
2. Nights

Every night was the same, she had to endure all kinds of things and see others. She was already used to all that world but she also intended to get out of that place. The music played louder, people came to the bar and ordered their drinks. 

Her ritual was to wear a mask to hide her face in front of others, so she could live in the day and hide at night, it was her whole secret as well as her name. She found meaning in anonymity so that no one could take away her routine and she could take the risk of filling the fantasy of the guys who were looking for satisfaction or some other adventure.

She touched up her makeup, drank her strongest drink and stepped out from behind the curtains once the music started to play. The lights shining in her face, she couldn't see how many subjects were around her and cold hands on her waist snapped her out of her world. It was her turn to move, to start showing her show and it was time for the show to begin. 

She moves her waist to the rhythm of the music, smiles showing her teeth and runs her hands all over her body as she dances. The screams could be heard, her eyes were almost always closed to forget everything so as not to feel intimidated, the glasses banging against the tables and the requests of the people were breaking her concentration. They were all men asking for more, every night they were looking for more of her but she wasn't willing to take that step, the tiny clothes were the riskiest thing in her life and nothing else. The music stops, she slowly walks down from the stage and smiles at the men who were eating her up with their eyes, they were all euphoric and going crazy with excitement. She was just looking for someone who wouldn't overdo it at the time who would give her a sensual dance, she was just looking for someone who would give her that confidence in the look. 

She walked all over the place touching the shoulders of all the strangers who were having a drink, everyone was touching some part of her body and that made her a little bit disgusted. He wasn't finding that person so he could fulfill his last part of the job and thus not have a problem with his boss. The music was playing and the dj was asking her to get someone fast, her time was running out and she had to be quick. Her boss looking at her and pushing her to do it, she takes a chance. Without asking permission she settles on top of the man who was having a drink.


He is amazed at the place once he entered and couldn't believe it that such a thing exists. He smiles slightly as he finds a new place to let himself go. Many half-naked women dancing in front of the strangers' eyes, while they were having their drinks. He finds a table to settle at and surveys the place. A girl approaches him with a very nice drink and leaves it on the table.

He is impressed with the woman who was doing the show on stage while he takes his drink and stares at her. The music, the mask to hide and all that made him pay attention to discover who was that woman who was moving her body in front of everyone. The whistles let him see that she had left the stage to put on another show, he didn't understand anything of what was happening until he felt someone touch his shoulders and turn him around to stand on top of him. When he realizes, that strange woman in the mask was sitting on top of his legs smiling and getting close to his face —Just don't move and don't touch me — she asks him talking in his ear.

She leaves her arms behind her back as she stares at him. Something made her hesitate but she didn't understand why such a refined man could make her feel insecure.

She moves to his lips and he stares at her as their breaths collided. Something seemed to be telling them that they had already met but they didn't know where.

He turns his face away and takes a good look at her, — Do we know each other? — he asks.