
Love N War: A Werewolf Love Story

Luca was kicked out of his pack at the age of 18 because he fell in love with the son of an enemy pack. He had to relocate to a new town, and for three years he felt lonely. Even though they could see each other through video conferencing, Luca was still sad. He craved his alpha's touch. "Mates are supposed to be together," Luca stated flatly. "Not be divided by a stupid feud," Luca sobbed once more. Patrick, the pack's next alpha, despised the conflict between the two packs. He bolted when he sensed danger. Their lives were manageable until tragedy tore them apart.

BeckyBamaGirl1221 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 5


Patrick awoke and opened his eyes when the bed shifted. Luca had switched places and was now cuddling against his chest. He lay there quietly, watching his lover's chest rise and fall. Patrick closed his eyes and concentrated on Luca's steady breathing. He ruffled Luca's bangs, which were obstructing his closed eyes. Patrick looked down as Luca shifted in his sleep. The room's atmosphere darkened. Through their proximity, he could feel Luca's heartbeat quicken.

"Please don't leave," Luca pleaded in his sleep. Patrick lay there helpless, watching Luca curl up into a ball.

Patrick was concerned about what had caused the nightmare.

"I'm not leaving," Patrick said quietly into Luca's ear. He noticed Luca tense up his body. The spot on the bed between them was wet. Tears had formed and flowed down Luca's cheeks. "Wake up, babe," Patrick whispered into Luca's ear. His gentle words did not seem to have any effect. Patrick sat up and leaned back against the wall behind the bed. As a last resort, Patrick repositioned Luca so he lay on his chest.

Dr. Caldwell entered through the open door. He gave them a perplexed look.

Patrick explained, "He's having a nightmare."

"How long has it been going on?" he inquired, taking a step forward and checking Luca's pulse.

"Around thirty minutes," he estimated.

"Did anything happen between you two?" asked the doctor, rubbing his chin.

"No," he replied. "I spoke with my father," Patrick stated.

"How did it go?" he inquired.

"Not good," he grumbled, frustrated. "I resigned as pack alpha because they still didn't accept him," Patrick explained, his gaze falling to Luca.

The doctor took a step back and scribbled something on his clipboard.

"I think your mate knows you'll be there while he's awake," the doctor said. "But when he's asleep, his fears surface."

"I've told him I'm not going anywhere," Patrick said, puzzledly looking at the doctor.

"From what you've said, this sounds like PTSD," he said. "Let's see if this is a regular occurrence before we do anything," he said.

"But what can I do?" Patrick wondered.

"Make a note of when it happens and what happened right before," Dr. Caldwell advised.

"Can he go home today?" Patrick inquired.

"Yes, a nurse will bring the dismissal papers right away," he nodded.

As they waited, Patrick heard Luca groan and saw him stir. Patrick noticed that once he wrapped his arms around Luca, he relaxed and fell asleep again.

"Wake up, Babe," Patrick said. Luca gradually opened his eyes. Patrick's eyes were saddened by how bloodshot they appeared.

"Are we going home?" Luca inquired softly.

"Yes," Patrick confirmed. Patrick noticed the smile, but Luca's hazel eyes were sad. "Babe, what were you dreaming about?" Patrick asked. Luca lowered his gaze to his hands. When he looked up, tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm scared," he admitted.

"Of what?" he asked, hugging him.

"Everything," Luca said.

Luca sat quietly on the bed beside Patrick, who was lost in his thoughts. Luca suppressed a yawn.

"If you're tired, rest," Patrick advised. Luca shook his head and said, "I don't want to." Luca was tired but didn't want to confront the demons in his dreams.

"Please talk to me," Patrick said, his eyes narrowing. "What's the matter?" he inquired.

"Every time I close my eyes, it's the same dream," Luca sighed heavily. Patrick inquired, "Am I in your dream?" Luca lowered his gaze and nodded. "Luc, please look at me," Patrick said. Luca reluctantly raised his eyes.

"I dreamt that you left me," he said, tears running down his cheeks. Patrick drew Luca close and wiped his face with a napkin.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," he said. "I said I'd never leave you, and I meant it."

The doctor entered through the open door, holding his clipboard. A nurse quickly followed and unhooked the cords and IV from Luca's exposed skin.

"Sign these and you're good to go," the doctor said as he handed Luca the clipboard. Luca signed wherever he needed to while the doctor explained what each page was about.

"If you continue to have nightmares," Dr. Caldwell said, "we can talk about starting you on medication."

"All right," Luca said, nodding. "I don't want to feel like a zombie," he said.

"I'll make sure you won't," the doctor said.

They were sitting in Patrick's car ten minutes later. Luca leaned back in his seat, listening to the radio.

"Can we go ahead and go home?" Luca enquired.

"Are you tired?" Patrick enquired.

"I just don't feel like shopping right now," Luca explained.

"I'll get the stuff while you rest," Patrick said.

"All right," Luca said, "I'll try." After that, Patrick started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

When they arrived at the apartment complex, Patrick grabbed his bags while Luca stood next to the car.

"Let's go inside so I can unpack," Patrick suggested. Luca nodded and moved up beside Patrick. They entered the building and proceeded to the elevators. Their apartment was on the second floor, at the end of the hallway. Luca fumbled for his keys.

"I've got a spare," Patrick said.

"When did you get a set of keys?" Luca asked.

"I made a copy while you were in the hospital," he explained. Patrick set the bags down and unlocked the door.

Luca's eyes widened in surprise as they entered the one-bedroom apartment.

"This place looks like it was hit by a tornado," Luca said, looking around.

"I guess they had to rearrange things so the paramedics could attend to you," Patrick explained. Patrick noticed Luca's concerned look and said, "Don't worry." "We can rearrange it." While Patrick unpacked, Luca lounged on the queen-sized bed.

"Remind me to get some plastic hangers," Patrick said, noticing that the closet had only four spares.

Patrick stuffed everything he could into the closet and the four-drawer dresser. He put the rest of them in his bags and placed them on the closet floor.

"Will you mind if I get the items on our grocery list?" Patrick inquired.

"I'll be fine," Luca replied. Patrick kissed Luca on the cheek, took his keys, and walked out of their apartment.

Patrick's phone was on the kitchen table, which Luca noticed. "Oh, he forgot to get it," Luca thought to himself. "He can be a bit of a scatterbrain at times," The screen flashed just as Luca was about to replace the phone. A message was displayed on the screen. Patrick's father was the sender.

"Why can't he just leave us alone?" Luca grumbled angrily. Luca put the phone down on the table and went to his bedroom to unwind.