
love of a Daffodil

Nain_Neha · Teen
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22 Chs

chapter 2

Hazel's mornings always began at 5 AM. She would wake up, complete her household chores, and then settle down with her books to study. After some time, she would head to the factory where she worked. On her way, she passed by a grand mansion, marveling at its grandeur.

"Who the hell lives here?" she wondered. "Maybe they have a lot of workers." She sighed deeply, feeling the weight of her own struggles as she rushed towards the factory.

Today was no different from the others. Hazel endured scoldings from various teachers at her university. Unlike her peers, she was not from a wealthy family and struggled with her studies. She had only gained admission to this prestigious university thanks to the influence of her friend Jain's father.

In the evening, Hazel, Jain, and their friend Merin gathered at a café, chatting and unwinding after a long day.

"Did you hear? Mr. Alexander and his family are coming for vacation," Merin said excitedly to Jain.

"Oh my God! Really? I met them at a party last time. His son, Mr. Christopher Jonathan... that dashing, hot man. I can't believe they're coming to stay near us," Jain exclaimed.

Hazel looked at them curiously. "Who are these people?"

"You don't know them, Hazel, Mr. Alexander Jonathan is the owner of Royal emperial group , a multi-millionaire. His wife passed away five years ago, and he has a son, Christopher Jonathan. He's very hot," Merin said, almost dreamily.

"Oh! Do you know them personally?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, my dad is the manager of his company, and they have a business partnership. We met them at a party. Christopher is a typical playboy," Jain laughed.

"Yeah... I don't like playboys," Hazel said, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, Hazel. He won't even look at you. He hates people from low-income backgrounds," Merin said, making Hazel laugh awkward


Hazel walked home, but something made her stop in front of the mansion. Today, it looked different. Two or three luxury cars were parked outside, and security guards stood at the gate.

"Did those people come back?" she wondered, feeling a pang of curiosity. She continued toward her house but frowned when she saw some unfamiliar people milling around her yard. She rushed over to them.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Who are you, Miss?" one of the men countered.

"My name is Hazel, and I'm the owner of this house."

"Hazel what? Your last name, please."

"Last name?" She swallowed hard. "Just Hazel, that's all. But what the hell are you doing at my house?"

"Your house? Are you sure? All these properties belong to Mr. Alexander Jonathan. They're starting a resort here," the man explained.

"A resort? This is my home and my land!" Hazel shouted, her voice trembling with anger.

"Then bring the documents to prove it," the man challenged.

"Documents?" She stared at them, feeling dizzy. "I don't have anything with me."

"Then you need to move out, girl. Come on, let's go," he said, turning away as if the matter was settled.

Hazel stood there, her head spinning as she watched them walk away.

Hazel was confused and tense as she walked to the factory. When she arrived, she saw a crowd of people standing outside, looking distressed. She frowned, approaching one of the employees.

"What happened?" she asked urgently.

"The owners are shutting down this company," the employee replied somberly.

"What?" Hazel's eyes widened in horror. "Since when?"

"It's already closed and sealed. Everything has been moved out," he explained.

Hazel felt her legs give way, and she sat down heavily on the ground. This factory was her only source of income, her only means of survival.


Hazel sat at home, staring blankly ahead. She couldn't muster the energy to do anything. Her phone rang repeatedly, her friends trying to reach her, but she ignored their calls. The factory had already shut down, and in a single day, her life had become a giant question mark.

She looked outside and saw a group of people measuring the land and taking notes. Her heart ached as she watched them. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"What should I do now?" she whispered to herself, feeling utterly lost and alone.

Suddenly, the door swung open. Hazel jumped to her feet, her heart pounding with fear. Standing in the doorway was a strikingly handsome man. He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets. He was dressed in a black shirt that clung to his muscular frame and black jeans that hinted at his wealth and status. His brown hair was tousled, giving him a rugged, disheveled look.

It was clear he was drunk, his eyes slightly glazed and his stance unsteady. Despite this, there was an undeniable aura of power and confidence about him.

"Who are you?" Hazel asked, her voice trembling

He leaning against the doorframe for support. Water please... He said in week voice.