
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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982 Chs

Bullying Fumino has become a habit, and she has gotten used to it herself

Regardless of singing competitions or sports games, Japan has a red and white group tradition.

Shuchi'in Academy is divided into red and white teams based on classes. Class A is the red team, Class B is the red team, and so on. This results in [Shinichi, Fumino, and Itsuki] being in the white team, and [Nino] in the white team, [Miku, Yotsuba, Rizu] in the red team.

If Ichika were there, the eight student council members might split into two factions.

As various competitions unfold, including Itsuki, many believe that the red team has already won.

So far, as Yotsuba participates in the competition, she is likely to become the first champion.

The marked gap on the scoreboard is clear.

Of course, it doesn't mean Yotsuba alone can lead the red team. After all, most sports festivals focus on team competitions, and Yotsuba's strength can't dominate everything. If the white team can catch up, it will be decisive. The possibility of a comeback is still very high.

Therefore, no matter which team wins first place in each match, they will cheer and applaud the same team members, whether they know each other or not. This unity is evident in the white team; they seem to appreciate Yotsuba as their representative.

The sports festival continues to heat up in this intense confrontation.

Another 200-meter girls' race concludes.

The winner of this race will face Yotsuba in the next final.

After recording their scores, the sweaty girls return to their classroom rest area.

"Too bad, I almost got first place... Thanks, Fumino, for your hard work."

"Furuhashi-san did a good job!"

"Yes, Miss Furuhashi can run faster than me..."

"I think she's faster than most boys..."

"At least she doesn't have to compete with the big guys from Class C. The devil is comparing..."

"Uh, sorry, the devil you're talking about is my family member..."

There is commotion around a girl very quickly.

Surrounded by so much encouragement and support, Fumino smiles bitterly.

"Everyone, I'm not too stressed~ It's better to say that my outstanding performance makes me very happy. I thought I couldn't make it to the top three..."

Before Fumino can wipe her sweat, she comforts the others in turn.

After all, for her, winning or losing doesn't matter as long as she gives her best in the competition.

Being able to compete evenly with her opponents makes Fumino feel great and accept the competition results without regret.

"Wow, I'm tired~"

After bidding farewell to the others, Fumino sits next to Shinichi, who is browsing his phone. She pulls her collar to cool herself, revealing a pair of graceful collarbones.

Then, she takes a kettle and starts filling it with a lot of warm water.

"Asada-kun, did you just watch her race?"

While Fumino is drinking water, Itsuki sits on the other side of Shinichi, her long curly hair tied into a ponytail.

"Fumino ran faster than during the physical fitness test and almost outpaced the opponents from the athletic club! I'm not lying to you, from my perspective, it was only a little behind..."

Itsuki is as enthusiastic as if she experienced it herself and also feels regretful for not being able to participate.

She really wonders if she'll feel the same after the "Bread Eating Contest."

"Um, I just went to see it. Too bad,"

Shinichi shifts his gaze from the phone to Fumino.

Fumino is concentrating on refilling water when she suddenly realizes his gaze. As she looks at him with a suspicious look, she realizes something is wrong with his focus.

Bowing her head along the track, her face darkens.

"Too bad."

Shinichi repeats it, as if he didn't realize that Fumino had put down the kettle and was staring at him with sharp eyes, then calmly looks at Itsuki.

"Fumino just started a bit slow. If she had received special training, she should be able to surpass opponents with her speed."

"Really? Then what was with the rude look you just gave?"

Fumino forces a friendly smile.

"Asada-san, let me say it first... The opponent seems to be similar to me; I'm definitely not losing in the race because my chest can't reach the finish line, right?"

Itsuki looks at her with a sympathetic but helpless expression.

"Fumino, Asada-kun doesn't think that way... Why are you willingly hurting yourself?"

"Itsuki, you don't understand."

Fumino shakes her head, her soft voice full of resentment, and her eyes pierce Shinichi like knives.

"This guy, whether it's his recent gaze or intentionally exaggerated explanation, it all hints at the most regrettable thing about me! You must understand that he's a scoundrel who likes big breasts!"

The more Fumino speaks, the more distressed and angry she becomes.

In response to this, Shinichi looks up at the sky and responds with the standard scoundrel attitude of "don't admit, don't deny, and ignore."

"Fumino, please calm down. There must be a misunderstanding here..."

Itsuki wants to prove Shinichi's innocence, but she lowers her head and stares at him deeply.

"There always seems to be foolish people who say things others dare not say and do things others dare not do, so that people don't live in a world full of lies... Itsuki, isn't that right?"


Itsuki doesn't understand the meaning of his words, but it seems reasonable.

She seems not to expect an answer; Shinichi smiles and pats her shoulder, with a relaxed expression.

"That's why I want to be a fool like that."

His voice is gentle but full of strong determination.

As Itsuki is puzzled, Shinichi looks at Fumino.


"Asada-san, it seems you're ready to bear the consequences."

Fumino smiles gently and taps the slightly damaged stainless steel kettle in her palm.

With a spirit of generosity and truth, Shinichi doesn't dodge or avoid and speaks with clear thoughts.

"Although I personally don't have a particular interest in breasts, before the finish line, I had thoughts like, 'Maybe it's because of the difference in breasts? It's not good if there's no burden,' and I deeply regret that!"

Fumino immediately hides her smile, her eyes glaring angrily, and the stainless steel kettle falls, aiming for Shinichi's head.

"Apologizing is useless, just die!"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Itsuki reaches out to protect Shinichi, who is awaiting death.

"Fumino, show some mercy!!"

Just as the three of them perform their respective actions, an intense duel is about to begin in the rest area.

"Hey, it's time to compete."

The young man sitting in front, who quietly watched the flashcards, stands up and squints his lifeless triangular eyes, freezing the tense atmosphere of the impending crisis.


Fumino intentionally stops waving the water bottle slowly and glances at Shinichi.

Shinichi also glances at the young man, then stands up.

"Okay, let's go."

The young man doesn't say anything and walks towards the track.

Shinichi looks at Itsuki, who still holds his arm, as if she could pull it closer to her ample chest anytime.

"Itsuki, I'll compete," Shinichi says with a smile, "I truly apologize for making you worry."

"No, it won't..."

Itsuki releases her hand, and Shinichi then looks into Fumino's eyes.

After both sides make eye contact, he leaves the rest area and follows the figure in front who intentionally stops to wait for him.

Fumino watches him go, and not long after, a hesitant voice is heard beside her.

"Um, Fumino, were you just kidding?"

Fumino looks at Itsuki and blinks in surprise.

"If not? What do you think? Would I hit Asada-san on the head with a water bottle? Just for such a trivial matter?"


Itsuki can't say anything and has a complicated feeling, unsure whether to feel relieved or dissatisfied.

Has she been teased? Or did she accidentally get involved in their daily interactions?

Either way, they both act as if it's real, and she is so scared that her heart is still pounding, fearing a bloodshed.

But for Fumino, having small breasts has become such a trivial thing that can be joked about.

It's clearly a sign of growth, but Itsuki sighs without reason.


Fumino tilts her head in confusion.

She doesn't know why, but she always feels that Itsuki's eyes across from her are looking at her with a hint of pity.

It's just an illusion.

"The next event is the two-person three-legged race. Participants are asked to go to the preparation area to get ready..."

After the starting line, Shinichi squats down and ties his laces. He's too lazy to pay attention to the unmotivated Fuutarou beside him. He stands up and shifts his attention to the next track, where the next two opponents will compete in the three-legged race.

They are also looking at him now, with undisguised surprise in their eyes, and pronouncing his name with a familiar voice.

