
Chapter 20 What's the matter?

He lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Is that punch really painful?"

He was like a little girl who did something wrong. I smiled and punched him: "Don t be nauseated, what's wrong with the pain, you have only regretted it now, and I have suffered all the pain. If you want to apologize, just take these bottles Drink all the wine."

Shanley didn't say a word, and really drank several glasses without a sound. Later, I advised him not to drink.

"Liam, do you know what the happiest thing in the world is?" He lowered his head, staring at the wine glass shaking in his hand.

I thought for a while and answered seriously: "I woke up from a nightmare and found myself alive."

He hummed a low smile with his nose: "It's unrequited love."

I was stunned. It was really unexpected for him to give such an answer.

"Do you know the most painful thing in life?" He asked again.