
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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982 Chs

How to sleep? Up and down can't be changed!

  Shinichi woke up exactly five seconds before Fumino woke up.

  It was rare for him to sleep so soundly. He didn't even dream. He just felt at ease, his mind was very clear and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

  Then he looked down, wondering, when had he held Fumino's hand?

  Shinichi was dumbfounded, Fumino's eye sockets shook slightly, she seemed to be about to open her eyes.

  "Umh... When did I fall asleep..."

  Fumino rubbed her eyes.

  She felt her heart beating faster than normal, the feeling of seeing her beside her when she woke up.

  She wanted to quickly avert her eyes, but found a wet mark on Shinichi's shoulder.

  The pool of water was her drool, and she quickly understood what had happened while she was asleep.

  Turning her head forward, Fumino placed her hands on her knees, her ears already tinged with red, she stammered.

  "Asa-Asada-san, I'm sorry... Your shoulders..."

  Shinichi didn't even look at her, flipped to the next page and spoke casually.

  "You can still drool in your sleep Furuhashi, your pretty girl arrangement is completely ruined."

  "This is force majeure..." Fumino smiled awkwardly, then realized something was wrong, and looked at him in surprise.

  "Asada-san, you just said that I'm a beauty?! How could Asada-san who is such a tsundere be able to so frankly compliment a girl… Did the worldline change while I was sleeping…"

  Shinichi stopped the plan to hit her head with a book.

  But understanding that Fumino was trying to keep the atmosphere from being awkward, Shinichi decides to forgive her once.

  Suddenly feeling a soft touch on his shoulder, Shinichi turned his head.

  Fumino picked up a handkerchief and wiped the water stains off his shoulder, and her expression was no longer joking, she was sincerely apologizing.

  "Is it dirty? I'm really sorry for dripping on you. Did you bring a spare uniform? I'll see if I can find a chance to wash it for you..."

  Shinichi thought for a moment.

  Fumino was clearly different from Nino, and he changed his mind.

  "You don't need to wash it. If I auctioned off these clothes, I might make a lot of money. After all, you're quite popular with the boys… Then I'll sell it for a good price, how about that?"

  Fumino gave up trying to shove the handkerchief into Shinichi's mouth


  After traveling three hours, the five tour buses finally headed for Forest School.

  The students got off the bus one by one, after gathering in the square, the teacher counted the number of students and went to the prearranged wooden house to store their luggage according to the class order.

  The wooden house that Shinichi lives in is No. 10, last log house on the second row, right near the edge of the forest.

  "Fuutarou, open the door."

  Standing at the door, Shinichi said.

  "Don't order me!" Fuutarou complained, but he opened the door with the key in his hand, and entered first.

  The room was not as dull and dusty as imagined, the window was slightly open, and the faint smell of trees made some of the people who entered show awe.

  "Forest school… Woohoo, I'm looking forward to it!" Classmate A, whose name doesn't matter at all, said enthusiastically.

  "Even though the light isn't that great, it feels good leaning against the railing to listen to the pines..." Classmate B whose name also doesn't matter, opens the window, closes his eyes and enjoys the wind blowing in.

  "Site survey preparations were meticulous, Asada."

  Classmate A put down his suitcase, the first thing he did was wipe the table with his index finger, then stared at Shinichi in awe.

  "Did you clear out all the cabins first? It's really hard work to organize a clean living environment!"

  Based on his understanding of Shinichi, he is the type to do his best. Even if he had to clean 30 plus wooden houses, as long as it was within the range of tasks, it would definitely be done perfectly, and no one would find fault.

  Simply put, it is a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Classmate A really admires these kinds of people, because their pursuit is higher than others, and the hardships and efforts they face are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  However, Shinichi denied

  "Of course not. There are household companies that only employ them. How can we waste time on such trifles?"

  What he said made so much sense that he couldn't refute it at all.

  Under his disappointed expression, Shinichi just shook his head.

  Even if he didn't have the funds to hire a household company, wouldn't it be great to arrange a "cleaning competition" and let the young masters and young mistresses do it themselves?

Fuutarou looked at the other four with their luggage.

  "How do we allocate beds?"

  Cabins are usually six-person rooms, that is, three bunk beds, because the men in the group are only divided into five, so one bed will be empty.

  The question Fuutarou was asking was, who slept with whom on the top and bottom bunks. Of course, it doesn't matter to boys, as long as they can sleep, it's not the same blanket.

  Five people quickly created a distribution:

  Classmates A and B get along well with each other sleeping in the same bed.

  And Fuutarou and Shinichi sleep in the same bed.

  After the two discussed, they decided on a sleeping method. Shinichi is above, Fuutarou is below, and the order cannot be changed.

  According to Fuutarou, he was used to sleeping on the floor, and sleeping too high would make him feel uncomfortable.

  Shinichi didn't mind this, at most it would be a little inconvenient to climb the stairs to sleep, and he wouldn't have to worry about being crushed if the bed collapsed, but he had to look after his little sister Fuutarou who lost her older brother.

  Hearing Shinichi's complaint, Fuutarou almost got into a fight with him on the bed. He totally deserves to be a Siscon.

  There was a sound of gathering in the square, and several people quickly tidied up, put on school sportswear and carried bags, and went straight out.