


It’s Over


This wasn’t supposed to end like this. Watching River curling on the floor of the ladies' room, whining in excruciating pain, broke my heart. I couldn’t just ignore the image of her getting hurt on my watch.

It was all my fault. I let her go alone. Now disturbing things happened.

As rage called urgently in my veins, I dashed in and scooped her into my arms. She was shaking and crying from fear. River hastily coiled her arms around my neck. As she gripped my suit, I felt as if her fear was pulling her away into the dark abyss.

/"I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m here now. I would never let you out of my sight again./" My voice came out as a weak and pitiful whisper because I knew, and I felt I had failed her.

I just broke a promise.

I pulled her into my arms in a tight hug as I tried to calm her sob.