
Love On Time

Lena, a freshman in college looking to get over a crushing break up that her high school sweetheart has dealt her. She spends too much time in the abyss of her depression until she wakes up one day and decides enough is enough! On this day she meets a guy that makes her feel like no other, could he be the ONE? In comes Mekhi, like white knight in shining armor. Making and keeping promises but shrouded in an air of mystery. Lena being a simple girl who enjoys the small things in life is faced with the dilemma of confronting the troublesome high school sweetheart while trying to balance herself on the precipice of being in Mekhi's life but trying not fall into his world.

Mykenju_Bleu · Urbain
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95 Chs

Last Day of Exams

It's finally Friday and although I'm finished with my exams, I am still nervous. Today is the day of the championship and the whole town is just buzzing with a current of excitement. The week has passed by rather fast as the town is decorated with the university's colors and posters are plastered in every window to show pride in our school's men's basketball team. I'm dressed in joggers and a t shirt as I drive through town with a car full of boxes and packing supplies. Passing by the café reminds me of my breakfast date with Mekhi a few days ago. We have been a little distant with each other between practice and exams there really was no way around it. As I am driving my phone rings, not caring enough to look at the screen on the console to see who is calling, I press the button on the steering wheel to answer the phone.

"Hello," I say happily.

"Hey, it's been a while," a familiar voice says.

"Who is this," I ask as my heart beats crazily in my chest.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me already," his voice says tauntingly.

"J-jay," I squeeze out, feeling my mind in frenzy as memories of us flood my thoughts.

"I knew you would remember Lena," he says happily.

"No, I don't want to talk to you. I'm hanging up now," I say trying to regain my composure.

"Wait, don't hang up on me. I just want to see how you were doing? Is that alright," he asks.

"No, it's not alright and all the way until you called me I was doing just fine," I say to him coldly.

"Come on now, don't be like that. We used to love each other," he says in a hurt voice.

"Yes, 'used to' as in it's no longer applicable to our situation. We are strangers and I don't want to contact you or be contacted by you," I say firmly.

"So even if I want you back, your attitude will be the same," he asks.

"Absolutely, I don't believe in moving backwards or chasing the past. When I left you, I had already decided to let you go. So please, let me go," I say as my stomach knots itself.

"We will see about that," he says and hangs up on me.

Taking a deep breath, I grip the steering wheel tighter and continue my drive home.

'I can't believe that fool has the audacity to call me after all the drama of last year. I am happy with Mekhi, I don't understand why the universe insist on having my path cross his at this moment. I can't let his unexpected reappearance distract me from what's most important right now.'

I curse him in my mind a million times all the way home. Before I bring my packing materials in the house, I check myself emotionally. I don't want to bring any negative energy into the house with my pregnant mother. It takes a little while for me to calm down and when I do, I go into the house and begin organizing my belongings that will be packed and what is staying for the time being.

"Hey Nani, is everything okay," Mom asks me standing at my bedroom door.

"Yes, just had an annoying phone call," I answer her with a smile.

"Do you want to talk about it," she asks moving from my door to the one of the chairs.

"I guess I should," I say with a sigh.

"It's better to let it out than to keep it to yourself," she says with a small smile.

"So Jay called me as I was driving home spouting some nonsense about getting back together and it just made me so mad…I thought I did a good job at getting rid of those emotions before coming in the house," I admit to my mother.

"Well, first…you're my child, I will always know when something is bothering you. Second, it's probably something you need to get out of your system. You need closure, although you have already decided to move on with Mekhi, it can give you peace of mind. You don't want to bring any baggage from your previous relationship to your new one. Not to mention Jason is your first love and it leaves an impression on your heart so it's not so easy to forget. You can make the decision whether to talk to him or not, it's completely up to you. And if you choose not to talk to him it's fine as well, just think about which course of action for you," she says with a smile.

"I'm going to think about it for a little while. I just wasn't prepared for this type of distraction so close to break and when I think I'm the happiest I've been in a long while," I say to her sitting crossed leg on the floor weighing my options.

"Maybe you are prepared and you just don't know until you face it head on. Don't think of him calling as a distraction but an obstacle. Are you going to let this defeat you or are you going to come out of it better, stronger, and wiser? The universe creates these scenarios, how we react to them is what makes us who we are," she says to me.

"I understand," I answer her.

"Good, now do you want some help packing these things," she asks with a half-smile.

"No thank you, Mom. You can just watch me pack, you have to take care of yourself," I say to her moving from the floor to place some things in a box that I've set up on my bed.

"When are you moving these boxes over? I can ask your father to help you or at least let you borrow the SUV," she says watching me pack with sad eyes.

"Most likely Sunday, the girls are going to come over to help me move some boxes then we'll hang out there until it's time to go and catch our flight," I respond to her.

"Did you begin packing for your vacation yet," she asks with a smile and I glance at my empty suitcase.

"Not yet, I figured I'd get it done before I go to watch the game later. Well half packed at the very least," I say guiltily.

"You've been looking forward to this vacation, I'm surprised that you haven't finished packing already," she says with a surprised look.

"I know, I think I've just been a little distracted. I'll definitely finish it before Sunday," I say to her confidently.

We continue talking as I fill up more boxes emptying my closet, wardrobe, and dressers. It's bittersweet as we joke about all of the things I've packed and how much more I have left to pack. I'm not officially moving out until the end of the school year, but I will begin to spend more time at my new place to get accustomed to being there. I've already taken Mekhi over to see the house and he brought a few of the decorations he purchased for me over. I declare I'm done packing for the day when I have two stacks of boxes piled almost to the ceiling.

"Come Lena, it's time for lunch," Mom says rising from her seat.

"Okay, Mom. What do you want to eat for lunch today," I ask her.

"I'll make something for the two of us," she says as she walks out of my room and I follow her.

"Oooh, I'm okay with that," I say as we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Mom makes us grilled chicken with a side of garden salad and vegetable soup. We chat over lunch as I reject a few calls and ignore text messages from Jay. I plan to ignore him until I'm ready to face him. I'm not confused, just frustrated. After lunch, Mom goes in to her office to take a few calls before going to take a nap. I begin packing my suitcase as promised placing the shoes I am taking in a linen bag before placing them into the suitcase. I pack my travel sized toiletries and hair care products, then my underwear and swimwear. I place the outfits I'm definitely taking into the suitcase next and leave the ones I'm debating in the closet. Since I still have two days to finish packing, I am not quite panicking yet.

A few hours since lunch has passed and the girls and I agreed to meet at the wing place to watch the championship game. I stand to stretch and change into my school spirit wear in support of our team. As I am changing my clothes I receive a phone call from Mekhi, we have been texting sporadically throughout the day, but this the first time I'm hearing his voice since last night.

"Hey Kai," I say sweetly.

"Hey baby, how are you doing," he says smoothly.

"I'm alright, getting ready to head out with the girls to watch the game. How are you doing? Nervous," I ask him.

"I'm okay, a little nervous but not as much as I'd thought I'd be. I'm calmer than anything else," he says honestly.

"That's good. You sound calm," I say to him.

"You sound like something is on your mind," he says hitting the nail on the head.

"Yeah, it's not that serious. I don't want to distract you from the most important game of your career," I say to him deflecting.

"I won't be distracted by it. What is it," he asks.

"I'll tell you after the game, it's not a big deal. Focus on what's important right now," I say to him shaking my head.

"Alright, I'll wait for you to tell me then," he says conceding.

"Thank you! Now get focused and clear your mind. I'll be waiting for you when you return," I say with a little excitement.

"Okay baby, and whatever it is that's bothering don't worry about it. We will figure it out together when I return," he says firmly.

"Alright Kai, I'll listen to you," I say to him agreeing.

"So what did you do today," he asks lightening the mood.

"I packed a lot of boxes and stacked them to take over to the house on Sunday. I also managed to start packing my suitcase. I also had lunch with Mom, I had a busy morning. What about you," I ask him.

"Other than practice and press things this is the first break I've truly had to myself and it's not long enough," he says.

"Hmm, I understand. You'll be home tomorrow and a champion," I say with a broad smile.

"I like the sound of that," he says.

"Good now go and make it happen," I say to him giggling.

"Yes ma'am, I will do my best," he says.

"That's all I ask," I say.

"Thank you baby, I have to go now," he says.

"Good luck, bye," I say to him.

"Bye baby," he says and end the call.

I finish getting dressed and leave out to meet the girls. Even though we have a few hours until the game starts we get to the wing place early to ensure we get a table. We order appetizers and drinks to get us started for the night. We entertain ourselves until the announcer begins the start of the game ceremony. After the national anthem and the introduction of the players the tip off starts and the game begins.