
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

Furuhashi Fumino Sitting at the Next Front Table

  (PS: Furuhashi Fumino and the quintuplets hair color is mostly based on the manga (and the Moegirl Encyclopedia), Furuhashi is black, and the quintuplets are all pink)

The first subject is math class.

  Since he had read all the math books in high school, Shinichi wasted no time on this knowledge, but took out a heavy novel from a drawer.

  [Original Sin-Pride], one of the original sin series written by famous author Akiyama Shinobu, it is a very popular work among young people these days, even the library has bought it.

  Since it was quite important, he borrowed it from the library and left it at school. He planned to read it in class, and only return it when he was finished, not needing to waste energy bringing it home.

  However, he had just turned the first page when he heard the sound of people sprawling across the table from the chair next to him.


  Shinichi turned his head to look, and saw a girl with a white headband on her head, long silky and beautiful black hair hanging behind her, a girl with a literary temperament lying on an open math book, with a tearful look.

  "No, I have to endure, I can't sleep..." the girl said, but she closed her eyes little by little, her struggling expression gradually relaxed, and after showing a serene smile, she fell asleep instantly.

  Not long after, Shinichi heard soft and steady breathing from next door, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, her rosy lips twitched twice, as if she was enjoying a meal in a dream.

  "Hehehe... Daifuku is delicious..."

  Shinichi: "😐"

  It's only been a few minutes since class started, the girl didn't fall asleep so quickly last time, please wait a little more, okay?

  Even though he hadn't spoken to her, but it had been at least more than a week since school started, Shinichi naturally recognized the girl who had fallen asleep as soon as class started, and she was also his only neighbor at the next desk this semester.

Furuhashi Fumino.

  She is tall and slender, with a serene and beautiful appearance, and a gentle and cheerful personality. More importantly, whether it is modern prose, or ancient prose, its value is undoubtedly the first throughout the year. She could be called a genius born in literature.

  With the characteristics of a Japanese student, of course she was given a suitable title – Sleeping Beauty of the Literary Forest.

  Seeing how she was sleeping so soundly now, and her sleeping face was so beautiful it was unbearable to crush, the nickname Sleeping Beauty truly lived up to her name.

"I've heard that Furuhashi's math scores are terrible, and her liberal arts grades are at the two extremes..."

  Staring at her sullenly, Shinichi turned the page of the book involuntarily, this was his habit when thinking.

  On the surface, the other party was an existence that dominated him in the liberal arts, and was also a beautiful girl, so after Shinichi found out that he was placed in the same class as her, he also knew quite a bit about her.

  It's no news that Furuhashi's grades in math were poor, but no one laughed at her, as her liberal arts grades were so good that she was immediately accepted into a liberal arts university. As long ass he waited until third grade, she could pass safely even if she scored zero marks on all of her math exams and didn't turn in homework.

  Shuch'iin Academy is like this, as long as the grades are high enough, as long as you excel in a certain area, you can receive a lot of benefits.

  Geniuses received far more preferential treatment here than anywhere else. Over the years, even the Genius Training Institute's gold nameplate has been created for this academy. Easily establish relationships with talented people.

  Furuhashi was one of the best geniuses, no one cared about her sleeping in math class, and teachers would turn a blind eye to her, as long as she didn't disturb anyone else.

  It was the same situation last week, Furuhashi could barely compose herself and listened to the class for 15 minutes, but in the end she was defeated and slept soundly until the bell rang to get out of class.

  If it was someone else, that person had given up on math and was planning on devoting her entire attention to the liberal arts, so fell asleep after only a few minutes in class, right?

  But at this time, Shinichi found something wrong.

  He took a closer look, and saw that under her gentle sleeping face, a pressed mathematics textbook was filled with various unanswered calculations, scribbles and there were even many question marks in the corners.

  A line of small characters also entered his eyes.

  "No matter how I calculate it, that's wrong… It really hurts 〒△〒"

  The words are very cute, and there is also a yan character next to her to show a feminine style, but can't hide the sadness and distress between the lines.

  Shinichi was a little surprised.

  (The girl who sleeps in this class, actually wants to take math very seriously?)

  From this small page, it can be seen that Furuhashi did a review before returning, and it was very extravagant.

  Shinichi knows at a glance that all of her formulas for solving problems are wrong, and no matter how long Furuhashi works, she will always get the wrong answer, but she writes an entire page, in handwriting everywhere.

  Shinichi had read her literature textbook before, and it was completely opposite to the mathematics textbook in front of him. The book was so clean one wondered if she hadn't opened it at all. The contrast is huge.

  What's this? She wanted to make up for what she lacked and become a perfect being… Bah, was being a perfect student?

  Why should she study mathematics so desperately when she could dominate the entire school by relying on the liberal arts?

  Doesn't she know that she has no talent in mathematics?

  Staring at her, Shinichi could only think, snapping his fingers back and forth on the pages of the book, he had forgotten that he was supposed to be studying in this class.

  After a few seconds.


  In the fog, she always felt that someone was looking at her with an extremely fiery gaze. Furuhashi slowly woke up from her dream, blinked her slightly confused big eyes, and gradually focused her gaze.

  When she woke up completely, the face of a man who was quite close to her immediately entered her eyes, those deep eyes fell on her, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he was thinking about how to deal with a sleeping girl. As if doing it himself, his entire expression revealed an evil feeling.


  Instinctively feeling scared, Furuhashi's heart suddenly stopped, it was a feeling of fear.

  Before she understood the situation, her eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and she instinctively wanted to scream.


  Shinichi came back to his senses at this moment, saw that Furuhashi had put fear in her throat and was about to scream, and it was a peaceful class time at this time, if she really wanted to scream, the whole class would pay attention to them in an instant, and then the consequences can be imagined.

  He didn't want to be considered a pervert who abused his classmates in class! When the day comes when his original hottie becomes like the King of porn who saw and raped the Sleeping Beauty, he will definitely be so embarrassed that he will come home and kill himself after dropping out of school!

  To protect his reputation and favorite title, Shinichi quickly uses his brain to come up with a solution.

  In less than a second, he raised his eyes and asked her in a low voice.

  "...Who said the line Just by doing your best, you won't go crazy?"

  "Hah..." Furuhashi froze for a moment, held back her screams, and replied in a low voice similar to reflex, "Osamu Dazai, this line comes from 'No Longer in the World'."

  Without giving her time to react, Shinichi asked again, "How about the line 'No matter what you do, don't worry. No matter what happens, calm down and calm down.' How about this sentence?"

  "Dickens, Bleak House." The answer was still restrained reflexively, and this time even Shinichi was a little surprised.

  Shinichi slightly raised the corners of his mouth, laughed softly, and kept asking.

  "Shinobi need to calm down and judge carefully. Those who violate the rules and iron laws of the shinobi world, we call them trash… But those who don't know how to cherish their friends are even worse than trash!— How about this sentence?"

  "Uh..." Finally, Furuhashi stopped the mechanical reaction and started using her head. As she thought, her slender brows gradually furrowed, and she tapped her chin with her fingers, "I don't think I've seen this sentence before. Eh? Wait, shinobi?"

  Finally she reacted.

  Seeing the question mark on Furuhashi's face, Shinichi smiled happily.

  "In Naruto, what did Uchiha Obito say to Hatake Kakashi... you don't usually read JUMP?"

  "Sorry, I don't read shounen manga very often, so I don't know…" Furuhashi scratched her cheek in embarrassment first, then her expression changed, and she slapped the table with her small hand, "That's not right! Why should I apologize?!"

  "How should I know?" Shinichi held back his smile, shrugged slightly, and replied with a sigh, "But have you calmed down? Gossip will spread throughout the school."

  As if thinking of that scene, Furuhashi shrunk her shoulders, her face slightly hot, but then she reacted, "So you asked that question just so I wouldn't scream? And purposely using a sentence with a calm vocabulary?"

  "Yes, thank you for your genius mind, for giving me the opportunity to explain."

  Shinichi nodded at her kindly, and gave a thumbs up in his heart.

  Also thanks to his smart mind, he managed to maintain his cool reputation and title.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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