curly hair moved by the wind how big her chest and hips were made him lick his lips seductively and when she looked at him its like all the air in his body was taken away from him .... Her fox brown eyes , her plump peachy lips that aroused something in him she looked at him and he noticed her roll her eyes at him which surprised him quite a lot.

Tiana walked out of the hall to the garden outside to get some fresh air and Jonathan got up from his seat uprightly and followed her . The air outside was cold and the night sky was covered in dark clouds she shivered as she was cold but she did not want to go back inside as she was enjoying the garden view , She looked up at the sky a warm smile appeared on her face and she closed her eyes to savoir the feeling

"Its beautiful isn't it ?" Tia opened her eyes and saw that the guy with the green eyes looking up at the sky standing

and he looked at her calm expression when she saw him and he smiled slightly

"Yeah it is " replied Tia with a smile

Jonathan looked at her and smirked saying

"You know never in my entire life have I ever meet someone who rolls their eyes at me you are the first"

Tia smiled sarcastically and said "you are used to people bowing their heads for you to me you are not that special " Jonathan chuckled and looked at her amused

" wow I'm so offended " he said pretending to be hurt

"Shut up " she said with a smile and they both laughed at their stupidness .