
Chapter 45 Men Care About Face

Noah's phone suddenly vibrated.

He picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was the old man from last time. He quickly answered the phone and heard the old man's deep voice.

"Have you found out anything about what I asked you to investigate before?"

"Sir, I'm already investigating this matter. There should be a result soon. I just want to ask you one thing. If I help you find out the information you want to know, can you really invest in my laboratory abroad?"

"Mr. Anderson, as long as you help me find out what I want, I will definitely help you complete the investment of the foreign laboratory. As far as I know, you are in a hurry to develop the medicine in the foreign laboratory."

"Don't worry, sir. I'll definitely help you."

"That's good. Young man, you're very smart. You know what you're doing is correct."

Noah hung up the phone, took off his glasses and pressed between his eyebrows.