
Bag of lies

Alex was very drunk when he returned. He talks none stopped as Sandra helps to calm him down.

“Where did you go to? You are very drunk. "

"Yes, I’m drunk. Zack is proposing to Pat. Can you imagine that, Pat has been crushing on me for years, I didn’t give a fuck! How can Zack, of all people, fall so hard for her? "

Sandra didn’t know if to hit him on the head to make him stop talking, but she allowed him to continue and he told her all about the girls he has dated including Evelyn, and how he didn’t know how to get out of Evelyn's clutches.

“Good morning sweetheart” Alex greeted Sandra, but she was not ready for such greetings.

“Hey… what is wrong?” he pulled her closer and kissed her.

“Honey, talk to me. "

“You're still seeing Evelyn, right?”

“No! Never,”

"Don’t lie to me, you said it yourself. Last night you were so drunk and you told me everything,” Sandra said but Alex scoffed.

“I told you everything? And you take the words of a drunken man? look, come here” he hugged her, searching his bag of lies to see which one to tell her to cover up.

When he couldn’t find any, he pretend to be sick.

“My chest!” he held his chest, watching to see if she was still Sandra, the woman that won’t ignore him when he was hurt.

“What happen to your chest” she forgets about everything and held him.

“Let me take you to the hospital” she climbs down from the bed but Alex held her hand dragging her back.

She landed on the bed and their face almost collide with each other.

“Don’t go, don’t leave me, I will be fine.” He whispers, searching her eyes.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m very sure, my love” Sandra climbs back onto the bed and Alex starts kissing her, not giving her another chance to ask another question.

It was as if he enchanted her to forget about all he told her last night.

“I love you so much,” he said and press his lips against hers. “I want you to know that. I might not be the perfect man for you, but I’m still your Alex, okay.”

Sandra nods and made up her mind to forgive him once more.

They had a good time and Alex went to work.

 Before he could sit down to start the day's work, Evelyn walked in frowning.

“Do you have to send your wife and sister to insult me in my house?”

Alex puts his fingers between his nose bone. He was so exhausted, that he feels like he couldn’t do this anymore. How long is he going to cope with Evelyn?

“What do you want this time?” he manages to say. He was exhausted from the exercise he just carried out with Sandra.

“I want you to put an end to this, marry me now!” Alex flies his head up to look at her.

“I can’t do that!”

“Why not? Don’t make me start a war with you. I’ve up enough with you and now I’m done,”

Evelyn, Evelyn…” Alex called but she refuse to stop.