
number ten

"It was the best feeling; the way our pitch black eyes meet and how he holds my hand in the pavement, how he guides my hand to his shoulder as we dance in the garden oh and by the way, his name is Langston."

Thalia finished the latest letter she received from her friend for the sixteenth time now. She can't wait no more, she knows what to do next...

The wind was playing against her dress as she walks through the balcony and the moment she reached it, she looks above in the dark sky, lighted up by the moon and the stars ; she saw the owl she sent to an old friend.

"A letter to the an old friend from Sanxinia,

It's been a while since the last time I wrote a letter for you. How long was it, a month or so? Last time we had track to each other is when you told me you fell inlove. After that, you didn't write back, so I have decided to write you a letter and ask you what really had happened?"

A day after sending the letter she received one as well.