
Where? Why?

Thea's P. O. V.

It's been a week filled with heartaches. A week crying, I can't believe that Eduardo even came back, why now? And he his here to take me away from Gradgie? Oh fuck, how about Eli? I can't leave him too

So I went outside my room, it's midnight, so this is the perfect timing, I sneaked out and thank goodness no one saw me.

Gradgie's P. O. V.

I woke up early in the morning to fetch Thea her breakfast, and when I went inside, she is not there.

Went downstairs but she us not there too. I can't find her anywhere, where is that girl? Did she left

I'm not worried though, Bernard can easily tract her.

I told Bernard to took for Thea, and from what he know. She is with Eli. They left at 4 am in the morning

She's safe, meaning I can talk to Eduardo clearly.

I was going to call him but then he showed up, worried

"Where's Thea? Where's my daughter?" He asked

"Like what your daughter said, don't own her, because in the first place, you chose to be free" I said calmly

"Okay then, but where is she?" He asked

"She is fine, I made her grow up independently, she is a strong minded woman, so I'll be needing your help once I die" I said

"And what would I receive if I do so?" Eduardo asked

"I'm giving you my chains of company, all of them, just do me this favor, take Thea in the US, my memory, is starting to fade" I said

When the times comes, Anthena, should be ready, she needs to be the strongest version, the fiercest version of herself, but to do, I need to

Broke her heart

I don't have a choice, I planned this for years, this is not the time to be weak, I need to control my heart, endure the pain

Asclepius came and he said that I need to be in the headquarters.

"What happened, Asclepius?" I asked him

"Phase two has begun, it has been completed, not by us, but them" Ge stated

Phase three begins then, which is, my death, hopefully, Eleanor is done

We need her experiment to fulfill the mission

Eli's P. O. V.

I am wondering why Thea went to my house so early in the morning

He wants us to go to Miherthea

This is my chance though

Should I do in?

Maybe I'll do in when we are on the island

When we landed she asked me that she wants to see the sun rise

"Let's go?" She asked

"Yeah, lets go, Hermosa" I said

And we walked, holding each others hand

We sat on the grass while her head is in my shoulder

Then I opened up the conversation

This is the time

"Thea, I want to ask you something" I said

"Ask away my count" She said

I went down on one knee and spoke

"Anthea, mi Hermosa, I know my life, is filled with consequences, will wity duties, we both know that, my time with you is short, but one day, I promise you, I'll be with you for tg the rest of my life, this ring, isn't a marriage ring. This is my promise ring, I promise you that-"

She is crying

" I Will love you, even we parted way, even your miles away, even you don't love me anymore, I will love you, today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and the upcoming years of my life "I said

She is crying, and smiling


She stood me up, put the ring on her finger, and she kissed me, the same time the sun rised

The best moment of my life

I can feel my heart beat so fast inside, I could have a heart attack in this state

Earlier I was nervous but now, I feel so happy, so happy I can shout the world, that


Thea's P. O. V.

On our way home, I kept my hands tight on Eli, while we are both smiling

we both are happy, I am happy, and now

I think, I never needed a father

Gradgie was by my side

She had been my partner, mother, father, joy, laughter, and everything

When we set foot on tge village

I kissed him

Then I went to my house, they are packing their things?

"Where are we-"

But before I can speak, somone placed his hand on my mouth, and then

I Lost Consciousness