
Chapter 4 I need more

“Okay," Alex hurried up to his room, took off all his clothes and throw them into the laundry bag, and then gave orders to his help to go and clean his car making sure it smells good.

“Yes sir”

“Please hurry” he yells at the man.

“Oh my God, what have I done to myself? Why did I even take that thing? Now I smell fish” he murmured as he takes his bath.

When he got out of the room he was looking more handsome and smelled good.

“Thank you” he bends over and whispers to his sister.

“About what,” she asked.

“For reminding me that I smell like fish”

“Please just concentrate” she warns him because Alex likes disturbing his elder sister.

He smiles at her while they called him to come and cut the cake.

After cutting the cake he went to join his friends.

“Hey.. Alex where were you all the time? We have been looking for you all over the place, is your welcome party man. you need to be here” his friends said.

“And I'm here, am I not?” he asks laughing.

“Brian.. how are you?” Alex asks looking at Kathrine.

“I'm fine man, I’ve been looking for you but is like you are scarce like fuel”

Hahaha, they laugh and drank together but Alex didn’t ask Brian about Sandra.

Jack couldn’t take it anymore, he took Alex aside and start questioning him.

“Guy, what is going on? Why did you come back here and you didn’t bother to tell me how it went?”

“There is nothing to tell,” Alex said.

“What do you mean?”

“Just forget, I say there is nothing to tell”

“I don’t trust you one bit,” Jack said.

“Look, I just wanted to find out who she is, that’s all”

“ Is that all? As what?” Jack asks with a squeezed face.

“As her uncle, can’t you see? Guy, what do you want to hear?” Alex asks with a cool face.

“Okay, I get it now, she is not what you want, but I told you already she is not your type”

“What are you blabbing about?” Alex asks Jack still with a cool face.

“Okay, forget it, let’s go in”

Before jack could say let’s go in Alex is already inside the house.

“This guy is a criminal, I know he wants that girl that is why he is not saying anything” Jack murmured while following Alex inside.

After the party, everyone left and Alex went into his room to have a good night rest but instead, he came face to face with what he wasn’t expecting to see.

“The fish again!”

“What is all this, I thought I threw it away?” he took the fish and was about to throw it in the waste bin when he heard the words again. “This is all I can afford”

“Is she that poor? Alex are you blind? Can’t you see she is very poor!” he heard the voice in his head.

“This fish looks like something that will be delicious.” He reasoned.

He went to the kitchen and hand it over to one of the maids and instruct her to prepare it all for him and bring it into his room.

“Yes sir”

When the maid finish cooking she brought everything to him and he tasted it, “hmmm, so delicious.”

He ate everything and wanted more but is finished.

“Wowww.. this is so good, how I wish I will get more” he slept that night and the words kept coming back and he keeps seeing her face.