
Love or Truth

Minakshi is a beautiful, kind-hearted, and hard-working young woman; who wants to achieve something in her life. Abhimanyu is a handsome, devil, workaholic, and stonehearted man; whose priority is his business. what will happen when the two sides of the coin come close? Will there be a spark or a truth would separate them forever? Read out to know more

prettygirl_93 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


From the kitchen, Minakshi's mother shouted, "Eat something before you go.".

"No, mom, I don't want to get late for the interview," Minakshi said wearing her black belly shoes.

Today Minakshi has her interview in Mickey Clothing. Her outfit for the interview consists of a white shirt, a black checked coat with white lines, and a pair of checked pants similar to the coat.

Mickey Clothing, as the name suggests, makes clothes. It is a large local company with branches throughout the country I.

As her mother handed her a small lunch box in a hurry, she added, "But you shouldn't go empty stomach.".

"Alright. I am leaving mom" Minakshi said putting the tiffin in her bag and running to the bus stop.

"Bye and good luck sweetie" her mother shouted from the gate waving her hand goodbye.

Minakshi, a 26-year-old girl lives with her mother and younger sister Roohi in a city I. Her father died in a car accident when she was 6 years old. Since then, her mother has raised both girls alone. Thanks to her bakery business, without it they would have come down the roadside

Minakshi's mother loves baking. She opened a small bakery at home after she got married. They made the ground floor a bakery and lived on the first floor. After some time, the business alone was not enough to raise two kids. Therefore, Minakshi started giving tuition lessons to kids who live in her area when she was 16 years old. She earned enough to help her mother.

"Good morning mam, how can I help you?" the receptionist asked Minakshi with a sweet smile on her face.

"Good morning, I am Minakshi and I am here for the interview," Minakshi said catching her breath. She came here in a hurry, she started running as soon as she got off the bus. It took her 6 minutes to reach here running.

"Let me check ma'am," the receptionist said typing something on her laptop. In the meantime, Minakshi tried to calm herself after running so much.

"Yes, Ms. Minakshi you are here for the assistant job interview, right?" the lady asked confirming.

"Yes, I am here for it," Minakshi said holding the file.

"Ok, you see there is a lift over there, go to the 4th floor. Your interview is on that floor" the lady explained to her, showing her the way to the lift.

"Thank you, ma'am," Minakshi said before heading that way.

There were two lifts. She pressed the lift button. It was on the 10th floor, the top floor of this building. Another lift opened instead of the one she was standing in front of. She got inside the lift and as the gate was closing a hand appeared from the outside and it opened again.

A tall young man was standing wearing a formal navy blue suit and white shirt with a navy blue tie. The way he combed his hair back made him look devilishly handsome. He was looking at his phone scrolling through something. He was about to enter when he saw Minakshi already in the lift. He gave her a serious look.

On the other hand, Minakshi was very impatient to reach the fourth floor. She wants a job very much but doesn't know if she will get one or not.

She saw the guy and gave him a questioning look. She asked him to come inside, gesturing with her hands at which he narrowed his eyes.

"Come inside if you want to, otherwise let the door close," she said to the guy with a worried and irritated face at the same time.

"This lift is only for the boss, the CEO. The second lift is for other people," He said flipping out.

"Why are you trying to get in, if it's just for the boss?" she asked this time loudly and furiously.

She calmly said, "Get inside if you want, otherwise," indicating with her hands to leave.

"Why are you in a hurry?" he asked her getting inside and pressing number 10.

"I have my interview and I don't want to get late," she said looking at the screen above the lift, showing the number of floors.

"Which post have you applied for?" he asked her looking at the screen of the number.

"Why will you talk to the boss for me?" she asked him frustrated at that. He raised his eyebrows looking at her.


The gate of the lift opened on the 4th floor and Minakshi dashed outside without looking back. He watched her go and smirked.

"Hello, I am Minakshi. I am here to give an interview for an assistant job" Minakshi said to the lady at the counter.

She looks like she is around Minakshi's age. She is wearing a white fitted shirt with a black blazer, as well as a black pencil skirt that comes up to her knees and black pencil heels.

"Hello mam, please wait here. Our boss will be here at any minute to take your interview" the lady at the counter said politely.

Minakshi sat down on the sofa over there. There were three more people who came for the interview.

"I have heard the boss is really strict. It is not easy to impress him" one person sitting there said to the person beside him.

"Really?" the second person asked worriedly.

"Yes, one cannot impress him with their sweet talk. He hates it" the first-person said with arched eyebrows.

He is a workaholic. He expects his assistant to be sincere" the third person said indulging him.

"I have also heard that no assistant of his has been in this office for more than 2 months," the third one said again in a low voice.

"What are you saying?" the second asked surprised.

"Either they leave the job or the boss throws them out." The third one said, making them worried.

Minakshi was listening to all this. She became nervous and wondered what the hell this boss was like.

"Excuse me. How do you know all this?" she asked them hesitating.

"I heard something," the third person thought and said.

She looked at the first person, who sat straight thinking and said hesitatingly "I also heard from somewhere."

A huge sigh escaped Minakshi's lips as she looked at them in amazement.

"But I guess the boss is that way. Not everyone will say that," the second person said in doubt. "

"Bunch of morons," she said in her mind.

Having heard these people, she wondered how she would impress the boss in this interview. When she realized that they were just making guesses, she relaxed because she is not among the people who believe in rumors.

Just then a man came to the counter and asked "Ms. Lata are the interviewees here?"

"Yes, Akhil Sir, all of them are here. They are four in total" she replied to the man whose name is Akhil.

He looked to his right to find Minakshi and three men sitting.

"Alright," he said looking at them and then at the paper he was holding. After a minute he leaned back while he tried to look for something. Lata is watching him confused.

"Sir, is there any problem?" she asked Akhil a little concerned.

He stood straight and pointed with his thumb at his left side. "No, but the problem is coming" he replied.

She looked in that direction curiously and saw someone coming.

"Boss is here," she said with surprise and fear on her face.

Hearing this the employees over there became serious and started doing their work sincerely. Looking at this Minakshi thought who is this boss, who has made everyone scared to hell?

She got up to greet him, but when she saw the boss, she was stunned.

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