
Love of eternity

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her. What happens when her ex boyfriend finds out that a cold-hearted billionaire with no care in the world about others feelings or wellbeing sympathies with her and falls deeply in love with her, she becomes his only reason to breathe. Whether he's coming back to her to use the Billionaire's love for her as a means of filling his pocket or he has fallen for her once again. Will she go for her billionaire or her ex boyfriend.

Prosper_7281 · Urbain
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5 Chs


Living in America, Lia Grey had awesome highschool results which led her to getting a scholarship to the university of Korea. She had been hoping for that to happen since the day her boyfriend, James got an admission there, her parents were proud and at the same time sad that she was leaving them.

Having to wait a few months for the on going semester to end, she decides to spend some quality time with her parents. She and her parents just came from an amusement park where they went to celebrate her achievement, she walks upstairs to her room to freshen up. When she finishes, she picks up her phone to call up her boyfriend.

She tried calling twice but he wasn't picking up, she then called again, after about ten seconds he finally picks up

"Hey babe, I'm actually kind of busy right now, how about I call you up later?"

He says, making Lia frown at his words.

"uhh... OK sounds good"

She replies, seeming rather sad with the fact that her boyfriend now had less time for her. She walks down stairs to have dinner with her parents. Her mother made her favorite food and said to her

"honey, we'll miss you a lot, one month from now you'll be on a plane to Korea."

A tear rolls down her mother's eyes and Lia wipes it off and says

"mom, I'll miss you and dad too but I promise you that I'll always visit when I'm on a holiday, okay?"

Her mom cups her cheek and says

"OK, I love you honey"

Then she hugs her, her father as well joins in.

They have their dinner and go to bed. Lia on the other hand couldn't sleep, she kept continuously thinking about James because she hadn't seen him for a year and was excited to see him again.

She wasn't able to tell him which university she was going to because he was busy and had no time for her.

The next day she wakes up really late, she takes her bath and dresses in casual clothes. She walks down stairs to meet her parents, her mom in the kitchen and her dad on the couch reading the news paper.

"morning mom, morning dad"

She says, her mom looks at her and says

"morning honey, come have breakfast"

Her dad puts down the news paper and walks up to her and kisses her forehead

"morning sweetie"

He says and they both walk over to the dining table to set the plates. When done, her mom brings the food to the dining table and they begin eating. After she they have breakfast, she clears up the table and washes the dishes. She assists her mom in vacuuming the house and settles down to watch a movie. She turns on the TV and starts watching all the while not paying attention as she momentarily kept thinking of James.

Weeks passed and Lia had no normal conversation with James without him making excuses of him being busy.

It's the beginning of a new week, sunday, Lia's up stairs on her room packing her luggage for her flight the next day. While packing, her mom and dad walk in and ask if she needs help packing her luggage, she gives a warm smile and says

"yes, I do"

And they help her with her bags.

Night comes and Lia is about to go to bed. She sets her alarm to wake by 6:00 then goes to sleep.

She wakes at 6 am, takes her bath and gets dressed. She walks downstairs with her luggage and see her mom and dad waiting for her. Her dad helps her with her luggage, putting it on the trunk of the car. She hugs her mum and kisses her goodbye before hopping into the car with her dad and drive to the airport.

When they arrive, she takes out her luggage and goes to to meet her dad who was standing beside the driver's side.

"dad, I love you soo much"

She says, hugging her dad.

"I love you too honey, take care of yourself" he says, kissing her forehead whilst cupping her cheek. Tears stream down her eyes and her dad wipes it away.

"don't cry honey..... Don't cry"

Her dad says, sniffing as a tear drop falls from his eye lid and unto her hand.

She sniffs,

"you tell me not to cry yet you're crying"

She says, smiling.

She hugs her dad and grabs her luggage, leaving him standing next to the car. She looks back to her father still standing next to the car as people walk past him with their bags.

After all the requirements, she boards the plane. She sits in the public class happy that her and her James were going reunite but was sad for leaving her parents behind.

A few hours later the plane lands in Korea, she collects her luggage and heads for the exit. She tripps falling to the floor, she shuts her eyes waiting for the impact when she feels two arms around her waist, she opens her eyes and her blue eyes meets his grey ones, a black mask on his face and his black long shiny hair touching his black eye brows.

"are you okay?"

He asks, his accent ringing in her ears,

"yeah I'm good, thank you"

She replies as he helps her gain her balance.

"no need don't thank me, it's fine"

He says then walks away.

Two ripped men looking like they live in the gym trail behind him in black suits which are not able to contain their muscles.

Must be rich..

She grabs her luggage and continues her journey to the exit.

Standing on the top stair looking out for a taxi, as people pass by her going in and coming out, she hears a sound of something drop. With the thought of -it might be mine- she looks down at it, unable to identify it, she crouches down and picks it up.

An ID card..

She reads out the name on it

"Baek Hyun"

She looks at the pic on it

Those eyes...

She looks around for the person as her eyes land on the man who had caught her from falling moments ago about entering a black car taking off his face mask as he did so, the two men in black suits from earlier standing beside it. She sees his face and her eyes widen as she realises it's his ID she held in her hands understanding why his eyes looked familiar, she leaves her luggage on the top stair and rushes down to give him his ID before he leaves.

"excuse me!"

She yells, waving the ID card in the air.

The two men beside the car walk forward, alarmed, as they stop her from coming any further. She stops on her tracks, their muscles acting as a wall as they look down at her with a straight face.

"It's not like being 5ft6 is a sin, quit flashing your muscles at me"

She says, holding her waist.

"what do you want? "

They ask almost angrily

"look, I'm not some obsessed fan, I don't even know who he is, I just wanna return his ID card"

She says, waving the ID at their faces

"let her pass"

A deep voice Interrupts from behind the two wall-like men. The two men give way and she passes in between them. She walks towards him, the sun almost blinding her as she uses her hand to block it.

Standing a feet away from him, she looks up to meet his gaze.

Fuck, he's like the Eiffel tower....

Meeting his gaze, she felt a shiver run down her spine,his clear skin, his hair, shiny black, his double eyelids with beautiful ash coloured eyes, his small, thin pink lips, his slightly broad shoulders, he looked at least 6 feet 2 inches, a V-line shaped face and defined cheek bones and not even a spec of facial hair, his muscles were medium sized, they still showed through the sleeves of his black coat. He said to the guards

"it's ok, I'll talk to her"

And the guards go into the passenger and drivers seat of the car, he put his hand in his pocket, brought out his nose mask and put it on. she felt a bit uncomfortable but ignored it,

"do you need help or something?"

He says, pride oozing fiom his tone.

"I don't I just wanted to give you your ID, and it has your face on it so yes.....Its yours"

She hands him his ID and he collects it. She waits a few seconds expecting a thank you but gets none, she's about to inquire but he interrupts her and says

"don't expect a thank you, I only say thank you for important matters"

"so your ID isn't important? "

She asks with a raised eyebrow  

"it is important.."

He says crouching down to her height

"....but you are not"

He finishes, she takes a moment to process his words as he hops into his car.

Wait.....He just called me unimportant....

She is about to reply when he closes the door and the car zooms off leaving her coughing in the dust of its tyres.

She becomes furious but knew she couldn't do anything because he already left, instead she shouts

"if I ever see you again, I promise you, I'll hit you! "

She yells, shaking her fists. She looks around noticing that all eyes were on her so she quietly goes to get her bag, get a taxi and leaves.

She arrives at an apartment building of 5 floors, she got an apartment she could stay in on the third floor.

The apartment is quite nice.

The apartment walls were white, with a glass wall which had white lace curtains on her left, the kitchen was next to the sitting room where she could easily access it and the bedroom door was on the right side of the kitchen about seven feet away. She cleaned up the apartment but was too tired to set up her things so she layed on the bed to rest.

She woke 5:27 pm and remembering she had to call her parents. She calls them up and tells them she had reached and is sorry for not calling them up earlier because she was asleep. Her parents accepted her apology, they talked for a period of time until they finally said their goodbyes. She eats chips and gulps down a full glass of milk before going back to bed.

The next morning she wakes early and takes a shower, when she's done, she dresses up in a pleated plaid mini skirt with colours yellow and black, then puts on a black baggie cardigan with black shoes.

Kicks to be precise.

She grabs her bag and gathers the things she needs, shoving an apple in aswell, she leaves her apartment locking the door behind her. She walks down stairs to the lobby and takes a cab to the university.
