
Chapter 44 A Plan

Cicely closed her eyes and did not say anything. When she heard his words, she could not feel warm at all.

It was June now, and the flowers and plants outside should have grown.

But she felt it was really cold.

She naturally pulled the quilt. The quilt on the left moved, but the quilt on the right did not move.

Field held her right wrist and asked, "What's wrong with this hand?"

"Nothing." Cicely did not move, not because she did not want to, but because she had no strength.

"Recently, you've been acting really weird recently. If you want to make trouble with me, come and do it. If you don't want to, just ignore me. Tell me what's going on with your hand." The feeling of being ignored was very bad. Field had already restrained his emotions.

Cicely looked at Field. "Please, I just woke up. I had a fever last night, and I'm a patient. If you give me a little bit of gentleness that you have given to Bertha, I will..."