
Love of Butterflies

Neglected since childhood, the elder brother believes that no one can understand and love him except his younger sister. A devil who loves the girl very much wants to take her hand and change her life, to become an angel. But another angel also loves the girl very much. The elder brother, who has been neglected since birth, will love the younger sister, will understand that the only life partner he wants to make is his own younger sister. In the midst of all this, the girl learns about the supernatural power latent within her, which is both terrifying and at the same time a wonderful blessing. In this situation, who will the girl choose as a life partner?

M_M_Mukti · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 03

<p>Samuel is quite taken aback by Nevah's sudden action. He tries to tell her something. But he fails as Ibel laughs. Max himself smiled and asked,<br/> 'What name? Samuel? He's standing right next to you?! Ridiculous!'<br/> <br/>Ibel stopped laughing. 'Are you kidding us? Nevah, have you lost your senses due to the grief of separation? There is no one here but the three of us.' At the end of the speech she burst into laughter.<br/><br/> Nevah gets quite angry. It changes the color of his eyeball. Her eyeballs glowed in blue color. She said in a stern voice,<br/> 'Now you want to prove me mentally unbalanced by cheating, cheaters? Stay within your bounds, band of deceivers. Come on, Samuel.'<br/> Nevah left the place, dragging Samuel with mixed feelings of anger and sadness.<br/>Ibel laughs out loud. She stops laughing and says to Max,<br/> 'Max, maybe she's having an affair with an imaginary boyfriend to get over the breakup. She herelf knows that she does not deserve to have a second lover.<br/> 'Don't talk about low class girls,' Max snapped Ibel back into the arms. Their love affair starts again.<br/><br/> Nevah let go of Samuel's hand after coming quite far from the house. She looked down and said,<br/> 'I'm sorry for lying to them. And thank you for helping me. I'm going, good night.'<br/><br/> She does not allow Samuel to speak. Samuel simply calls her back by name. She ran into the house. He finished his speech by saying in a low voice,<br/> 'But they didn't really see me.'<br/><br/> Mrs. Florida was sitting on the couch watching TV intently. Her attention was distracted by the sound of the door opening. Looking towards the entrance, she saw her daughter entering. Nevah looked into her mother's way with teary red eyes. Then she ran to her room. Mrs. Florida simply calls out to her from behind, but she leaves without an answer. Mrs. Florida quickly closed the entrance. She switched off the TV and proceeded towards Nevah's room.<br/><br/> When she opened the door and looked inside, she was frightened, restless. Because her daughter is leaning on the bed with her head on her knees and crying continuously. She sat next to her daughter in a healthy manner. Patting Nevah's head, she asked in a gentle voice,<br/>' Oh my little angel! Why are you crying so much? Who hurt you? What happened? Is Samuel responsible for these tears?'<br/>Suddenly Nevah spoke in her mother's harsh voice. She hiccupped and tried to answer in a trembling voice, 'No, mom. Max, he's with Ibel… He cheated on me.'<br/><br/> Mrs. Florida held her daughter and let her cry. She just kept patting Nevah's back. After crying for a while she became somewhat normal. Mrs. Florida smiled softly and wiped away her daughter's tears. She said‚<br/>' It was supposed to happen. It's normal, Nevah.'<br/> Nevah asked while furrowed her eyebrows,<br/> 'What are you trying to say, mom?'<br/> 'Max wasn't for you. He is not right for you. I was aware of this. Inappropriate people are in our lives for a while.'<br/> 'Mom, you knew but why didn't you tell me? It was my first love, mom!.'<br/> 'Love? There was no love. Which was, just a crush. It's not necessary that first love will be true love.' She smiles.<br/> 'There is no difference between love and being loved. True love never comes to life for a moment, Nevah. It comes and blows the spring breeze into our lives, our minds. The remnants of which remain throughout life. Real love gets complete even from the imperfections.'<br/><br/>Mrs. Florida collects a single eyelash from her daughter's cheek. Putting it in the palm of Nevah's hand, she says, 'True love is never weakness, never. It' an ultimate power, one of the miraculous powers. Remembering him brings a strange power to the mind and body. With him by his side, one is able to come back without falling to the ground in tears in front of thousands of cheaters like Max.'<br/> Blowing away eyelashes Nevah asked, 'And the loves that are temporary, those?'<br/> They come into life to teach you. Teaches something different; Learn to be strong, to control yourself. True love requires trust, patience, respect, seriousness, cares and understanding. If one of these is lacking, then it is not true love, Nevah.'<br/>Nevah thought about Mrs. Florida for a moment. Mrs. Florida smiled upon realizing this and told her daughter,<br/>' You can think about it later. Sleep now. Hoping to see a new morning from tomorrow. In that morning there will be no chapters on the impostors named Max and Ibel.'<br/><br/> Nevah smiles sweetly on the crying face. 'Good night, Mom. I love you.'<br/> 'I love you too, my life.'<br/> Nevah smiles. Mrs. Florida kissed her forehead and closed the door and returned to her room.<br/><br/>In the light of the table lamp, Mrs. Florida pulled out a handle. The handle is very similar to the hilt of a sword. Seeing the handle, she said,<br/> 'My dear Nevah, very soon you will be a young lady of twenty years. And from that day your life will change completely. You are stronger than him, as far as you know.'<br/> Carefully putting the handle back on and turning off the lamp, she fell asleep.<br/><br/> A bluish ray of light is seen through the window glass. At the speed of light it seems like a meteorite. After falling on the ground, the trees of that place caught fire. A gentle earthquake is felt in the sleeping city.<br/><br/>The next morning, Nevah woke up with a refreshed mind. She entered the kitchen and stood on the balcony of her room with a cup of coffee in her hand. In Geneva, the city of natural beauty, the red glow of dawn is visible and busy dispelling the darkness. Birds leave their habitats and go out in search of food. A cool, sweet and refreshing gentle breeze is blowing. This morning breeze is enough to refresh the mind and body. Nevah is enjoying the pleasant morning atmosphere while sipping on potable coffee.<br/><br/> Turning her head and looking at the hill to the left, she frowned. Stands on the left side. She is watching very attentively. It looks like a burnt mark on the mountain. Some gray smoke is still visible from the spot. The sun had not yet risen enough to evaporate the dewdrops on the grass in the heat. She thinks about it and talks to herself. She said in a slightly nervous voice,<br/> 'It looks like it was hit by something like a meteorite. An earthquake was also felt last night. What hit there?'<br/><br/>TO BE CONTINUE …</p>