
Chapter 5 Matching Success, Let's Talk About The Terms

Ten minutes later.

In Keith Mansion.

Cicely was staring at a lush pot of greenery, lost in thought.

Field watched her back and said, "You…"

"I see. You took me to the hospital to find a kidney match for Bertha. I've checked the information. It's important that she gets a compatible kidney to avoid rejection," Cicely interjected.

At this point, there was indeed nothing to hide. "I won't say more then," Field said.

Cicely leaned against the window and spoke matter-of-factly, "Don't kid yourself. Even if we're a match, I won't give her my kidney."

"You don't get to decide that. You owe her a debt. Even if it's just a kidney, it must be repaid even if it costs your life!" Field's tone was cold and unfeeling, a complete contrast to his previous anxiety.

"I never owe her anything. The kidney is mine. I won't allow you to take it away. Are you going to snatch it away by force?" Cicely's voice was soft but resolute.

How could she donate her kidney to Bertha when she was so close to death.

Field narrowed his eyes and said, "If that day ever comes, you must donate a kidney to Bertha!"


With a slam, Field left.

Cicely watched as the wheels of the car outside kicked up a cloud of dust.

Lowering her head, she continued to stare at the greenery... Cicely was lost in thought again.

One week later.

Field showed up at the mansion again.

He looked at her with a faint smile and said, "Hey, your match with Bertha was a success. I'll arrange the operation as soon as possible."

Cicely propped her head up and gazed at Field. He seemed so determined to cure Bertha White, and if that was the case, she could use this opportunity to negotiate with him. Even if it meant facing rejection or having to humble herself, she could ask him for something in return.

She looked at Field with a cold expression and said, "Field, if you want my kidney, you have to promise me something."

Field's eyes darkened as he asked, "What do you want?"

"I'll save her if you promise to stay with me for three months."

"Three months?" Field raised his eyebrows, surprised by her demand. She was so greedy that she wanted to tie him up for three months!

"Nothing much. Just come home on time, eat my cooking, go shopping with me on weekends, drink tea, watch movies. At night, when you are working, I will accompany you. We'll cuddle up together when you're not working... I won't ask you to do anything extra."

"What if I don't agree?"

"As I said, you can't snatch it by force."

Cicely sniffed, and her voice was cold. The moment she looked up, she found that he was hesitating.

Was he hesitating because he didn't want to be with her?

Or was it because he was worried that Bertha would misunderstand?

For some reason, she didn't want to see him in a dilemma. She lowered her head and said, "You can go back and think about it. Come back to see me when you've made your decision."

"No need to think about it. I promise you."

How did it seem like he wanted to kill himself for just promising to stay with her for three months?

Was it so unbearable to be with her for three months?

"You're not sincere, are you?"

"You know the answer to that," he replied.

"It doesn't matter whether you're sincere or not. Since you agreed, we'll start counting from tomorrow."

She was not stupid. More than half a day had passed, and the time could not be counted from today.

As soon as she finished speaking, Field Keith walked away without any hesitation.

Look, he really didn't want to stay here.

But he had promised to be with her for three months, and he had to keep his word.

Because Field had promised to be with her for three months, Cicely began taking her medicine actively. The doctor said that as long as she cooperated and took her medicine, they could control the speed of the tumor's spread.

Perhaps because she was taking her medicine regularly, her coughing had eased a lot. She picked out pretty clothes, and even spent a long time choosing the perfect shade of lipstick.

Cicely tidied up Field's closet, and set up a tea table and some wicker chairs on the outdoor balcony, waiting for him to come home so they could watch the sunset, drink tea, and chat.